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403 Cards in this Set

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The ______ induces the formation of the nervous system in the back of the embryo
______ ______ will become the nervous system
Neural plate
The ______ part of the neural plate becomes the brain and brainstem
The ______ ______ are the earliest forming structures of the nervous system and are bulges in the neural plate
Primary vesicles
Different parts of the vesicle will become different regions of the ______
The ______ is also called the rhombencephalon
The midbrain is also called the ______
The forebrain is also called the ______
______ and ______ come from the hindbrain
Medulla, pons
______ and ______ are the midbrain regions but are not well defined
Tectum, tegmentum
Forebrain becomes the ______ and the ______
Diencephalon, telencephalon
The ______ ______ separates the medial and lateral area
Sulcus limitans
The ______ area is generally known as the tegmentum
The ______ ______ is a fold of tissue that hangs off the bottom of the inferior colliculus and will eventually become the ______
Rhombic lip, cerebellum
We have 3 primary vesicles, name them.
Forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain
We have 5 secondary vesicles, name them.
Telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon
______ becomes cerebral hemisphere
Diencehpalon becomes the ______ and ______
Thalamus, hypothalamus
Midbrain becomes the ______ (trick!)
______ becomes the pons and cerebellum
Myelencephalon becomes the ______
In the brain, the ______ are the spaces in the brain
The lateral ventricles are in the ______
The 3rd ventricle is in the ______
The cerebral aqueduct is in the ______
The metencephalon contains the ______ part of the 4th ventricle
The ______ contains the lower part of the 4th ventricle
The embryo folds forward at two primary flexures, the ______ flexure and the ______ flexure
Cervical, midbrain
The embryo, after flexure, bends back on itself at the ______ flexure which is a secondary flexure
The pontine flexure causes the opening of the ______ ______
4th ventricle
The ______ is under the pia and lines the ventricles
Wherever pia and ependyma actually meet, you get ______ ______
choroid plexus
The pia and the ependyma meet in the ______ ventricles, roof of ______ ventricle, and in the ______ ventricle
lateral, 3rd, 4th
The choroid plexus produces ______
The ______ foramen connects the lateral ventricles
The ______ ______ connects the 3rd and 4th ventricles
Cerebral aqueduct
CSF flows from lateral ventricles, to ______ ventricles, to ______ ventricles
3rd, 4th
The cerebral ______ is a common place where CSF can get stopped up
CSF goes into the ______ ______ in the bottom (or laterally) of the 4th ventricle
Subarachnoid space
CSF returns to venous circulation at the ______ of the head
Drains into arachnoid ______
If you choke off the flow of CSF, you can get ______
In hydrocephalus, the brain becomes expanded because of increased ______ pressure that cannot release
Makes the cortex ______ due to all the pressure
Hydrocephalus usually ______ ______ happen in isolation (does/does not)
Does not
A common cause of hydrocephalus is ______ where the cilia in the ventricular system to do not beat correctly
Malabsorbtion of CSF is a ______ hydrocephalus
As the spinal cord opens up towards the brain, the ______ plate goes from dorsal to lateral
Sensory functions remain in the Alar plate, which is more ______ (position wise)
The motor portions of the cranial nerves lie more ______ to the sulcus limitans (position wise)
In the Medulla, motor nuclei for ______ , ______ , ______ and ______ are in the ______ plate
9, 10, 11, and 12, basal
In the Medulla, the sensory nuclei, ______ , ______ , ______ , are in the ______ plate
5, 9, 10, alar
In the Medulla, (motor/sensory) ______ are 9 through 12, and (motor/sensory)______ are 5, 9, and 10
Motor, sensory
Alar and basal plates become the ______ of the 4th ventricle
Spinal trigeminal nucleus is important for ______ to the head
The major sensory nerve of the head is the ______
CN ______ , ______ , and ______ have a minor function in head sensation around the ear
7, 9, and 10
______ is the Pons, cerebellum, and part of the 4th ventricle
______ ______ becomes the cerebellum
Rhombic lip
The Cerebellum comes from ______ plate
