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42 Cards in this Set

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career break

a short period of time when you do not work in your usual job or profession

career prospects

the possibilities of getting promoted in your work


someone whose career is more important than anything else so that they will do whatever is necessary to be successful

career woman

a woman whose career is very important to her

career counselor

someone whose job is to give people advice about what jobs and professional training might be suitable for them

career structure

the way your career is built

career move

something you do to make progress in your career, sometimes not directly related to your job

career change

when you start completely different job or profession

career path

the opportunities that you have to move upwards in your job or profession

career ladder

if you work very hard you can work your way up this

to implement (business jargon)

to do

to utilize (business jargon)

to use

a paradigm (business jargon)

a model or typical example of something

to empower (business jargon)

to give more control

to dialogue (business jargon)

to talk to someone

onion skinning (business jargon)

attacking a problem layer by layer

to diarise (business jargon)

to schedule events in chronological order

analysis paralysis (business jargon)

planning in detail but failing to act

to rectify (business jargon)

to correct

to ballpark (business jargon)

to estimate

to carve out a niche (business idioms)

a person or company who focuses on a particular segment of a market

clinch a deal (business idioms)

reach agreement on a proposal or offer

cut and dried (business idioms)

a situation that is considered clear and straightforward

do the spadework (business idioms)

do the preparatory work or the preliminary research for something

copper-bottomed (business idioms)

a plan a contract or a financial arragement that is completely safe or reliable

have all your eggs in one basket (business idioms)

situation in which you depend on one plan or one source of income

down the drain (business idioms)

money time or effort which has been wasted or lost

hiring out (business phrasal verbs)

allow someone to use something temporarily in exchange for money

team up (business phrasal verbs)

join a group to do something together

write off (business phrasal verbs)

accept that a sum of money will not be repaid

measure up (business phrasal verbs)

have the necessary abilities or skills

stay behind (business phrasal verbs)

remain in a place when other people leave it

draw up (business phrasal verbs)

compose prepare a draft or version of

contract out (business phrasal verbs)

give work to another company

cash up (business phrasal verbs)

count all the money at the end of a business day

wound up (business phrasal verbs)


drum up (business phrasal verbs)


back up (business phrasal verbs)

provide support

booked up (business phrasal verbs)


bring forward (business phrasal verbs)

change the date or time so that something happens earlier than planned

talk over (business phrasal verbs)


pencil in (business phrasal verbs)

make a provisional appointment for a meeting