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7 Cards in this Set

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Energy Readings

Easton, Should we continue to rely on fossil fuels?

Environment and Sustainability: A path to sustainable energy by 2030

- oil as a commodity- need to restore humanity’s metabolism

- difficulties of shifting from ff- low carbon energy

Short lived pollutants

Tutorial talk- in groups we talked abt the connection b/w these pollutants and agriculture

- cows produce a lot of methane


Pinchot, Principles of Conservation

- talks abt conservation/preservation and how we need both

Lecture: Anthrocentrism vs. Ecocentrism

- we need to be more ecocentric


Brown, Could Food shortages bring down civilization

- food security and consumption habits

Lecture: Dominant Social paradigm

- eating meat is the dsp


Easton, Are there limits to growth

- Spaceship earth (limited resources)

Easton, Should we be pricing ecosystem services?

- pricing endangers conservation


Mother:Caring for 7 billion

- growth paradigm (pop growth)

Easton, Do we have a population problem?

- exceeding carrying capacity

Extra references

- Rachel Carson: Silent Spring

- Kuhn, Scientific Paradigms


- Hetch Hetchy Valley

- An Inconvénient Truth