CN 5, 6, and 7 come from the ______ plate of the ______
Basal, pons
______ ______ nuclei and the ______ ______ come from the rhombic lip, which came from the ______ plate of the metencephalon
Basalar pontine, inferior olive, alar
In ______ -______ ______ deformity, the cerebellum pushes through the foramen magnum due to ______ on the brainstem
Arnold-Chiari II, pressure
Children seem ______ , then fail to grow properly
In a ______ , the subarachnoid space is dilated, creating a bulge
In a ______ , there is brain tissue that pushes into a defect
In a ______ , the ventricular system pushes into the defect
The motor components of the midbrain basal plate are CN ______ and ______
3, 4
______ ______ cells migrate into the alar plate in the midbrain to create a sensory portion of CN 5
Neural crest
The strange thing is that they are actually ______ cells, thus the mesencephalic nucleus
They contain sensory information for the muscles of ______
The ______ plate in the midbrain will create the tectum
Two motor nuclei of the midbrain are CN ______ and ______
3, 4
CN 3 is rostral with the ______ colliculus while 4 is caudal with the ______ colliculus
supeior, inferior
In the diencephalon, the ______ develops into the pineal gland
In the diencephalon, the alar plate turns into the ______
In the diencephalon, the basal plate becomes the ______
The ______ will direct all autonomic functions (oh no… terrible Neuro flashback)
In the diencehpalon, the ______ sulcus is similar in nature to the sulcus limitans in the way it divides sensory and motor areas
The eye and the retina develop from and outgrowth of the ______
The lens ______ , on the ectoderm outside, induces the optic ______ to form
Placode, vesicle
The optic vesicle will fold in to form the optic ______
In a ______ retina, the pigmented and neural retina are separated
______ pouch grows up and the neurohypophysial bud grows down and they meet to form the ______ gland
Rathke’s, pituitary
The anterior pituitary is the ______ which came from ______
Adenohypophysis, ectoderm
In the adult, the back of the pituitary is an extension from the back of the ______
All pituitary hormones come from ______ pituitary, but 2 will empty in the posterior pituitary that came form somewhere else
These two hormones are ______ (ADH) and ______
Vasopressin, oxytocin
The ______ ______ is where axons go from one side of the brain to the other
Lamina terminalis
Patients without a corpus callosum have ______ identifiable defects (No or many?)
No (except from direct testing)
Cortex starts out smooth which is called ______
Sulci and gyri vary ______ and develop with time (Greatly or minimally?)
______ hemorrhage is bleeding in the brain and is usually a complication of premature birth that effects ______ infants each year
Intracerebral, 10,000
At ______ -______ weeks, the corpus striatum is immature and susceptible to hemorrhage
The ______ ______ grows out of the forebrain and projects into the diencephalon
Olfactory nerve
______ is an underdeveloped brain
The critical period of cortex development is ______ -______ weeks
______ is a failure of the telencephalon to form two sides and can cause ______ , where there is one midline eye
Holoprosencephaly, cyclopia
______ is where there is vast ventricular occupation of the cranium with no discernible telencephalon
The skull is part of the ______ skeleton
There are two parts of the skull, the ______ and then ______
Neurocranium, viscerocranium
The neurocranium surrounds the ______
The Viscerocranium is the bones of the ______ and ______ cavities
Face, nasal
You do not need cartilage to form bone, it can be formed from ______
Connective tissue of the head comes from 7 ______ and 4 ______ somites
Somitomeres, occipital
The ______ comes from rostral paraxial mesoderm, cephalic somitomeres
Part of it also comes from ______ occipital somites (#)
Cartilaginous neurocranium forms the ______ of the skull while the membranous portion forms the bones of the ______
Base, calvaria
Membranous portion of ______ forms frontal bone, parietal bone, and squamous portions of the occipital bone
Name the 7 types of cartilage that form the base of the skull
Parachordal, hypophyseal, trabeculae cranii, ala orbitalis, ala temporalis, otic capsules
The cartilaginous neurocranium is located in ______ of the nervous system (front or back?)
