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55 Cards in this Set

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headache, palpitations, abdominal pain, nausea & vomiting w/increased urinary vanillylmandelic acid



alpha-blocker first then beta-blockers

- blocking just beta-receptors causes unopposed stimulation of a alpha-receptors and increased BP

Polyuria + polydipsia in normal individual

1. causes (2)

2. How to distinguish

1. Primary polydipsia vs diabetes insipidus

2. Water deprivation test - increased urine osmolality after water deprivation suggest primary polydipsia

ammenorrhea w/galactorrhea



dopamine agonists (bromocriptine, cabergoline)

Metabolic syndrome



At least 3 of 5 criteria:

1. Increase BP (hypertension)

2. Hypertriglycerides

3. Decreased HdL

4. fasting glucose > 100

5. Abdominal obesity

Insulin resistance

How does hyperventilation affect calcium?

Hyperventilation -> Decreased PaCO2 -> Repiratory alkalosis -> Increased H+ dissociation from albumin -> increased Ca2+ bound to albumin -> decreased ionized Ca2+ and hypocalcemia

best long-term therapy for graves disease?


Radioactive iodine ablation

pregnancy and severe ophthalmopathy

Causes of thyrotoxicosis with low radioactive iodine uptake (4)

- thyroiditis (inflammation causes leakage of hormones)

iodine-induced thyroid toxicosis

levothyroxine overdose

struma ovarii

Tight glycemic control in diabetes decreases risk of what?

microvascular complications (retinopathy, nephropathy)





Adrenal insufficiency (autoimmune)

Estrogen replacement or pregnancy in a pt w/hypothyroidism do what?


Increased L-thyroxine dose

Estrogen increases levels of thyroxine-binding globulin so more hormone is required to saturate these sites

Steatorrhea causes what vitamin deficiency

Vit. D deficiency

How to distinguish between follicular cancer and follicular adenoma?

follicular cancer invades tumor capsule and surrounding blood vessels

Constipation, abdominal pain polyuria, polydipsia

Vitamin D toxicity

Fatigue, proximal muscle weakness, increased CK, sluggish ankle reflex

First step?

Get TSH and Free T4

Diabetes Insipidus

1. Kinds - define

2. How to distinguish

1. Central - Decreased ADH secretion

Nephrogenic - ADH resistance

2. Desmopressin test - Increased urine osmolality s/p desmopressin means central DI

Pt w/AMS, wt loss, polydipsia and polyuria

next step?


Fingerstick glucose

Most common type of neuropathy in diabetics?

Symmetrical distal polyneuropathy

Gynecomastia w/testicular nodule negative beta-HCG and AFP

Leydig tumor (increased testosterone and estrogen)

Impotence and absent morning erections



Swollen hands/feet and coarse facial features.

1. Common cause of death

2. Next step in dx


1. Cardiovascular disease

2. Measure IGF-1 level

fever/sore throat in a pt on propylthiouracil or methimazole

next step

Stop antithyroid drugs and check WBC count for agranulocytosis


Effect of calcium?

40-55% of calcium is bound to albumin so decreased albumin can cause decreased total calcium but normal ionized calcium

headache, deafness, back pain in an elderly

1. Mechanism

2. Labs show what?

3. Tx

Paget's Disease

1. Increased bone remodeling (disorganized)

2. Increased Alk phos but normal calcium, phosphorus, etc.

3. Bisphosphonates

Screening recommendations for diabetes

Screen if BP > 135/80 and consider if >45 y.o. w/risk factors: ethnicity, hyperlipidemia, increased BMI, FH, cardiovascular ds, etc


1. Symptoms

2. Common location

1. Watery diarrhea, muscle weakness/cramps (from hypokalemia)

2. Pancreatic tail

Non-hormonal cause of hypercalcemia



Hydration & bisphosphonates

Treatment of choice for diabetic neuropathy




What vitamin deficiency w/carcinoid syndrome?

