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111 Cards in this Set

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The cardiovascular system consists of ?
The cardiovascular system consists of two pumps (left and right ventricles) and two circuits
'pulmonary and systemic) connected in series. men circuits are connected in series, flow must
be equal in the two circuits.
Будет ли одинаковы сердечный выброс для ПЖ и ЛЖ?
Cardiac output is the output of either the left or right ventricle, and because of the series system,
theyare equal
Будет ли по химическому составу кровь одинаковой во всех точках системы?
the chemical composition of pulmonary venous blood is very close to the chemical composition
of systemic arterial blood, and systemic mixed venous blood entering the right atrium
has the same composition as pulmonary arterial blood.
Pressures in the Right ventricle?
Right ventricle 25/0 mm Hg
Pressures in the Pulmonary artery?
Pulmonary artery 25/8 mm Hg
Pressures in the Mean pulm. art. Puhnonary Circulation?
Mean pulm. art. 15 mm Hg
Pressures in the Capillary Puhnonary Circulation?
Capillary 7-9mmHg
Pressures in the Pulmonary
venous Puhnonary Circulation?
Pulmonary 5mmHg
Pressures in the Left atrium ?
Left atrium 5-10 mm Hg
Pressures in the Pressure gradient Pulmonary Circulation
Pressure gradient 15-5 = 10 nun Hg
Pressures in the Left ventricle ?
Left ventricle 120/0 mm Hg
Pressures in the Aorta ?
Aorta 120/80 mm Hg
Pressures in the Mean art. blood Systemic Circulation?
Mean art. blood p 93 mmHg
Pressures in the Capillary Systemic Circulation?
Capillary: skeletal 30mmHg
renal glomerular 45-50 mmHg
Pressures in the Peripheral veins
Peripheral veins 15mmHg
Pressures in the Right atrium ?
Right atrium O mmHg
(central venous)
Pressure gradient Systemic Circulation?
Pressure gradient 93--0= 93 mm Hg
В чем сходство м\у Большим кругои и малым?
Cardiac output and heart rate of the two circuits are equal, so stroke volumes are the same.
В чем разница м\у Большим кругои и малым?
all pressures are higher in the systemic (peripheral) circuit. This shows that the
vessels of the circuits are very different. The systemic circuit has much higher resistance and
much lower compliance than the pulmonary circuit. The lower pressures mean that the work
of the right ventricle is much lower. In addition, the lower capillary pressure protects against
the development of pulmonary edema
Как рассеивается давление при прохождении одного сегмента?
The pressure dissipates, overcorni ng resistance. The amount of pressure I"" in a particular segment
is proportional to the resistance of that segment.
какое соотношение потери давления к колибру сосуда?
a small pressure drop in the major arteries (low-resistance segment); the largest drop
is across the arterioles (highest resistance segment), and another small pressure drop occurs in
the major veins (low-resistance segment).
what happened with Local arteriolar dilation ?
Local arteriolar dilation decreases arteriolar resistance, which increases flow and pressure
downstream (more pressure and more flow get downstream).
what happened with Local arteriolar constriction ?
local arteriolar constriction increases arteriolar resistance, and flow and pressure
decrease downstream.
За счет чего происходит движение потока крови?
Since blood flows from high pressure to low pressure, the sequence of the vessels in any system
or part of a system will also be the sequence of pressures, from highest to lowest.
Cross-Sectional Area-особенности
The aorta is a large-diameter vessel, but it is still represents the systemic segment with
the smallest cross-sectional area.
• As the aorta branches, the cross-sectional area of each individual vessel decreases, but
collectively the cross-sectional area increases to reach a maximum in the capillaries.
The cross-sectional area then decreases through the venous system.
Скорость потока крови при прохождении через Cross-Sectional Area -
Гду сакорость потокая самая высокая? и где самая низкая
Velocity is greatest in the aorta, decreases to a minimum in the capillaries, and then increases
from the venules to the right atrium.
Ср V потока в аорте?
Ср V потока в капилярах
Ср V потока в правом сердце
major function of Low velocity in the capillaries is?
exchange of dissolved
substances between the plasma and the tissues, i.e., nutritional flow.
Where is the largest blood volume in and second largest?
The largest blood volume in the cardiovascular system is in the systemic veins. The second largest
blood volume is in the pulmonary system. Both represent major blood reservoirs.
почему резервуаром крови являются вены и легочные соседы?
The systemic veins and the pulmonary vessels have very high compliance compared to the
systemic arteries;
The PoiseuiJIe equation is?
The PoiseuiJIeequation represents the relationship of flow, pressure, and resistance.
Poiseuille Equation
Q; flow
PI: upstream pressure for segment or circuit
p2: pressure at the end of the segment or circuit
R: resistance of vessels between PI and P2
pressure gradient is?
difference, the pressure gradient,
between the input (upstream) and output (downstream) pressure, not the input pressure
Что будет происходить с потокпри увеличении давления input and output?
An increase of the input pressure that is accompanied by an identical increase of the
output pressure will not cause a change of flow; the pressure gradient between input and
output pressure remains the same. This means that an increase in the output (downstream)
pressure, for example by a stenosis, reduces the pressure gradient and, therefore, reduces the
Как можно посчитать среднее арт давление,например в почках?)
The flow to an organ such as the kidney, for example, could be calculated as mean arterial pressure
minus renal venous pressure divided by the resistance of all vesselsin the renal circuit.
Resistance calkulated by?
Resistance = P1-P2\Q =mmHg\mL\min
The resistance of a vessel is determined by three major variables:
The resistance of a vessel is determined by three major variables: V L r4