______ ossification forms most of neurocranium
Viscerocranium form from ______ ______ cells
Neural crest
Also called ______ ______
Brachiomeric mesenchyme
The branchial arches are derived from ______ ______
Gill slits
The first branchial arch has two prominences, a ______ and ______
Maxillary, mandibular
The maxillary prominence of the 1st branchial arch give rise to the maxilla, ______ bone, and ______ portion of the temporal lobe
Zygomatic, squamous
The mandibular prominence of the 1st branchial arch gives rise to the ______
There are minor cartilaginous portions associated with each branchial arch which all calcify by ______ ossification
First branchial arch forms ______ and ______
Malleus, incus
Second branchial arch gives rise to the ______ , the ______ process, the ______ horn of the hyoid and the ______ portion of the hyoid bone
Stapes, styloid, lesser, upper
The third branchial arch gives rise to the ______ horn of the hyoid and the ______ portion of the hyoid
Greater, inferior
The 4th and 6th give rise to ______ cartilage and ______ cartilage
Thyroid, cricoid
The ______ is where the membrane has developed but not yet ossified
Sutures are fibrous joints that allow the baby to do what?
Fit through the birth canal
If you have premature closure of the fontanelles you can get ______ where the baby doesn’t fit
______ is the junction of many sutures
Ocular extrinsic muscles come from somitomeres ______ , ______ , ______ , and ______
1, 2, 3, 5
Brachiomeric muscles come from somitomeres ______ , ______ , and ______ as well as occipital somites ______ and ______
4, 6, 7, 1, 2
Tongue muscles come from occipital somites ______ , ______ and 4______
2, 3, 4
Wherever a ______ migrates it takes its nerve with it
Head musculature is derived from the ______ mesoderm, the myotome portion
______ muscles take CN 3, 4, and 6
______ muscles take CN 5, 7, 9, 10, and 11
______ muscles take CN 12
Remember the rule for eye muscles! (LR6, SO4, all others are CN ______ )
Somitomere 1 and 2 are associated with the ______ midbrain and take CN 3
Somitomere 3 is associated with the caudal midbrain and takes CN ______
Somitomere 5 is associated with the rostral pons and takes CN ______
Muscles of 1st branchial arch are muscles of ______ and are derived from somitomere ______
Mastication, 4
The nerve of the 1st branchial arch is CN ______
The muscles of the 2nd branchial arch for the muscles of ______ ______ , derived from somitomere ______ , and take with it CN ______
Facial expression, 6, 7
The 3rd branchial arch is from somitomere ______ gets CN 9 and the only muscle it innervates is the ______
7, stylopharyngeus
The 4th branchial arch is innervated by ______ branch of CN 10 and comes from occipital somites ______ and ______
Pharyngeal, 1, 2
The 6th branchial arch is innervated by the ______ branch of CN 10 and comes from ______ somites
Recurrent, occipital
The ______ and ______ are exceptions, innervated by spinal accessory part of CN ______
Sternocleidomastoid, trapezius, 11
Tongue muscles come from ______ somites 2, 3, and 4, are innervated by ______ nerve (CN 12) and innervate all tongue muscles except ______
Occipital, hypoglossal, palatoglossus
The branchial apparatus has paired ridges called branchial ______
The arches will form as the embryo is folding and as the ______ portion folds ventrally
Branchial arches are retained in fish as ______
The ______ ______ cells are what primarily give rise to the head parts
Neural crest
There are ______ branchial arches that form but arch 5 disappears
Arches ______ , ______ , and ______ , are typically the only ones that are visible
1, 2, 3
The ______ , which is lined with endoderm, will out-pouch and give rise to diverticulum that will form to oppose the branchial ______ between the arches
Pharynx, grooves
Internally, there is a branchial ______
The branchial apparatus consists of what 4 structures?
