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75 Cards in this Set

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What is a noun?

A noun is a person, place, or thing

What is an action verb ?

An action verb shows action An action verb only has one verb

An action verb shows action An action verb only has one verb

What is a linking verb ?

A linking verbs connects the word that describes it.

A linking ONLY HAVE 1 VERB + an adjective/adverb/predicate to describe the subject

Example of linking verbs

What is a helping verb?

A helping verb comes before the main verb and helps show tense

MUST HAVE 2 VERBS : have + another verb , or will + another verb , or can + another verb, or would + another verb, or shall + another verb, or are + another verb, etc

Examples of helping verbs

Define adjective

An adjective describes a noun . It tells us which kind, how many, or which one

Define adverb

An adverb describes a verb. It tells us how when or where the action happens

Example of adjectives

1. The velvety sky was dotted with shimmering stars.

2. She wore a vibrant dress that matched her lively personality.

3. The ancient library was filled with rare, leather-bound books.

4. His unwavering determination was an inspirational force for the team.

5. The fragrant aroma of freshly-baked bread wafted through the air.

Examples of adverbs

She quickly finished her homework before going out.

The audience loudly applauded the performance.

He carefully placed the glass vase on the shelf

The cat silently prowled through the garden.

They happily accepted the invitation to the party.

Examples of actions verbs

Sometimes, I think about the mysteries of the universe.

She loves to create beautiful paintings in her studio.

The frog jumped over the log with ease.

The teacher explained the concept clearly to the students.

He cut this piece of paper yesterday.

Example of linking verbs

The sky is clear and blue today.

He was a hero in many people’s eyes.

They were champions after the tough competition.

The soup tastes like it needs a bit more seasoning.

The flowers smell wonderfully fresh this morning.

The leaves turn vibrant shades of orange and red in the fall.

Example of helping verbs

I do want to learn more about astronomy.

We have seen that movie three times already.

She will be attending the conference next week.

They can perform the task with ease.

You should check the weather before you go hiking.

He might come to the party if he finishes work early.

Identify the part of speech of the underlined word

Define the subject of a sentence

The subject of a sentence tell us who or what is doing the action or being described

Define the predicate of a sentence

The predicate of a sentence tells us what the subject is or does. It begins with a verb or sometime adverb

Examples of a predicate

Maria eats spaghetti every Sunday.

He is an excellent swimmer.

The children were laughing at the joke.

The weather can be very unpredictable.

They have been working on the project since January

Underline the subject in the sentence once. Underline the predicate twice

Define prepositional phrase

A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with an object.

It describes a noun or verb, tell us things like where,in which direction, which one,when

Preposition examples:

in, out, on,off,over,under,before, after,inside,outside,through, to,from, down, up,under,across, between, beside, during, with, at, etc

Common words associated with prepositional phrase

in, out, on,off,over,under,before, after,inside,outside,through, to,from, down, up,under,across, between, beside, during, with, at, etc

Examples of prepositional phrase

1. In the morning, the streets are quiet and peaceful.

2. The cat slept on the windowsill.

3. She stood by the door, waiting for her friend to arrive.

4. He drove through the tunnel to get to the other side of the city.

5. They laughed at the joke shared during the meeting.

6. She is interested in learning more about photography.

Underline the prepositional phrase in the sentence below. circle the preposition

Define compound sentence

A compound sentence is a two independent clauses combined with a comma and a "FANBOYS" (coordinating conjunction)

FANBOYS coordinating conjunction: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So

I went to bed early, **for** I was tired.

She bought apples **and** oranges from the market.

He neither drinks **nor** smokes.

I wanted to go to the concert, **but** it was sold out.

She's had many challenges, **yet** she remains optimistic.

It started to rain, **so** we went inside.

Provide a few examples of compound sentence

The concert was canceled due to the storm, but the band rescheduled it for next month.

I wanted to go for a walk, yet it was too cold outside.

She can join us for dinner, or she can meet us later at the movie.

He didn’t see the stop sign, and he drove right through the intersection.

They were out of apples at the store, so I bought oranges instead.

Define complex sentence

A complex sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause

Provide a few examples of complex sentence

1. Although the weather was cold, we decided to go hiking.

2. She completed the report before the deadline.

3. If you save your money, you can buy a new bicycle.

4. He couldn't see the stage because he was sitting too far back.

5. When the cake is done baking, it will be time to decorate.

A complex sentence has subordinate conjunctions

Examples of subordinate conjunctions

What is comma used for?

A comma is used to

1)separate items in a list

2) separate the day and year in a date

3) separate a cityand a state/country

Examples of comma uses to separate item in the list

1.We need to buy eggs, milk, bread, and cheese from the grocery store.

2.My favorite colors are blue, green, red, and yellow.

3. For the picnic, we packed sandwiches, apple slices, carrot sticks, and cookies.

4. The movie was exciting, thrilling, suspenseful, and ultimately satisfying.

5. She has lived in Berlin, Paris, New York, and Tokyo.

Example of comma being used to separate the day and the year in the date

1. July 4, 1776, is celebrated as Independence Day in the United States.

2. My birthday is on October 12, 1990, and I'm planning a big party this year.

3. The contract was signed on March 15, 2021, after months of negotiation.

4. On December 25, 2020, many people stayed home due to the snowstorm.

5. The museum opened on May 18, 2000, and has been popular ever since.

Examples of comma being used to separate a city and a state/country

1. I was born in Los Angeles, California, and I've lived here all my life.

2. We traveled to Paris, France, for our honeymoon.

3. The conference will be held in Austin, Texas, next spring.

4. She moved from Toronto, Canada, to study in the United States.

5. The package was shipped from Berlin, Germany, and arrived yesterday.

Define appositive phrases

Appositive is a noun or pronoun phrase that identifies the noun it stands next to

Examples of appositive phrase

1. My brother, a skilled guitarist, plays in a band.

2. The novel "To Kill a Mockingbird", a classic of modern American literature, was written by Harper Lee.

3. Leonardo da Vinci, a master of the Renaissance, was also an accomplished inventor.

4. Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, attracts many climbers every year.

