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30 Cards in this Set

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True or false, there is an immunization for TB?


Which test can detect tuberculosis?

Tuberculin skin test (TST)

What is defined as a state of physical and/or psychological arousal to a stimulus?


What are the three stages of stress?

Alarm reaction, stage of resistance, exhaustion

Which stage of stress relates to fight or flight?

1st, alarm reaction

What is cortisol?

-Hormone that influences metabolism and immune response.

-critical to your body's ability to adapt to and cope with stress

Which stage of stress does your body return to normal functioning?

2nd, stage if resistance

What are the three types of stress REACTIONS?

Acute, delayed, cumulative

What is a delayed stress reaction also known as?


What is hypertrophy?

Enlargement of adrenal (adrenaline) glands

What is atrophy?

Wasting of lymph nodes, bleeding gastric ulcer

Which stress reaction occurs as a result from prolonged reoccurring stress in work or private lives?


What are some causes of stress?

Multiple casualty incident, severe injury, calls involving infants or children, abuse or neglect, death of a coworker

What is eustress?

Positive form of stress, helping with work under pressure and responding effectively

Emotional stages of death and dying?

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

Two methods of lifting that can help avoid injury

Power lift and power grip

How far apart are your hands for a power grip?

At least 10 inches

What are three ways to move a patient depending on the situation at the time?

Emergency, urgent, non-urgent

Which move is used when transferring a patient to a backboard?


Rapid extrication from a vehicle is considered emergency, urgent, or non-urgent


What is a bariatric stretcher?

Transport obese patients, some rated for 800lbs or more

What situations would the recovery position be used for?

Puking situations such as drunks, seizure patients

Scope of practice is ______

What you do

Standard of care is ______

How you should care; what's expected to be provided by an EMT

What are the types of consent?

Expressed consent, implied consent, in loco parentis

What is an example of why we would involuntarily transport?

Suicidal, mental disorder, court order

What should you do if a patient refuses?

Make sure they are fully informed, what implications this may cause, possibly have a doctor or family member speak with them

-must be legally able to consent, a wake and oriented, asked to sign release form

Unwanted care and transport can be considered ____ or _____ in a court of law

Assault or battery

For reassurance before you leave a patient who refuses, what should you advise the patient of?

To call back anytime if there is a problem or wishes to be cared for or transported

What must be proven against an EMT for negligence?

-EMT had a duty to act

-did not provide standard of care (breach of duty)

-proximate causation (damages were result of action or inaction by emt)