radius is The most important factor determining resistance the of the vessel.
-Resistance of a vessel is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the radius.
-If the radius is decreased by half, the resistance increases 16-fold.
-If the radius doubles, the resistance decreases to 1/16 of the original.
Viscosity is factor determining resistance the of the vessel.
Viscosity is a property of a fluid that is a measure of the fluid's internal resistance to flow:
• The greater the viscosity, the greater the resistance.
• The prime determinant of blood viscosity is the hematocrit.
Viscosity is
Viscosity is a property of a fluid that is a measure of the fluid's internal resistance to flow:
Чем выше гемотокрит -вязкость крови..
что роисходит с вязкостью крови при анемии и полицитемии?
Anemia decreases viscosity. Polycythemia increases viscosity.
length is factor determining resistance the of the vessel.
The greater the length, the greater the resistance.
• If the length doubles, the resistance doubles.
• If the length decreases by half, the resistance decreases by half.
what are two types of flow can be?
There can be two types of flow in a system: laminar and turbulent.
Characteristics of laminar flow:
Characteristics of laminar flow:
- is flow in layers.
• Laminar flow occurs throughout the normal cardiovascular system, excluding flow in
the heart.
-The layer with the highest velocity is in the center of the tube.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Characteristics of turbulent flow:
Characteristics of turbulent flow:
-turbulent flow is nonlayered flow.
• It creates murmurs. These are heard as bruits in vessels with severe stenosis.
• It produces more resistance than laminar flow.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Relation of Reynold's number to laminar and turbulent flow
>2,000 = turbulent flow
<2,000 = laminar flow
Reynold's number =(diameter) (velocity) (density)
is the Reynold's number inducing turbulence absolute.?
The number inducing turbulence is not absolute. For example, atherosclerosis reduces the
Reynold's number at which turbulence begins to develop in the systemic arteries. In addition,
thrombi are more likely to develop with turbulent flow than in a laminar flowsystem.
promote the development of turbulent flow (i.e., increase Reynolds' number):
• Increasing tube diameter
-Increasing velocity
• Decreasing blood viscosity, e.g., anemia
- Vesselbranching
• Narrow orifice (severe stenosis)--due to very high velocity of flow
в каких сосудах по диаметру большая вероятность развития турбулентноого потока?
The vessel in the systemic circuit that is closest to the development of turbulent flow is the
aorta. It is a large-diameter vessel with high velocity. This is where turbulence should appear
first in anemia.
connecting resistors in series.
A major feature is that flow must be equal at all points in a series system. If the flow changes, it
changes equally at all points in a series system.
The total resistance в системе последлвательного соединения резисторов равна?
The total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances: R= R1+R2+R3...
total is always greater than any of the individual resistances.
• Adding a resistor in series increases the resistance of the system.
• Connecting resistors in series results in a high-resistance system.
If Pin and Pout are kept constant, will occur if the central
resistance (R) increases:
-Flow through the series system decreases equally at all points.
-Pressure immediately upstream from R2 increases toward the perfusing pressure of
120 mm Hg.
• Pressure immediately downstream from Rz decreases toward 0 mm Hg.
If Pin and Pout are kept constant, the following will occur as the central
resistance (R2 ) decreases:
• Flow through the series system increases equally at an points.
• Pressure immediately upstream from R2 decreases.
• Pressure immediately downstream from R2 increases.
main factor determining capillary pressure is?
is the resistance of the arterioles.
что будет происходить при увеличении и уменьшении резистентности с капилярном давлением?
Decreased arteriolar resistance (dilation) increases capillary pressure
Increased arteriolar resistance (constriction) decreases capillary pressure
При увеличении венозного давления -капилярное давление ? и почему?
Increased venous pressure raises capillary pressure. For example, left heart failure
raises left atrial pressure, which raises pulmonary venous pressure, which raises pulmonary
capillary pressure.
При уменьшении венозного давления -капилярное давление ? и почему?
Decreased venous preSSlUe lowers capillary preSSlUe. For example, digitalis, which
decreases left atrial presslUe in congestive heart failure, will reduce pulmonary capillary
preSSlUe and relieve congestion. Diuretics will have a similar, often more dramatic effect.
Как резисторы большинстсва сисемных органов соединены. что к ним относится?
most systemic organs are connected in parallel. For example, the
cerebral, cutaneous, coronary, and renal circuits are all in parallel.
When resistors are connected in parallel, the total resistance is?
When resistors are connected in parallel, the reciprocal of the total resistance is the sum of the
reciprocals of the individual resistances
особенности при соединнении резисторов параллельно?
Connecting resistors in parallel results in a low-resistance system.
• The total resistance is always less than any of the individual resistances.
• Adding a resistance in parallel lowers the resistance of the system.
что будет происходить с давлением при добавлении одного параллельного резистора-например ожирение?
The addition of parallel circuits (obesity) decreases total peripheral resistance and requires an
increase in cardiac output to maintain blood pressure
что будет происходить с давоением при удалением одного параллельного резистора
например-удаление почки
The removal of a parallel resistance in the systemic circuit increases total resistance and consequently
tends to increase blood pressure.
Будет ли меняться поток крови в одном резисторе при постоянном давлении,если в другом паралелльном резисторе поток крови другой?