5. Our neighbor, an elderly gentleman with a kind smile, always greets us in the morning.

Underlines appositive below

Underline the preposition phrase below

What is a line of poetry?

A line of poetry is single unit of verse

Examples of a line of poetry

-"In the silence of the night, how we shiver with affright"

"The autumn leaves drift by my window, orange, gold, and red"

"Beneath the moon's soft silver gaze, the ocean whispers secrets"

"Through the meadow's misty veil, the morning greets the day"

"Stars twinkle above, a dance of light in endless night"

What is a stanza of poetry

A stanza of poetry is a group of lines within a poem

Example of a stanza of poetry

Example of a four line stanza poetry:

Whispers of the wind through the willow's weep,

A gentle stream that through the forest creeps,

Where dappled light on the soft earth sleeps,

And the world in tranquil beauty keeps.

True or false: When tracking rhyme scheme, words that rhyme are marked with the same letter


Define exposition in a story structure

Exposition:is when it introduces the setting, key characters, and main conflict.


Example of an exposition in a story structure

Define inciting incident in the story structure

Inciting incident is where the event that triggers the main action of a story

Examples of inciting incident

Hamlet by William Shakespeare:

The death of King Hamlet serves as the inciting incident, setting off a chain of events that lead to Hamlet's quest for revenge.

Define rising action

Rising action is the event that builds tension and conflict.

Examples of rising action in Numbers the Stars

Define climax

Climax is the moment of highest tension and conflict in the story

Example of climax in story structure

Define resolution in the story structure

Resolution is when conflicts are resolved and satisfying conclusion.

Example of resolution

What is a setting?

A setting is where and when a story takes place

Define characterization

A characterization include descriptions,actions, and dialogue that reveal a character's traits

Examples of characterization

1st person point of view

The text includes "I" , "We" l, "Our, " My"," Us" without quotation or italicizing

I clearly remember the day he walked into my life, and my world changed from that moment on.

We were confounded by her refusal even to consider our offer.

My friendship with Sarah was never about common interests or anything like that but rather our twin souls.

Looking back, I see how it was inevitable that Tyler would have a meteoric rise to success and wealth.

Words associated with third person point of view

Examples of third person point of view

Define simile

Simile is comparing to using the words "like" and "as"

Provide a few examples of using simile

Define metaphor

Metaphor is comparing things without using the words "like" or "as"

Provide a few examples using metaphor

Define personification

Personification is giving human traits to something non-human (animals, objects, or ideas)

Provide examples of personification

Define moral

Moral is a lesson about safety or behavior

Provide example of moral in a story

A thirsty crow found a pitcher with a little water at the bottom. After failing to reach it with his beak, he dropped pebbles in one by one until the water rose high enough for him to drink.

Moral of the story: Necessity is the mother of invention.

Define fiction

Fiction is an imaginary work created by the author

True or False: Numbers the Stars by Louis Lowry is an example of historical fiction work

True! "Number the Stars” by Lois Lowry is a young adult novel that is also a Historical Fiction work: The story is set in Nazi-occupied Denmark during World War II and explores the bravery and sacrifices of characters facing adversity.

Define nonfiction

Nonfiction work is a narrative work based on real events or facts

Examples of nonfiction works

Define folktale

Folktale is a narrative or story that is passed down orally (word of mouth)

Provide examples of folktale

Rule for correct dialogue punctuation

1. Use Quotation Marks: - Enclose spoken, direct dialogue in double quotation marks in American English.

For example:

"Mom, Sanna and I only went to the store, and we came right back!" exclaimed Sarah.

Maxine asked, "If I spoke to Mr. Hooper, would he tell me he saw you there?"

2. Place End Marks Inside Quotation Marks:

Complete spoken sentences should always end with the end mark inside the quotation marks.

For example:

She reviewed the essay, stating, "You'll need to proofread for corrections."

She watched the light turn green and, glancing sideways, said, "What if we kept driving and just didn't stop?"

Rules for correct dialogue punctuation

3. New Speaker, New Line:

Each new speaker starts on a new line after a paragraph break.Open each new paragraph with a quotation mark but don’t close any of them until the very last paragraph.

4. Attribution Tags:

Use dialogue tags (e.g., “he said,” “she asked”) to attribute speech to specific characters.Place a comma before the closing quotation mark when using an attribution tag:

“I’m writing a short story,” Tanika said.

“Make sure you practice writing dialogue!” her mother instructed.

5.Interruption:Use an em dash (—) to indicate an interruption:

"I can help you win—if that is what you want.”

"I don’t know what you’re—

6.Pausing or Trailing Off:Use an ellipsis (…) to indicate a pause or trailing off:

“Get out!” she shouted, playfully swatting at his arm.

“You’re kidding me, right? We couldn’t have won…