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19 Cards in this Set

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What type of sander is used for removing old finish, paint and varnish from siding, wood, flooring and concrete?


How many portable sanders & names ?

- 3

- Belt, Disk & Finish

What are Finish Sanders ?

Finish sanders are used for light and fine sanding. Two kinds are orbital & oscillating.

Thermal spray coating shall be accomplished in accordance with what ?

MIL-STD-1 687

Where do condensate pumps take suction from under what type of NPSH conditions ?

Condenser hot well, extremely low.

What are epoxy-based compounds also known as ?

Polymeric-based compounds.

All foreign material on pipes should be removed at least what distance from repair areas on pipes ?

6 inches.

As the chambers of a vacuum pump continue around the contours of the pump casing, what happens to the chambers as they pass the discharge port?

They compress.

How is the centrifugal force that imparts energy to a liquid produced in a centrifugal pump?

By rotating an impeller within a casing.

On a vernier micrometer, the ten spaces on the vernier are equivalent to what number of spaces on the thimble ?


Micrometers Types & Uses ?

- Micrometers are instruments used to measure distances to the nearest one-thousandth of an inch. (.001, .01, .0001)

- 4 Types : Outside, Inside, Depth & Screw Thread.

Outside Micrometer ?

Used to measure outside dimensions to an accuracy of 0.001 of an inch.

Inside Micrometer ?

Used to measure inside diameter to an accuracy of 0.001 of an inch.

Depth Micrometers ?

Used to measure depths to an accuracy of 0.001 inches.

Screw Thread Micrometer ?

Used to determine the pitch diameter of screws.

The circular saw can be used to make which of the following cuts ?


What type of tube is used in a typical pressure gage?


Any quantity of water in an oil sample is indicative of what?

Poorly fitted or worn carbon packing on turbine-driven engines.

In general, insulation is installed for all machinery piping and equipment having what external Temps?

125° or Higher.