if blood pressure is kept constant, altering the resistance and thus the flow in one parallel
circuit will not change the flow in the remaining parallel circuits.
в двух паралелльных резисторах при одном давлении разный уровень потока крови .500 и 300ml\min с чем это связано?
The difference in flow is due to different resistance. Organ 2 has higher resistance
the greatest to least resistance:
- Coronary
- Cerebral
- Renal
- Pulmonary
laPlace relationship:?
laPlace relationship:
T ~ Pr T = wall tension
p .... pressue
r = radius
какой сосуд имеет наибольшее стеночное напряжение? с чем это связано?
The aorta is the artery with the greatest wall tension (greatest preSSlUe and radius).
что происходит со стенкой соседа при аневризме?
because the anelUysm has a greater radius, its wall tension will be greater than that of the
surrounding normal vessel segments.
Also, as the aneurysm enlarges, wall tension increases, and the vessel is more likely to burst.
что такое расслаивающаяся аневризма?
Another type of aneurysm is referred to as a dissecting aneurysm. In systemic arterial disease,the
high velocity in the aorta may damage the endothelia] ]ining, allowing blood to flowbetween and
dissect the layers of the aorta. This weakens the aortic wall and is considered a life-threatening
как посчитать Compliance of a vessel
и для чего нам нужно это знать?
Vessel Compliance
C= dV \ dP
Compliance of a vessel can be calculated, but the resulting number is, for an practical purposes,
meaningless. It is much more important to simply have a good concept of compliance and understand
the differences in compliance among the vesselsthat make up the cardiovascular system.
что значит податливость сосуда?
Compliance is essentially how easily a vessel is stretched. If a vessel is easily stretched, it is considered
very compliant. The opposite is noncompliant or stiff.
Elasticity is
Elasticity is the inverse of compliance. A vessel that has high elasticity (a large tendency to
rebound from a stretch) has low compliance.
-Systemic veins are about 20 times more compliant than systemic arteries.
-Veinsalso contain about 70% of the systemic blood volume and thus represent the major blood
что происходит с давлением при кровотечениях? как компенсуется?
In the venous system, then, a small change in pressure causes a large change in venous volume. For
example, in a hemorrhage, venous pressure decreases.Because veinsare very compliant vessels, this
loss of distending pressure causes a significant passive constriction of the veins and a decrease in
blood stored in those veins.
• The blood removed from the veins will now contribute to the circulating blood volume
(cardiac output), a compensation for the consequences of hemorrhage.
The sympathetic nerves innervating the veins will cause an active constriction and a
further reduction in stored blood volume.
что происходит при водной нагрузке?
Volume loading (infusion of fluid) increases venous pressure. The increased pressure distends
the veins; this is a passive dilation. The volume of fluid stored in the veins increases, which
means that some of the infused volume will not contribute to cardiac outp lit. The large volume
and compliant nature of the veins act to buffer changes in venous return and cardiac output.
Arteries и Veins давление и податливость сосудов,
Arteries are high pressure vessels but are very stiff and do not represent a significant
blood reservoir.
Veins are low pressure vessels but because they are very compliant, they are easily
stretched and represent a large blood reservoir.
Pulse pressure =
Pulse pressure = systolic-diastolic, or in the figure above: Pulse pressure = 120- 80 = 40 mm Hg
Factors Affecting Systolic Pressure
• Systolicblood pressure is the highest pressure in the systemic arteries during the cardiac cycle.
• The main factor determining systolic blood pressure is stroke volume.
• An increase in stroke volume increases systolic blood pressure and a decrease in stroke
volume decreases systolic blood pressure. For example, a decrease in heart rate or an
increase in preload would increase systolic blood pressure.
• A decrease in the compliance of the systemic arteries will also increase systolic blood
Factors Affecting Diastolic Pressure
• Diastolic blood pressure is the lowest pressure in the systemic arteries during the cardiac cycle.
• The main factor determining diastolic blood pressure is total peripheral resistance,
which is determined by the resistance of the arterioles.
• Dilation of the arterioles decreases diastolic blood pressure, and constriction of the
arterioles increases diastolic blood pressure.
• A decrease in heart rate or stroke volume will also decrease diastolic blood pressure.
Factors Affecting Pulse Pressure
The following will increase (widen) pulse pressure:
• An increase in stroke volume (systolic increases more than diastolic)
• A decrease in vessel compliance (systolic increases and diastolic decreases)
как влияет податливость сосудов на уровень пульсого давления?
compliant artery has a small pulse pressure and that a stiff artery
has a large pulse pressure
Factors Affecting Mean Pressure
Mean pressure is pressure averaged over time. It is closer to diastolic pressure than to systolic
pressure. Therefore, diastolic pressure is a better index of mean pressure than is systolic.
Mean pressure can be approximated by the following formulas:
Mean pressure = diastolic + 1/3 pulse pressure
= 2/3 diastolic pressure + 1/3 systolic pressure
Factors that affect mean pressure (the application of the Poiseuille equation to the systemic
Q = cardiac output
PI = aortic pressure (mean arterial pressure)
P2 = pressure at the entrance of the right atrium
R = resistance of all vessels in the systemic circuit. This is referred to as total peripheral
resistance (TPR).
Because Pj is a very large number (100 mm Hg) and P2 is a very small number that doesn't
change dramatically in most situations, we can simplify the equation if we approximate P2 as
zero. Then:formulas Mean pressure can be


