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18 Cards in this Set

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Nernst Equation

(RT)/(ZF)* ln([xout])/([xin])

Random Walk

principle of stochastic behavior:

- gas molecules with freedom = random movement

- random movement = predictable collectively

- as temporal resolution increases, stochastic movement becomes more similar

how is velocity proportional to temperature?

as temp increases, velocity of particles increase


- a form of dissipation that decreases order

- friction erases order in the directed motion of a particle

what mechanism accounts for aqueous diffusion?

thermal agitation

diffusion coefficient

D=(jump distance)^2/(2*time scale)

- everything depends on the time scale

- diffusion time and distance are linearly correlated

Nernst Planck Equation

- describes how a particle moves in a particular environment

- movement is proportional to electrical gradient

Current=Is=zFMs, where z=valence, Ms=flux, F=faraday's constant

What is the relationship between resistance and conduction?

inverse relationship

how are diffusion and mobility related?

diffusion = thermal agitation

thermal agitation is opposed by friction

so, friction opposes diffusion

electrodiffusion: what is the relationship b/w diffusion and electric field?

what equation is used to describe this?

1. diffusion and electric field are additive

2. Nernst-Planck equation

Where does electrical neutrality exist?

everywhere except near the membranes

What does the GHK equation do for us?

- gives the resting membrane potential (Vm)

- must know the concentrations and relative permeability (potassium permeability = 1)


What is the resting membrane potential (Vm)?

- Vm= potential at which most cells operate within the resting state

- each cell has a resting potential

- calculated with the GHK equation

what is Brownian dynamics?

- if there is sufficient thermal energy, ions can move to the next minimum (over the energy barrier)

- hopping over barriers (jumping from minimum of one sine wave to the next)

What is the energy barrier model?

I=zF (Jinward-Joutward)

- current is related to the electrical gradient

current-voltage relationship

- current = y-axis

- x-axis intersection = point of change in direction of ion flow (reversal potential)

outward rectification

-current can only go out

- acts as a diode

- current flows from inward to outward

- out = delta=1=rate-limiting barrier; located on the outside margin of the membrane

inward rectification

- flows from out to in

- plays a profound role in action potentials

- out=delta=0=rate-limiting barrier; located on the inside margin of the membrane