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32 Cards in this Set

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It is a form of mass media

-Print Media

What is a Brochure?

-a corporate marketing instrument to promote a product or service

What are the important features of a brochure?

-Compelling Image

-Purpose of the Brochure

-Contact Info

-Time and Date

-Call to Action

It persuaded the reader by presenting arguments

-Argumentative Text

What is the structure of an Argumentative text?




It is a form of written text that aims to convince the reader

-Persuasive Text

What are the Features of Persuasive Texts?

-Rhetorical Questions

-Emotive Language

-Facts and Statistics


-Modal Verbs and Adverbs

What is a Sonnet?

-one stanza

-14-line poem

-written in iambic pentameter

What are the 2 types of sonnet?


-uses iambic pentameter

-10 syllables


-Francesco Petrarch

-first 8 lines: octet (abba-abba-cdc-dcd)

-remaining 6 lines: sestet

It encompasses a highly emotional story that is written in verse and meant to be recited

-Dramatic Poetry

What are the 3 types of Dramatic Poetry?

-Closet Drama (read)

-Dramatic Monologue (conveys message through character)

-Rhyme Verse (utilizes rhymes)

It is a short scene that captures a single moment


It tends to be less complex than novels and it focuses on only one incident

-Short Story

What are the elements of a short story?






It is a small booklet or leaflet containing info about a single topic


What are the contents of a pamphlet?


-Main Copy ()Purpose

-Images, graphics, icons, charts

-Contact Info

-Call to Action

It is the act of transferring info from one place to another


What is the root word of communication?

-Latin: Communicare = to share/to make common

It is a communicating style that is often used with family, friends, and loved ones

-Intimate Communication

He is a romantic period writer who is known to write poems that are rich in figures of speech

-John Keats

What are the 3 Figures of Speech?

What is Imagery?
-helps the reader visualize a literary text

It is used to express the meaning of a greater, often abstract concept through an object or idea used in a literary work


It is represented by an object, a character, or an element in a prose or poem


It is any type of publication that is published periodically


Why are periodicals often the best source for research?

-recent info
-info about a specific topic

-info on local issues

Why periodicals?

-covers events more quickly and concisely
-usually about specific topics

-more likely to cover local or state topics

What are the 4 periodical groups?

-Scholarly Journals
-Trade Publications

It is a genre of literature that expresses ideas, feelings, or tells a story in a specific form

It is written or spoken in its ordinary form


It is a personal type of conversation you also use with friends and family members

-Casual Communicative Style

What are the features of Casual Communicative Style?
-Jokes and Humor
-Slang language
-Informal abbreviation
-Speaker allows the listener to interrupt