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24 Cards in this Set

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What is a fluid?

A substance that tends to flow or conform the outlines of its container, and sometimes alters its shape in response to a force. (Gases and liquids)


Study of the motion of air and other gaseous fluids, and the forces acting on bodies in motion relative to those fluids


A body designed to provide a desired reaction force/moment when in motion relative to the surrounding air.

Important attributes of an airfoil

Span, chord, angle of attack, camber, shape (NACA), leading edge, trailing edge,

Forces created by airfoil and directions they act. How do they arise?

Normal (perpendicular to chord)

Axial (Parallel to chord)

Lift (perpendicular to relative wind)

Drag (Parallel to relative wind)

Pressure and shear stress distributions over the bodies surface

How is airfoil performance measured and reported?

Wind tunnel testing. Reported through angle of attack vs coefficient graphs

Where are airfoil forces assumed to act?

Center of pressure

What does the Reynolds Transport Theorem do?

Relates derivatives in the Lagrangian frame to derivatives in the Eulerian frame.

Center of pressure

Where all aerodynamic forces are assumed to act

Dimensional Analysis

Analytical method that allows us to identify the fundamental parameters that govern a relatively complex physical process

Buckingham PI Theorem

A method for reducing a number of dimensional variables describing a physical process to a smaller number of dimensionless groups

PI groups

If there are N variables in a problem and these variables contain K primary dimensions (for example M, L, T) the equation relating all the variables will have (N-K) dimensionless groups. These groups are the pi groups

How does one determine pi groups?

Choose K repeating variables. (K being # of fundamental dimensions). Make a product of those with remaining physical variables. Set up system of equations and determine exponents on repeating variables.

Flow Similarity

Flows that are both Geometrically similar and Dynamically similar

Geometric Similarity

Model and actual object have the same shape. (One is a scaled model of the other)

Dynamic Similarity

1. Dimensionless similarity parameters are the same for both.

2. Streamline patterns Geometrically similar


A line tension to the local velocity everywhere


Trajectory of an individual particle


Set of fluid elements that have passed through a fixed point in space


Set of streamlines that have passed through a closed curve in space.

When are streamlines, path lines, and streaklines all the same?

When the flow is steady

Mass flux

Mass flow rate per unit area

Stokes Theorem

Relates integrals on closed contour to projection of vorticity on the area within contour

Gauss's Theorem

Relates the flux through a volumes surface to the r.o.c of velocity within volume