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90 Cards in this Set

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Defect resulting from intrinsically abnormal developmental process (i.e. chromosomal abnormality)
Defect resulting from extrinsic breakdown/interference (i.e. teratogens)
Abnormal form, shape, or position of a body part due to unusual mechanical forces (i.e. oligohydramnios)
Abnormal organization of cells into tissue
Club foot
Any abnormal positioning of the foot involving the ankle. Attributed to oligohydramnios, possibly.
Teratogen, can cause phocomelia (disruption of growth in the progress zone of the limb bud).
Anticonvulsants (dilantin, novophenytoin, diphenyl hydantoin)
Fetal hydantoin syndrome: craniofacial defects, nail and digital hypoplasia, MR
Webbing or osseus fusion of adjacent digits (mutations in BMPs, CRBPs, MSX1 genes)
Extra digits (overexpression of Shh, FGFs)
Postaxial deletions
Mutations in WNT-7a (necessary for normal anteroposterior positioning)
Mutation in HOXD13
Holt-Oram syndrome
Mutation in TBX5 - heart-hand syndrome
Finger and toe regeneration in children
Under age 6, amputation injury of last phalanx (if at interphalangeal joint or through the distal phalanx)
Pectinate line
Proximal 2/3 of anal canal: endodermal, venous portal system, lymphatics to intestinal trunks (to cisterna chyli), visceral innervation

Distal 1/3 of anal canal: ectodermal, venous caval system, lymphatics by superficial inguinal nodes, somatic innervation

Tells you how cancer or infections would spread from these regions.
Intestinal protrusion covered in peritoneum and amnion, due to incomplete return of midgut loop (gastroschisis: herniation not covered in any body wall)
Annular pancreas
Bifid ventral bud fuses with dorsal bud and obstructs the duodenum
Accessory pancreatic duct (of Santorini)
Duct from dorsal bud that leads directly into the duodenum
Meckel's diverticulum
Failure of proximal yolk stalk to degenerate. Located on ileum. Generally ok, but can become inflamed.

Umbilical fistula: if opening to umbilicus persists after birth
Abnormal rotation of the midgut, can result in necrosis and gangrene (due to obstructed blood flow from the superior mesenteric artery)
Aganglionic megacolon
Hirschsprung's disease - failure of neural crest to form the myenteric plexus on sigmoid colon and rectum. Results in enlarged colon, abdominal distention, no peristalsis, abnormal fecal retention.

Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis can also result.
Stenosis or atresia can result from abnormal apoptosis within the gut lumen.
Abnormal partitioning of the cloaca
Failure of the urorectal septum to fuse with the cloacal membrane, resulting in a persistent cloaca and shared opening of urethra and rectum. Fistulas may form connecting rectum to perineum, vagina, or urethra.
Abnormal development of ureteric buds
Renal agenesis. Sometimes, two buds may result in the production of supernumerary kidneys or bifid kidneys or ureters.
Bilateral renal agenesis
Oligohydramnios, amniotic band syndrome possible, not compatible with life outside the uterus. Results from failure of induction of the mesonephric duct by the metanephric blastema.
Obstruction of ureter, polycystic kidney
Persistent older arteries or veins that can constrict and block the ureter, urine backs up in the tubules and loops of Henle.
Abnormal connections of the ureters
Ectopic ureters at neck of bladder, genital duct, prostatic urethra in males or neck of the bladder or vestibule of the vagina in females.
Exstrophy of the bladder
Failure of lateral folds to close, revealing the mucosa of the bladder.
Failure of lateral folds to close resulting in split, exposed urethral groove on dorsal surface of the penis.
Urachal cysts, urachal fistula
Normal degeneration of the allantois does not occur, resulting in urachal cysts or open fistula. Fistula would allow urine to escape through the umbilicus.
Extra copy of SRY in XX female results in masculinization. Extra copy of DSS in XY male results in feminization.
Turner's syndrome
Ovarian hypoplasia, ambiguous external genitalia.
Klinefelter's syndrome
Reduced testicular size, enlarged breasts due to decreased androgens and increase in gonadotropins.
Failure of migration of PGCs to gonadal ridges = gonadal dysgenesis or agenesis.
Failure of full descent of testes. If the gubernaculum is attached to the wrong site, testes can be directed to other ectopic locations.
Inguinal hernia
Portion of intestine extends into the tunica vaginalis, hydrocele formed.
Bicornuate and unicornuate uterus
Septum that separates fused paramesonephric ducts fails to degenerate. If only one half fails to develop, unicornuate results.
Vaginal atresia or agenesis
Failure of induction of the uterovaginal primordial to form the vaginal plate
Incomplete fusion of urogenital folds resulting in ventrally located urethral opening.
Androgen insensitivity sydrome
Male psuedohermaphrodite, external female characteristics, abdominal testes, blind vagina
Male pseudohermaphrodite
Lack of testosterone, MIF in XY individual
Female pseudohermaphrodite, enlarged clitoris, fused labia majora. Results from mutations in adrenocortical steroid production, no cortisol, ACTH produced in high quantities, androgens produced.
Cleft lip
Incomplete fusion of maxillary prominences with the intermaxillary segment.