Arches, grooves, pouches, and membrane
The 1st arch gives rise to the upper and lower jaw portions via the ______ and ______ prominence
Maxillary, mandibular
There are ______ external grooves separating each arch
The ______ is a cavity that forms from the growing of arch 1
The stomodeum is lined with ______
On the interior, the oropharyngeal membrane is lined with ______
The stomodeum gives rise to the ______ 2/3 of the oral cavity
The stomodeum is separated from the forgut by the ______ membrane
______ arch is the remnant of the oropharyngeal membrane and is thus the junction of the anterior 2/3 and posterior 1/3 of the tongue
The ______ pouches with evagonate laterally and oppose the branchial grooves and create a membrane
Pharyngeal pouches are lined with ______
The pharynx is derived from the ______
Within each arch we have mesenchyme derived mostly from ______ ______ cells
Neural crest
Each arch will have its own nerve innervation from a cranial nerve so typically a single arch is innervated by ______ cranial nerve
Each arch has its own branch of the ______ (think blood)
Branchial groove 1 gives rise to the ______ ______ canal and is located between arch 1 and 2
External acoustic
Arch ______ overgrows arch 3 and merges with arch ______ so that grooves 2, 3, and 4 are hidden and become a cervical sinus which will typically regress
2, 4
In the mandibular prominence, ______ cartilage forms the malleus and ______ but the rest of the lower jaw comes via ______ ossification
Meckel’s, incus, intramembranous
Arch 2 has ______ cartilage which will regress like Meckel’s cartilage, but will form the ______ , styloid process, and ______ ½ of hyoid bone via endochondral bone formation
Reichert’s, stapes, upper
Arch 3 form the ______ ½ of the hyoid bone by ______ bone formation
Lower, endochondral
Arches 4, 5, and 6 form the cartilage of the larynx EXCEPT for the ______
Arch 1 has CN ______ , branches ______ and ______ .
5, V2, V3
Arch 2 has CN ______
Arch 3 has CN ______
Arch ______ and ______ has the superior and recurrent laryngeal of CN 10 respectively
4, 6
Branchial muscles come from ______ mesoderm
The muscles of each arch will be supplied by the ______ nerve of that arch
Arch 1 muscles include all muscles supplied by V3. What are these?
Mastication, “the tensors”, anterior belly of digastric, mylohyoid
Arch 2 muscles include all muscles supplied by cranial nerve 7. What are these?
Facial expression, sylohyoid, posterior belly of digastric, stapedius (that little one on your ear)
Arch 3 muscle, ______ , is innervated by CN 9
Arch 4 muscles are innervated by ______ laryngeal branch of the vagus (CN 10) and include which muscles?
Superior, [cricothyroid, levator veli palatini, 3 constrictors of pharynx, palatoglossus]
Branchial arch 6 is innervated by the ______ ______ of CN 10 and includes the intrinsic muscles of the larynx
Recurrent laryngeal
The ______ pouches are forming internally and are evaginating to meet the branchial grooves and lined with endoderm
Pharyngeal pouch 1 will give rise to the ______ recess and eventually the middle ear. It will also connect to the pharynx via the ______ tube
Tubotympanic, eustachian
The epithelium of the ______ tonsil as well as the tonsilar ______ is derived from pharyngeal pouch 2
Palatine, crypts
Pharyngeal pouch 3 has a dorsal and a ventral portion. The dorsal portion gives rise to the ______ ______ glands while the ventral portion gives rise to the ______ gland. They will actually break away and migrate down into the ______ .
Inferior parathyroid, thymus, neck
Pharyngeal pouch 4 also has a dorsal and ventral portion. The dorsal portion will give rise to the ______ ______ glands while the ventral portion will give rise to the ______ body which eventually gives rise to ______ which regulate calcium metabolism
Superior parathyroid, ultimobranchial, C-cells
The ______ parathyroid gland migrates further down into the neck than the ______ thyroid even though they start in their branchial arches in the opposite orientation
Inferior, superior
The thyroid gland _____ derived from the pharyngeal pouches (is / is not?)
Is not
The thyroid gland is the ______ endocrine organ to develop (first, second, third…?)
