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23 Cards in this Set

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When was the experiment with frog legs done?


Who discovered the electrical stimuli could be monitored from a person skin?

Ludwig and Waller, 1880

What are the 4 natural pacemakers?

1) SA node
2) AV node
3) Bundle of his
4) Purkinje Fibers

Define EKG blocks?

5 large horizontal blocks = 1 second
1 large block = 0.2 seconds
1 small block = 0.04 seconds
5 small blocks = 1 large block

-------> horizontal line represent time

EKG blocks

1) 1 small vertical block = 0.1 mv (millivolts)
2) 1 large vertical block = 0.5 mv
3) 1 millivolts = 1 mm

Define P wave?

1) Location - before the QRS complex
2) Amplitude - 2 to 3 mm high
3) Duration - 0.06 to 0.12 seconds
4) Configuration - Usually rounded & upright

What is abnormal P Wave?

1) Appearance = peaked, notched & enlarged.
2) Pathology = AH - PO, PE, VD, HF

Define Emboli & Thrombus?

E- traveling clot
T- clot the doesn't travel

What is the PR interval?

1) tracks the SA-AV-BOH-R&LBB
2) Duration-0.12 to 0.20 seconds
3) beginning of P - beginning of QRS complex

What is abnormal PR interval?

1) PR < 0.12 pulse doesn't originated other than the SA node associated with JA (junction arrhythmia)
2) PR > 0.20 delay from the atria to the AV node due to heart block related to ischemia or tissue disease

What is QRS complex?

1) Represent depolarization of ventricles
2) Location - follows the PR interval
3) Amplitude- 5 to 30 mm
4) Duration- 0.06 to 0.10 seconds

What is an abnormal QRS complex?

1) Q wave deep & wide = MI
2) R wave notched = BB block
3) QRS complex > 0.12 ventricular conduction delay
4) missing QRS complex- AV block, ventricular stand still (Not contracting)

What is an ST segment?

1) End of depolarization & beginning of repolarization.
2) J wave marks end of QRS and beginning of ST.
3) Location = from S wave to beginning of T wave.

What is an abnormal ST segment?

1) Change in ST indicated myocardial damage.
2) ST depression = Myocardial Ischemia (MI)
3) ST elevation = Myocardial Injury.

Heart wall damage?

Ischemia = reduce blood flow.
Injury = Acute or Instant.
Infarction = Dead tissue (Necrosis)

Endocardium = Infarction = Deep & Wide Q wave.
Myocardium = Injury = ST elevation.
Epicardium = Ischemia = ST depression & inverted T wave.

What is the T wave?

1) Represents repolarization / recovery.
2) Location = After S wave.
3) Amplitude = 0.5 mm.
4) Configuration = typically round & smooth

What is an abnormal T wave?

Tall, peaked & tented = Myocardial Injury
Inverted T = Myocardial Ischemia.
Heavy notched & pointed T wave = pericarditis.

pericarditis = Inflammed outer wall (Epicardium

Definition of abnormal QT interval?

Prolonged QT interval = arrhythmia aka torsades de pointes
Short QT interval = Hypercalcemia

Hypercalcemia = lot of calcium in the heart.

Definition of QT interval?

measures ventricular depolarization & repolarization.
length varies according to HR.
Faster HR = shorter QT interval
Slower HR = Longer QT interval

How is the HR obtain in EKG?

Measure between R waves
Large block goes from 300-150-100-75-60-50-43-37.

What is an Arrhythmia?

Abnormal Rhythm at the SA node sending 60-100 bpm

What is a Sinus Arrhythmia?

1) SA node fires irregularly
2) cardiac rate doesn't change
3) Rhythm irregular correspond with respiratory cycle.
4) Normal in athletes & children rarely infants.
5) inferior wall myocardial Infarction, advanced age, morphine, any condition related to intra cranial pressure.

What is a Sinus bradycardia?

1) HR below 60 bpm.
2) Normally during sleep or Ex - athlete.
3) Inferior wall MI involving the RCA which supplies blood to the SA node
4) Can be caused by cardiomyopathy (Abnormal condition of the heart muscle) Myocarditis (inflammation of the middle heart wall) & Myocardial Ischemia.
symptoms = dizziness, blurry visión & chest pain.