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32 Cards in this Set

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Energy is governed by

Law of conservation of energy expressed by the work energy theorem

Energy is the capacity to do


Work is done in a given time expressed as


The work energy theorem states the relationship between

Power and kinetic energy

The law of conservation of energy applies to forms of

Mechanical energy

Energy exists in

Different forms such as mechanical energy which may be classified as kinetic or potential energy

Kinetic energy depends on

Mass and velocity

Potential energy due to position is called ____ (1) and potential energy due to deformation is called ____ (2)

1. Gravitational Potential Energy

2. Elastic Potential Energy

Formula for work

FD or PT

Formula for power


Types of energy

Mechanical energy - possessed by objects due to motion or position

Electrical energy - movement of charges, may produce light energy by powering light bulbs

Light energy - electromagnetic radiation associated with certain wavelengths

Electromagnetic energy - light, x-ray, radio, TV waves, microwaves, UV rays, gamma

Chemical energy - stored in chemical bonds of atoms and molecules

Nuclear energy - stored in nuclei of atoms

Heat energy - released bg moving particles

Heat energy is produced by

Converting mechanical energy to the former by rubbing 2 objects together. Friction causes this

Kinetic energy formula


GPE formula

mgh OR wh

ME formula


Electric current is mathematically expressed as

I = q/t

Electric current may pass through

Semiconductors which may act as either conductors or insulators

Electric current flows easily through ___ and cannot do so through ___

Conductors, insulators

Electric current flows through an

Electric circuit

An electric circuit consists of

Source of energy, load or resistance, wires, and switch

An electric circuit may be classified as either

Series or parallel

Resistance of conductors such as wires depends on

Nature of material, temp, length, diameter

Electric current increases if there is an increase in ___ and decreases if there is an increase in ___

Voltage, resistance

Electric current can be measured by

An ammeter

Current is measured in ___


The direction of electric flow is from a place of

Higher potential to lower potential, the difference being the voltage measured in V(volts)

The direction of electric flow is from a place of

Higher potential to lower potential, the difference being the voltage measured in V(volts)

How much the conductor resists flow of electric charges

Resistance expressed in Ohms

Resistance of most materials increases with

The increase of temperature

The resistance of a conductor is directly proportional to its


The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to its


Ohm's law is represented by the equation

I = V/R which can be rearranged to V=IR and R=V/I