The thryoid gland diverticulum forms in the developing ______ which gives rise to the foramen ______ allowing the diverticulum to descend into the neck where the gland can form
Tongue, cecum
The ______ duct is the opening in the tube that is created from the thyroid diverticulum which should close as an adult
If the thyroid gland doesn’t descend, its called a ______ thyroid and is usually associated with ______ syndrome
Lingual, Downs
You can diagnose thyroglossal duct ______ because if the patient extends their tongue them moves
The ______ lobe is a midline lobe that can form from extra thyroid tissue that did not completely descend
A branchial ______ can form if a branchial arch does not properly close
First arch syndrome is a defect in many of the structures from this arch and is typically thought to be a ______ ______ cell issue where they do not fully migrate
Neural crest
______ ______ is a lack of parathyroid and thalamus glands and tends to effect the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch and can also be associated with heart defect
DiGeorge Syndrome
______ glandular tissue is due to abnormal migration of tissues
______ give rise to the muscles of the branchial arches
The face will develop mainly from ______ arches
The frontal prominence (is, is not) a branchial arch
Is not
The beginning of the oral cavity forms from the ______
The stomodeum forms the ______ 2/3 of the oral cavity
The stomodeum gives rise to ______ ______ which will grow into diencephalon to form the anterior lobe of the pituitary
Rathke’s pouch
The face is formed from five facial ______
Nasal placode form as a thickening on the ______ prominence that then migrate ______ and fuse
Frontonasal, medially
All places where facial primordial come together are potential places for ______ to develop
The nasal placodes give rise to the nasal ______
A groove between maxillary prominence and lateral nasal prominence will give rise to ______ groove (which will become nasolacrimal canal)
The ______ segment is created from the fusion of the two medial nasal prominences
The intermaxillary segment forms ______ of the lip, flesh part of nasal septum, ______ part of maxilla, etc.
Filtrum, premaxillary
Intermaxillary segment also forms the ______ palate
The primitive ______ is the connection between the nasal and oral cavity
Sensory innervation of the face comes from CN ______
Facial muscles all come from branchial arch ______
CN ______ supplies the muscles from branchial arch 2
Nasal cavities form from the nasal ______
The secondary palate forms which gives us a distinct ______ and oral cavity
Initially, the ______ membrane separates the nasal pit and the oral cavity
Internally there are lateral ______ processes (or palatal shelves) which are internal extensions of the maxillary prominences
With growth of embryo, and elongation of the face, the ______ ______ will flip up and fuse with each other, the nasal septum, and the primary palate
Palatal shelves
The palatal shelves are inward extensions of the ______ prominences
The teeth develop from ______ prominence, the dental lamina
Many time, the first evidence of a cleft is that the ______ are severely out of line
______ clefts involve the primary palate and lip, ______ clefts involve the palatal shelves and their fusion with the nasal septum
Anterior, posterior
Hare lips are normal in some animals but in humans, it is a cleft and is the non-fusion of the medial ______ prominences
Cleft Palates are about 1 in 2500 births and occur more often in ______
4 things cause a cleft palate, name them.
Small palatal shelves, palatal shelves to not elevate, palatal shelves do not fuse, the tongue does not drop between the shelves
The tongue is divided into an ______ 2/3 and ______ 1/3 which has separate innervations
Anterior, posterior
The anterior 2/3 of the tongue comes from the ______ which is ectoderm
Initially there are swellings in the floor of the ______ that are called tongue buds
The median tongue bud is called the ______ ______ and the distal tongue buds are the lateral ______ swellings
Tuberculum impar, lingual
The tongue buds give rise to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and are innervated by CN ______ (general tough, pain, etc.) and CN ______ (glands and taste)
5, 7
The posterior 1/3 of the tongue comes from pharynx ______
The ______ eminence forms the posterior 1/3 of the tongue in branchial arch 3
CN ______ innervates the posterior 1/3 of the tongue for general sensation as well as taste
The root of the tongue also forms from the hypobranchial eminence but is from branchial arch ______ and is associated with CN ______
4, 10
The foramen ______ is at the fusion of the terminal sulcus and the central sulcus
The foramen cecum is where the ______ duct will form
The Lingual papillae appear around the ______ week
The ______ and foliate are the first papillae to appear and are associated with posterior 1/3 of tongue, taste by CN ______
Circumvallate, 9
______ appear on anterior 2/3 and innervated by CN ______ (remember, TASTE, not general sensation!)
Fingiforms, 7
Fetuses can taste around ______ -______ weeks and can be exposed to tastes in utero
The musculature of the tongue comes from ______ somites located below the branchial arches
The tongue ______ come in below the 6th branchial arch and thus carry CN ______ for motor innervation
Myoblasts, 12
The thyroglossal duct failing to regress is called a congenital lingual cyst and if it is open to foramen ______ , it is called a fistula
It the thyroid never migrates, you get a ______ ______ and is associated with downs syndrome
Lingual thyroid
In 2-5% of the population, the tongue is significantly ______
A ______ ______ ______ is a hairy tongue where the filiform papillae hypertrophy due to poor oral hygiene
Hypertrophic lingual papillae
There are three sets of salivary glands, ______ , ______ , and ______ .