MAP = mean arterial pressure
CO = cardiac output
TPR = total peripheral resistance
Основные особоенности Mean arterial pressure (MAP)?
-Mean arterial pressure (MAP), which is maintained close to 100 mm Hg, is determined
by only two variables: cardiac output and TPR.
- CO can be considered circulating volume. The blood stored in the systemic veins and
the pulmonary circuit would not be included in this volume.
- TPR is the resistance of all vessels in the systemic circuit. By far the largest component
is the resistance in the arterioles.
- However, if venous or right atrial pressure (RAP) is severely increased, it must be
taken into account when estimating TPR. In this case, the formula is:
(MAP - RAP) = CO x TPR
or rearranged to solve for resistance: TPR = (MAP - RAP)/CO
The problem is the loss of CO or circulating blood volume. The increase in TPR via the carotid
sinus reflex minimizes the loss of blood pressure. Because the reflex increase in TPR almost
completely compensates in early hemorrhage, blood pressure is not a good index of blood loss
fOllowing a hemorrhage.
Dynamic, aerobic exercise produces minimal changes in blood pressure (actuallya slight increase).
-The decrease in TPR, (dilation of arterioles in the exercisingmuscle) --increase in CO with little change in MAP. For example, increase
in CO would be the response if TPR decreased to a third of the resting level.With high-intensity
cxercise---especially static, such as weight lifting-physical compression of blood vessels during
skeletalmuscle contraction raisesTPR During the contraction, mean arterial pressure can increase
Pulmonary resistance? что происзодит с Правым сердцем при увелечении pulmonary resistance?
Pulmonary resistance =Mean pulmonary arterial pressure - Pulmonary wedge pressure /Cardiac output

