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33 Cards in this Set

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Hit and miss

Sometimes good, sometimes bad

Neck and neck


They finished the race neck and neck.

Wear and tear

Damage through everyday use

Black and blue

Very bruised | کبود

Bumper to bumper traffic

Heavy traffic

Give or take

Plus or minus | کم و بیش

Here, there and everywhere


At sixes and sevens

In state of confusion

Out and about

Active, doing her usual activities

She was sick, but she is out and about now.

Chalk and cheese

Totally different

Hustle and bustle

Crowds and noise

In dribs and drabs

Small amounts at a time

She paid me in dribs and drabs, not at once.

Blood, sweat and tears

Hard work

He's going through all the blood, sweat, and tears involved in getting a PhD.

Time after time

Many times

I've asked you time after time not to do that.

Wax and wane

To fluctuate | بالا پایین شدن

Her interest in painting waxed and waned over the years.

Through and through

Completely (Used about ppl)

I'm a soccer fan, through and through.

Every nook and cranny

Every small place

There are plenty more fish in the sea.

برای دلداری دادن به کسی بابت کار یا یه شخص استفاده میشه.

It's easy to be wise after the event.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing.

نوش دارو پس از مرگ سهراب!؟

Its not over until the fat lady sings.

باید تا آخر صبر کرد تا دید چی میشه. (بیشتر برای مسابقه های ورزشی)

Enough is as good as a feast.

You shouldn't have more of sth than u need.

Ignorance is bliss.

You may be happier when you don't know all the facts about a situation.

Truth will out.

ماه پشت ابر نمیمونه.

Mum's the word.

دهنم قرصه.

Get your skates on.

Hurry up!

Do a hatchet job on sb or sth

To say or write a lot of bad things about someone or something in order to harm their reputation.

The famous critic did a hatchet job on his film.

Pick holes in something

To criticize an idea or a plan by saying what its weak points are

It's easy to pick holes in the plot.

An armchair critic

Someone who criticizes other people but who does not have any proper experience of the activity the other people are doing. | منتقد دوزاری

My uncle is such an armchair critic about the classes I'm taking—the fact that he never went to college doesn't stop him from weighing in!

To have your name in lights

To be successful and famous in theatre or films.

A leading light

An important member

To be waiting in the wings

To be ready and available to help or replace someone. Actors traditionally wait in the wings of the theater before stepping on stage.

To take centre stage

To be at the center of attention.

She always likes to take center stage in whatever she does.

It’ll be all right on the night!

Used to say that something will be successful, even though there have been lots of problems.