Submandibular, parotid, sublingual
The salivary glands start as ______ buds from primitive oral cavity
Anterior salivary glands are lined with ______ whereas glands from the posterior part of the oral cavity are lined with ______
Ectoderm, endoderm
The salivary glands develop through a process called ______ ______ and this process occurs many other places as well. It is characterized by the continual branching of a bud
Branching morphogenesis
The oral epithelium are the cells that are secretory and the connective tissue around the salivary glands are from ______
Parotid glands form from oral ectoderm and grow towards the ______
Submandibular glands develop as paired buds from ______ and grow posteriorly, lateral to the tongue
Sublingual glands are from ______ are on either side of the tongue as multiple buds on the floor of the mouth
The dental lamina forms in the ______ ______ of the mandible and maxilla
Ectodermal epithelium
Teeth ______ form from upper and lower dental lamina (10 on top and 10 on bottom)
The tooth bud will invaginate and be filled with ______ ______ cells which form the core of the tooth
Neural crest
______ develop from neural crest and make dentin
______ come from ectoderm and make enamel
The ameloblasts shed after eruption meaning no more ______ is created after tooth eruption
There are three stages of tooth development, the bud, ______ and ______ stage
Cap, bell
If there is a cleft, that can interrupt the dental lamina which means teeth can be a good signal for the presence of a ______
Neural crest cells give rise to ______ which deposit cementum that anchors the tooth via the periodontal ligament
All teeth develop prenatally except the ______ molar
Enamal hypotlasia is a lack of adequate ______ production due to nutritonal deficiency, tetracycline drugs, or rickets
Rickets is a deficiency of vitamin ______
The larynx has 2 types of cartilage visible from the outside, ______ and ______
Thyroid, cricoid
The ______ septum must be perfectly aligned to separate the esophagus and trachea properly
______ swellings are where we get the laryngeal cartilage as well as the muscles that control vocal cords
Cricothyroid cartilage is from arch ______ , intrinsic muscles of larynx are from arch ______ (recurrent branch of CN 10)
4, 6
Without proper closure of the tracheoesophogeal septum, you can get esophageal ______ or tracheoesophageal ______
Atresia, fistula
There are several prenatal symptoms of this:
Maternal polyhydramnios (EA), Absence of stomach gas on prenatal ultrasound (EA), Copious, fine white frothy bubbles of mucus in the mouth and nose (EA), Coughing and choking [food in respiratory tract] (TEF), Abdominal distention may occur secondary to collection of air in stomach (TEF)
Blood supply to the branchial arches are the ______ arches
______ aortic arch disappears as well as aortic arch ______ and ______
5th, 1, 2
Aortic arch ______ forms the right and left common carotid (a 3 looks like 2 C’s on top of each other!)
Aortic arch ______ on the right forms the subclavian and on the left it forms the aorta (a 4 has its loop on the left, just like the LEFT side that makes the aortic arch!)