Niacin (Pellagra)

Carcinoid uses up tryptophan

Hirsutism + menstrual irregularities in an overweight female


Do what screening test?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Weight loss, oral estrogen/progestin contraceptive

Oral glucose tolerance test b/c of increased likelihood of having T2 diabetes

How to reduce progression of diabetic nephropathy?

1. Goal?

2. Drugs

Hypertension control

1. < 130/80

2. ACE inhibitors

Increased blood glucose, hypertension, and weight gain

1. Other signs/symptoms

2. Most common cause


1. Obesity, striae, proximal muscle weaknesses, and psychiatric disturbances

2. Excess glucocorticoid intake

Graves Disease

1. Mechanism

2. Mechanism of exophtalmos

1. autoantibodies to TSH receptors stimulate thyroid hormone production

2. Retro-orbital tissue expansion

What lab is specific for androgen-producing adrenal tumors?


Dehydroepiandrosterone - sulfate

Primary hyperaldosteronism

1. another name

2. common causes

3. Labs - renin, Na, K, bicarb

4. Tx

1. Conn's syndrome

2. Adrenal adenoma or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia

3. Decreased renin, increased Na, decreased K, increased bicarb

4. Surgery if unilateral adrenal adenoma spironalactone/eplerenone for all else

Medullary thyroid cancer secretes what?


pts w/Hashimoto's thyroiditis are at increased risk of developing what cancer?

Thyroid Lymphoma

Explain paradoxical hyperkalemia

Increased K+ 2/2 extracellular shift in DKA

Calcification of both adrenal glands

Most common cause of AI in the US

Tuberculosis causing adrenal insufficiency -> most common in developing countries

Autoimmune adrenalitis

Evaluation of thyroid nodule

1. First step

2. Fine needle biopsy if?

3. Radionucleotide scan if?

1. TSH and thyroid ultrasound

2. Increased TSH or abnormal US findings

3. Decreased TSH

hot nodule = hyperthyroidism

cold nodule = FNA

Psammoma bodies

What disease?

Papillary thyroid cancer

Hypothyroidism causes what lab changes? (3)

hyperlipidemia (increased cholesterol, increased triglycerides)

hypertransaminases (increased ALT, increased AST)

elevated creatine kinase

Diabetic med that causes weight loss

What side-effects?

GLP-1 agonist (glucagon-like peptide 1) -> exenatide, liraglutide

acute pancreatitus

Fatigue, hypotension, hyperpigmentation

1. Lab findings

2. Dx tests

Primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison's)

1. Decreased Na, Increased K, eosinophillia

2. Morning ACTH (high is diagnostic) and low cortisol cosyntropin stimulation (ACTH analog) -> should not increase cortisol

Anorexia, early satiety and vomiting in a diabetic



frequent small meals, metoclopramide/erythromycin

Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemia

1. Complication of what disease

2. Signs/symptoms

3. Labs: glucose? anion gap? Ketones?

1. Diabetes, type 2

2. AMS, weakness

3. Very high glucose, normal anion gap (unlike DKA), and normal or slightly elevated ketones

alcholic w/hypocalcemia cause?



Decreased PTH release and increased PTH resistance

Thyroid function test in a sick patient

disease name

Decreased T3, normal T4 and TSH

Euthyroid sick syndrome

Continuous urinary dribbling in a diabetic with high post void bladder volume

Neurogenic bladder dysfunction

Best marks of DKA resolution (2)

Serum anion gap


What treatment for Graves disease is associated with development or worsening opthalmopathy?

Radioactive iodine

What drug slows down diabetic nephropathy?

ACE inhibitors

Headache, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and visual disturbances


Hyperthyroidism + warm nodule

Potential complications if untreated? (2)

Thyroid adenoma

Bone loss, a-fib

Young pt w/hypertension that doesn't resolve with low-dose hydrochlorothiazide and hypokalemia

next step

Primary hyperaldosteronism

morning aldosterone: renin ratio

diabetes, wt loss, erythematous plaques, diarrhea, anemia
