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25 Cards in this Set

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S 86 ERA

Statutory minimum notice

Rai v Somerfield

Ultimatum is not notice

Wilson v Racher

Single incident of provoked obscene language not enough for repudiatory breach, must be insulting to such a degree as to be incompatible with continuance of master/servant relationship

Laws v London

Disregarding essential condition of contract is repudiatory breach


Unauthorised use of computer is gross misconduct, repudiatory breach


No damages for handicap on market beyond notice period

Malik v BCCI

Damages for mutual trust and confidence can be recovered where damage to reputation caused by employer conduct

Hill v Parsons

Injunctions can be granted in special circumstances, pension rights

Jones v Gwent

Injunction restraining employer from dismissing employee granted on basis that letter of dismissal was contrary to contract of employment so invalid

Société Générale

Repudiatory breach by employer not effective without acceptance by employee, elective theory


If employer is guilty of significant breach of contract which amounts to repudiation, there is constructive dismissal

Lewis v Motorworld

Constructive dismissal: series of acts by employer can cumulatively be taken into account, objective test

McBride v Falkirk FC

Breach of implied term of mutual trust and confidence is repudiatory breach, objective test


Retraction of repudiation can prevent constructive dismissal


Frustration is not dismissal, heart attack

Monie v Coral Racing

Employers cannot rely on subsequent, different reasons for dismissal


Tribunal's task is to discover reason actually motivating employer at time of dismissal


If dismissal is constructive, relevant reason is reason for act which constituted repudiatory breach

East Lindsey

Employer should consult employee and ascertain true medical position before dismissing due to ill health

L v M

Dismissal may be unfair when illness caused by stress at work

Parr v Whitbread

Dismissal of whole group may he fair provided reasonable investigation didn't identify true culprit + was one of them + could have been any of them

Sainsbury's v Hitt

Box of razorblades missing, found in C's locker, he and another had opportunity, held unreasonable non-investigation of who had keys to locker, who else had opportunity and where bakery manager was; band test applies to investigation as well

Henderson v Hackney LBC

School mentor viewed + distributed pornography at work, dismissal was fair because it showed poor judgement and reasonable employer would have dismissed

British Waterways

Posting inappropriate comments about colleagues on Facebook can justify dismissal if it undermines working relationships, damages company's repudation and reasonable employer would dismiss

Game v Lewis

Employee posted obscenities on Twitter, started for work purposes and many work-based colleagues followed him, reasonable to dismiss for potentially damaging company's image