Aortic arch ______ on the right is the right pulmonary artery and the distal portion goes away. For the left, it forms the left ______ artery and the distal part forms the ______ ______ which becomes ligamentus after birth
6, pulmonary, ductus arteriosis
The ______ ______ nerve loops under the subclavian on the right and under the ligamentum arteriosum on the left (Ligamentum on the Left)
Recurrent laryngeal
On the right, the recurrent nerve starts below arch 6 but since 6 and 5 go away, the nerve can “float” up under arch ______ on the right (subclavian)
A ______ aortic arch occurs when the right aorta does not go away which can constrict the esophagus and trachea, causing trouble in swallowing and breathing
If the right 4th aortic arch goes away when it shouldn’t, you get right ______ subclavian artery
______ are narrowings of an artery (in this case, the aorta)
There are pre- and post-ductal coarctations where the aorta hypertrophies either before or after the ______ ______ . The pre-ductal is worse because it does not allow ______ through the ductus arteriosis
Ductus arteriosis, blood
A patent ductus arteriosis is where the ductus arteriosis does not close due to low ______ which occurs commonly in premature babies with respiratory distress syndrome
______ virus is also a common cause of patent ductus arteriosis
The ______ begin as outgrowths of the forebrain
Optic grooves grow out into developing head and then expand into optic ______
The optic vesicle makes the surface ectoderm develop into the ______
Lens ______ will break off and form a little vesicle that becomes the lens
Optic ______ begins initial development of all ocular structures
Optic cup invaginates dorsally and ventrally and it’s ventral invagination forms the ______ fissure
The choroid fissure allows passage of blood from brain area through the eye and to the lens, but these will eventually ______
Inner layer of optic cup gives rise to ______
Outer later of optic cup is 1 layer, retinal ______ epithelium
Space of optic cup gets smaller and smaller and in mature eye, there is no space but is a ______ space where ______ can become detached
Potential, retina
Outermost area of neural retina has the actual ______
Most of inner layer of optic cup is ______ sensitive (posterior 4/5)
Anterior 1/5 of optic cup is ______ ______ and gives rise to iris and ciliary bodies
Pars ceca
Sphincter pupillae come from optic ______
______ ______ cells form cilliary muscles
Neural crest
Non-pigmented iris is from the ______ layer of optic cup
______ fibers are cells just like any other and divide throughout life
The choroid is a ______ layer that supports the retina
Just outside the choroid is the ______ which comes from neural crest cells
Surface of ______ is continuous with inner lining of the eyelid
Anterior ______ is a space in the neural crest between cornea and lens
______ membrane must degrade so the pupil can become completely clear
The optic stalk connects the optic cup and brain and will eventually form the optic ______
Choroid fissure closes at around ______ days
______ cells fill optic stalk
There are many transcription factors in eye development, the most famous of which is ______ because it induces further development of the lens
Pax 6
If no lens form, no optic ______ invagination
______ is where the choroid fissure does not completely close and can continue into the iris
Persistent iridopupillary membrane is where that membrane does not breakdown and can impair ______
Micropthalmia is a ______ eye and ______ is failure of an eye to form
Small, anopathalmia
The middle ear connects to the outside through the ______ tube
Inner ear is sensory organ of the ear which receives vibrations from bony ______
2 major parts to inner ear: ______ ______ canals and cochlea
Semi circular, cochlea
Thickening of surface ectoderm on rhombencephalon form otic ______
Otic placodes invaginate and form otic ______
Otic pit breaks off and forms otic ______
Inner ear comes from ______
Dorsal portion is ______ portion that form into semicircular canals while ventral portion is ______ portion that forms into cochlea
Uticular, sacular
Organ of ______ is the sensory organ for hearing in the middle of choclear duct which coils in the bone
CN ______ sends impulses to spiral ganglion from Organ of Corti
______ ______ vibrations cause basilar membrane to move and hit tectoral membrane which bend cilia and send action potentials to spiral ganglion
Scala tympani
Cells of ______ duct are what form the organ of corti
Walls of ______ portion fuse and the connection degenerates to form loops
______ ______ detects motion and movement
Crus ampullare
Inside the crus ampullare are ______ that bend based on how your head is moved
______ recess will enclose cells of neural crest in arch 1 and 2 which give rise to bony ossicles in ______ ear (malleus, incus are arch 1, stapes is arch 2)
Tubotympanic, middle
Tympanic membrane is between arch ______ and groove ______
1, 1
Tensor tympani inserts on ______ and prevents it from moving too much, innervated by CN ______ and is from arch 1
Malleus, 5
Stapedius controls ______ muscles and is innervated by CN ______
Stapes, 7
Auricle develops on either side of the neck and form from 6 auricular ______
1st arch syndrome is associated with low set ______
Embryo folds to form gut tube and become more ______ shaped
Connecting stalk gets narrower as embryo folds and will become ______ cord
Fertilized egg becomes the zygote which forms a cavity and becomes the ______
The ______ ______ mass will give rise to the embryo proper
Inner cell
______ allows for anchoring and burrowing of blastocyst into uterine wall
Within the inner cell mass, the ______ cavity forms
Inner cell mass forms ______ cells
______ of uterus is where blastocyst is embedded
______ form in syncytiotropoblast to allow maternal blood to bathe the embryo
______ ______ forms spaces that coalesce into 1 cavity forming the extraembryonic celoem (aka chorionic cavity)
Extraembryonic mesoderm
Splanchnic mesoderm surrounds the ______ ______
Yolk sac
Amnionic fluid is used for 4 things, what are they?