Median: median nasal prominences
Oblique: lateral nasal prominences
Median, lower: mandibular prominences
Macrostomia, microstomia
Macro: maxillary and mandibular prominences don't completely fuse laterally
Micro: excessive fusion
Cleft palate
Anterior: primary palate fails to fuse with lateral palatine processes
Posterior: lateral palatine processes fail to fuse with one another and the nasal septum
Anteroposterior: combination of the above

All that involve soft palate only are considered posterior.
Underdevelopment of the zygomatic bones, mandible, ears due to abnormal migration of neural crest to the first arch.
Mandibular hypoplasia, obstructed airway
Palpebral coloboma, eyelid coloboma
Upper or lower eyelid develops abnormally (latter is associated with Treacher-Collins)
DiGeorge syndrome
Abnormal development of 3rd and 4th pouches due to a chromosome 22 deletion. Associated with CV defects, immunodeficiency, hypocalcemia (due to parathyroid gland absence).
"Tongue tie", frenulum extends to the tip of the tongue
Pharyngeal cyst, fistula
Persistent opening of branchial grooves (2, 3, or 4) or branchial sinus. Pharyngeal fistula is an open communication between the tonsillar sinus and an external opening on the neck.
Thyroglossal duct cyst
Remnants of the thyroglossal duct that protrude from the neck.
Remnants of Rathke's pouch (the hypophysial stalk) that forms a benign tumor - requiring surgery or radiation, followed by HRT
Congenital hypothyroidism (Cretinism)
Maternal thyroid deficiency that results in fetal thyroid deficiency - defects in skeletal growth, dry skin, wide set eyes, etc. If untreated, MR and dwarfism can result. Treat with thyroid HRT.
Crania bifidum
Brain may herniate through fontanelles or at the junction with the foramen magnum. May involve meningocele, meningoencephalocele, meningohydroencephalocele (meninges, brain, part of a ventricle).
Anterior neuropore fails to close during the 4th wk. Acrania. Meroanenephaly may result if some midbrain and hindbrain remain. Polyhydramnios often accompanies it, fetal after birth.
Abnormal (reduced) growth of the cerebrum and cerebellum, cranium still present. Growth of the calvaria due to response to pressure of the growing brain.
Premature fusion of the skull plates, resulting in impaired brain development, deformation of the calvaria.

Scaphocephaly or dolichocephaly: sagittal suture premature closure

Oxycephaly or brachycephaly: coronal or lambdoid premature closure (associated with Apert syndrome).

Plagiocephaly: unilateral premature coronal or lambdoid suture closure.

Trigonocephaly: frontal suture premature closure.
Cleidocranial dysostosis
Mutation in CBFA1, absent clavicles, poor mineralization of the calvaria bones, affects ossification and development of the teeth.
Arnold-Chiari syndrome
Displacement of the medulla and part of the cerebellum into the spinal canal, causing hydrocephalus. May result from abnormal development of the posterior fossa, or hypertrophic growth of the cerebellum. May also be associated with spina bifida.
Coloboma iridis
Problems related to the closure of the optic fissure, a cleft may extend into the ciliary body, retina, choroid, or even the optic nerve.
Congenital cataracts
Result from defective lens development, can be due to genetic conditions (aniridia, Down, galactosemia) or congenital rubella, toxoplasmosis, syphilis
Small eye due to trisomy 13, aniridia, fetal infection. Eyelids do form.
Mutation in PAX6, no iris forms.
Tumor derived from persistent pluripotent cells of the immature retina, white pupil (leukocoria). RB gene is a tumor suppressor gene. Hereditary is bilateral, non-hereditary is unilateral.
Failure of proper patterning of the forebrain (associated with BMPs and Shh), incompatible with life.
Retrolental fibropasia
Oxygen-induced retinopathy - abnormal growth of retinal blood vessels.
Persistent iridopupillary membrane
Strands of the covering of the developing lens that persist.
Conduction deafness
Interruption in the passage of sound waves through the ear, due to auricular atresia, absence of the external acoustic meatus, defective middle ear bone development.
Abnormal development of the spiral organ of Corti
Results from rubella virus exposure.
Atresia of external auditory meatus
Failure of canalization of the meatal plug, associated with first arch syndromes or second arch defects.
Small disorganized auricle due to inadequate development and fusion of the auricular hillocks.
Auricular appendages
External skin tags that result from abnormal development of the auricular hillocks - purely cosmetic.
Individual genes that participate in the development of multiple developmental processes or tissues (pleiotropy).

Examples: FGF, Shh, AIS, Kartagener, Fragile X.
Multiple genes control the development of specific structures.

Examples: holoprosencephaly caused by trisomy 13, trisomy 18, deletion of 18p, FAS. Interaction of HoxA-11 and HoxD-11 for radius and ulna.
TORCH teratogens
Toxoplasma gondii, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex.

Others: varicaella, syphilis.
Damage of DNA, free radical formation, heat from a hot tub or sauna increases the risk of spina bifida or brain defects
Heavy metals
Benzene and mercury linked to Down's
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)
Defects in cognitive ability.
Vitamin A
Inhibits migration and induction of neural crest cells
Can masculinize a female fetus
Increased risk of miscarriage
Thyroid hormone
MR, dystrophy of bones
Abnormal bone and tooth development
Fetal hemorrhage
FAS - MR, microcephaly, holoprosencephaly, craniofacial abnormalities, hypotelorism, long indistinct philtrum, short palpebral fissures, limb defects, CV defects
Believed to be the single largest cause of SIDS
THC can cross the placenta, nervous system disorders, deficits in learning, memory, behavior
Retarded growth, stiff limbs, hyperirritability, crib deaths, deficits in learning.
Isotretinoin (Accutane)
Facial defects, i.e. cleft lip, palate.