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19 Cards in this Set

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Indoor Air Contaminants

There are 9 main groups of contaminants Carbon monoxide Nitrogen dioxide Sulfur dioxide Ozone Particulate matter Formaldehyde Asbestos and other fibrous aerosols Volatile organics Radon

Carbon Monoxide Sources

kerosene and gas heaters, gas/wood stoves, fireplaces, smoking

Carbon Monoxide related issues

Initiates cardiovascular diseases Lethal to humans within a few minutes at concentrations > 5000 ppm

Nitrogen Dioxide Sources

kerosene/gas heaters, gas stoves

Nitrogen Dioxide related issues

Producing cough, irritation of the respiratory tract and breathing problems

Sulfur Dioxide Sources

Kerosene heaters

Sulfur Dioxide related issues

Initiates respiratory diseases (wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness)

Ozone Sources

Photocopying machines

Ozon related issues

Known to be a strong respiratory irritant Specific impacts are lung inflammation, breathing difficulties, aggravated asthma, etc.

Particulate Matter Sources

smoking, vacuuming, wood stoves, fireplaces

Particulate Matter related issues

Particles < 10 μm in diameter are problematic for the respiratory system; aggravated asthma, coughing, painful breathing, chronic bronchitis, etc.

Formaldehyde sources

smoking, construction materials (insulation, plywood, particle board, etc.)

Formaldehyde related issues

eye/nose/throat irritation, coughing, wheezing, chest pain, bronchitis, cancer

Asbestos and other Fibrous Aerosols Sources

construction materials (vinyl floor, cement products, decoration, insulation, fireproofing)

Asbestos and other Fibrous Aerosols related issues

lung disease (asbestosis), lung cancer

Asbestos + tobacco smoke → increase of lung cancer risk by five fold

Volatile Organics

smoking, cleaning sprays, paints, solvents, furniture, etc.

Volatile Organics related issues

eye/nose/throat irritation, allergic skin reaction, headaches, loss of coordination, damage to liver/kidney/central nervous system, cancer

Radon Sources

Soil, water, gas

Radon related issues

Lung cancer