Cushion, prevent adhesion, freedom of movement, control body temperature
______ membrane consists of extraembryonic mesoderm, cytotrophoblast, and syncytiotropblast
______ , which are extentions of syncytiotrophoblast, begin developing at 13 days
Eventually, all ______ chorionic layers will fold into the vili (#)
Tertiary villus have ______ blood
Cytotrophoblastic ______ extends to anchor the embryo
Chorion ______ is the part of the chorion adjacent to the embryo wile the chorion leavae are on the outside
______ is a way to test amnionic fluid to look for malformations and cannot be done until late in the pregnancy
Chorionic villus sampling can be done earlier then amniocentesis and has a slightly (higher/lower) risk of miscarry
______ ______ gives rise to digestive system as well as blood vessels
Yolk sac
Germ cells from yolk sac migrate to developing ______
______ is extension of yolk sac that extends into connecting stalk and doesn’t really do anything except form the median umbilical ligament
______ refers to endometrium of pregnancy
Decidua ______ is immediately underlying site of implantation and oppose vilis chorion, decidua ______ is everything outside region of embryo, and decidua ______ is the potion covering the embryo
Basalis, parietalis, capsularis
As the embryo grows, it grows into the ______ cavity which in turn fills the ______ cavity
Chorionic, uterine
The amnion fuses with chorion eventually, and will cause decidua ______ to degenerate so the decidua parietalis fuses with the chorion
______ -______ membrane is the final membrane formed that ruptures before birth
Villous chorion is fetal portion of placenta and decidua ______ is maternal portion of placenta
Intervillus space is where ______ blood is located
Branch villi is where ______ exchange occurs between mother and fetus
After ______ weeks, tertiary villus thins
Barrier between maternal and fetal blood is called ______ membrane; also site of ______ exchange for fetus
Vasculosyncytial, gas
Fetal surface of placenta is covered with smooth ______
Maternal surface of placenta is not covered with amnion but has clumps of ______ instead
______ insertion of umbilical cord is where umbilical vessels travel in smooth chorion before inserting into vilis chorion and can make them vulnerable to damage.
What passes through the placenta via simple diffusion?
gas, lipids, water electrolytes
What passes through the placenta via facilitated diffusion?
What passes through the placenta via active transport?
amino acids, water soluble vitamins
What passes through the placenta via pinocytes?
protein, -IgG
Placenta has large endocrine function, mainly by ______ cells
After 10 weeks, embryo is making enough ______ to bring it to full term
______ is earliest sign of pregnancy and is a hormone made by syncitiotrophoblast so that the corpus lutium is maintained
Parturition has 4 stages, the first of which is cervical dilation as a result of uterine contractions and is the ______ stage, lasting ______ or more hours
Longest, 12
Stage 2 of parturition is ______
Stage 3 is the delivery of the placenta to prevent ______ loss from the mother and is removed
Stage 4 is ______ where the uterine size decreases and maternal blood is sealed off to avoid excess bleeding
______ twins are identical twins, and ______ twins are fraternal twins
Monozygotic, dizygotic
When twins are born, it is often (quite easy/hard) to tell if they are identical or not
______ maternal age causes an increase in dizygotic twins
Dizygotic twins are the result of two ______ being fertilized by two different sperm so they are only as identical as a normal brother and sister because the two embryos develop independently
______ twins implant separately, but if the implant close enough, the placenta can fuse and make it look like ______ twins
Dizygotic, monozygotic
Monozygotic twins are (more/less) common than dizogotic
Monozygotic twins occur when a ______ splits so the fetuses are genetically identical and you can have and early or late split
______ splitting in monozygotic twins appear as though they are dizygotic because they are free to implant separately
______ splitting is more common and happens after blastocyst forms so you only have chorionic cavity but one or two amnionic cavities
______ space does not contain fetal blood, just maternal blood
Amnionic cavity is a space between the ______ and the ______ ______ ______
Trophoblast, inner cell mass