If pulmonary resistance is elevated,
the right heart transplant would be exposed to an increase in afterload and may fail
что происходит с системным арт и внозным давлением ниже уровня сердца?,
Belowheart level, there are equal increases in systemic arterial and venous pressures (assuming
no muscular action)Thus, the pressure difference between arteries and veins does not change.
When a person goes from supine to an upright posture, the following important changes take
place : Compensation via the carotid sinus reflex will include;
-Pressure in the dependent veins increases.
-Blood volume in the dependent veins increases.
• Circulating blood volume (CO) decreases.
Blood pressure decreases.
Compensation via the carotid sinus reflex will include;
TPR increases.
Heart rate increases.
Above heart level, systemic arterial pressure?
Above heart level, systemic arterial pressure progressively decreases
Because venous pressure at heart level is close to zero, venous pressure quickly becomes subatmospheric
характеристика вен глубоких и поверхностных выше уровня сердца
Surface veins above the heart cannot maintain a significant pressure below atmospheric; how~
r, deep veins and those inside the cranium supported by the tissue can maintain a pressure
that is significantly below atmospheric.
long-term regulation of blood pressure
arnin-angiotensin-aldosterone system:
short-term regulation of blood pressure
Baroreceptor reflex:
A lowered blood pressure (.MAP) leads to
a rise inCO and TPR.
A rise in blood pressure leads to a
decrease in CO and TPR.
Tbe main receptors of the system are located in
the carotid sinus.

Here the receptors monitor
6e stretch of the vessel wall as an index of arterial blood pressure
as an index of blood pressure the medulla interprets only
The medulla interprets only the afferent activity as an index
of blood pressure. A rise in afferent activity signals an increase in blood pressure, and a loss of
afferent activity signals a decrease in blood pressure.
the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems как влият?
The output is via the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems to change both CO and TPR in
a direction to return blood pressure toward the indexed set point.
BP increase
Afferent Parasymp Sympat
Activity Activity Activity
ув ув ум
BP decrease
Afferent Parasymp Sympat
Activity Activity Activity

ум ум ув
Afferent Parasymp Sympat
Activity Activity Activity BP HR

ум ум ув ув ув
Afferent Parasymp Sympat BP HR
Activity Activity Activity

ув ув ум ум ум
Cut afferents
Afferent Parasymp Sympat BP HR
Activity Activity Activity

ум ум ув ув ув
Lying to stand

Orthostatic hypotension

Fluid loss
Afferent Parasymp Sympat BP HR
Activity Activity Activity

ум ум ув ув N ув
Volume load

Afferent Parasymp Sympat BP HR
Activity Activity

Ув ув ум умN ум