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117 Cards in this Set

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When does prenatal development begin and end?
start of pregnancy until birth of the child
What begins at the start of pregnancy until the birth of the child?
prenatal development
What is the study of prenatal development?
What are the 3 distinct periods of prenatal development?
preimplantation, embryonic, and fetal periodq
When is the preimplantation period?
first week
What is the embryonic period?
second week to eighth week
What is the fetal period?
third to nine months
What is the name for birth defects?
congenital malformations
When can congenital malformations occur?
during preimplantation period and embryonic period
Congenital malformations can happen how?
genetically or teratogenically
The earliest indication of a part or an organ during prenatal development is what?
What is the name for the period of the unattached conceptus, that takes place during the first week?
preimplantation period of prenatal development
At the beginning of the first week, a woman's ovum is penetrated by and united with a man's sperm during what?
What is another name for egg?
The union of an ovum and sperm subsequently forms what?
During fertilization, the final stages of what occur in the ovum when the chromosomes of an egg and sperm come togehter?
How many chromosomes are there when the sperm and ovum are joined?
What is another name for 46 chromosomes?
What is avoided with meiosis?
excess chromosomes
The photographic analysis of a person's chromosomes is done by orderly arrangement of pairs in a what?
After fertilization, the zygote undergoes what, the division of cells?
What is another name for individual cell division?
After initial cleavage, the solid ball of cells is known as what?
Because of the ongoing process of mitosis and secretion of fluid by the cells within the morula, the zygote becomes a vesicle known as a what?
When does mitosis take place?
during growth and repair
When does mitosis take place?
during reproduction
What is the embedding of a blasocyst into the endometrium?
What is the name for the layer of peripheral cells that the blastocyst consists of?
trophoblast layer
What is the small inner mass of embryonic cells in a blastocyst?
embryoblast layer
When a 21 chromosome is present what is the name for this?
Down's Syndrome or Trisomy 21
Implantation may occur outside the uterus, a condition called what?
ectopic pregnancy
Where do most ectopic pregnancies occur?
fallopian tube
What is the second period of prenatal development?
embryonic period
What is derived from the implanted blastocyst?
What processes cause the implanted blastocyst to become a embryo?
induction, proliferation, differetiation, morphogenesis, and maturation
What is the first physiological process involved in the beginning of most embryological development?
What is the action of one group of cells on another that leads to the establishment of the developmental pathway in the responding tissue?
What is controlled levels of cellular growth present during most of embryological development?
Growth may be what, which occur from deep within a tissue or organ?
Growth may be what, in which a tissue enlarges its size by the addition of layers on the outside of a structure?
What is a change in the embryonic cells, which are genetically identical but become quite distinct structurally and functionally?
What is the development of different cell types?
What is the development of different tissues whithin a structure?
What is the development of the differing structure for each organ or system?
What is the form of a structure?
What is the process of devlopment of specific tissue structure or shape?
What is the from the migration of embryonic cells and inductive interactions of those cells?
What begins during the later fetal period of the tissues and organs?
What is the name for the germ layers within a blastocyst?
embryonic cell layers
The increased embryonic cells in the second week of prenatal development creates what?
embryonic cell layers
What is developed from the blastocyst and appears as a flattened, essentially circular plate of bilayered cells?
bilaminar embryonic disk
The bilaminar disc as two layers, what are they?
superior epiblast layer and inferior hypoblast layer
What is bilaminar embryonic disc layer is composed of high columnar cells?
superior epiblast layer
What bilaminar embryonic disc layer is composed of small cuboidal cells?
hypoblastt layer
The bilamincar disc is suspended in the uterus's endometrium between what two fluid filled sacs?
amniotic cavity and yolk sac
What fluid filled cavity faces the epiblast layer?
amniotic cavity
What fluid filled cavity faces the hypblast layer?
yolk sac
What serves as inital nourishment for the embryonic disc?
yolk sac
What is a prenatal organ that joins the pregnant woman and devoloping embryo?
During the beginning of the third week of prenatal development, within the embryonic period, what forms within the bilaminar disc?
primitive steak
The primitive streak causes the bilaminar disc to have what, with a right half and left half?
bilateral symmetry
Migratory cells locate in the middle of the epiblast and hypoblast layers, becoming what, and embryonic connective tissue?
Some of the mesenchymal cells creates a new embryonic layer called what?
With three layers present, the bilaminar disc has become thickened into a what?
trilaminar embryonic disc
With the creation of the mesoderm what does the embryonic layer and hypoblast layer become?
ectoderm and endoderm
The ectoderm gives rise to what?
epidermis, nervous system, other structures
The mesoderm gives rise to what?
muscle coats, connective tissue, vessels supplying tissues and organs
The endoderm gives rise to what?
epithelial linings of the respiratory passages and digestive tract
What is the name for the head end of the disc?
cephalic end
At the cephalic end, the what forms?
oropharyngeal membrane
The oropharyngeal membrane consists of what layers?
ectoderm externally and endoderm internally
What is the name for the tail end of the disc?
caudal end
At the caudal end, what forms?
cloacal membrane
What is the future location of the anus?
cloacal end
During the later part of the third week of prenatal development what begins to develop in the embryo?
What are the cells that are localized to the neural plate of the embryo?
What is the band of cells that extends the length of the embryo from the cephalic end to the caudal end?
neural plate
The neural plate undergoes further frowth and thickening, which cause it to deepen and invaginate centrally, forming what?
neural groove
Near the end of the third week, the neural groove deepens further and is surrounded by what?
neural folds
The neural folds meet superior to the neural groove, and what is formed during the 4th week?
nueral tube
The neural tube undergoes what at its most superior portion and forms the future spinal cord as well as other neural tissues?
During the 3rd week, what develop from the neuroectoderm?
neural crest cells
Many embryologist conder the neural crest cells to be what?
4th embryonic layer
The neural crest cells are essential in the development of what?
face, neck, and oral tissues
By the end of the 3rd week, the mesoderm additionally differentiates and begins to divide into paired cuboidal aggregate cells call what?
During the 4th week of prenatal development, the disc undergoes what into an embyro, establishing for the first time the human axis and placing the tissues in their proper positions for further embryonic deelopment?
embryonic folding
The syndrome of what involves the abnormal development of one or more ectodermal structures?
ectodermal dysplasia
When do most congenital malformations occur?
preimplantation period and embryonic period
What are birth defects caused by the environment?
What is the first period of prenatal development?
preimplantation period
What is the innermost lining of the uterus?
prepared endometrium
What is the ideal implantation site?
back wall of the body of the uterus toward the spine
The trophoblast gives rise to what?
What is the second period of prenatal development?
embryonic period
What is the action of one group of cells on another that leads to the establishment of the development pathway in the responding tissue?
After the bilaminar disc is created, it is suspended in the uterus's endometrium between what?
amniotic cavity and yolk sac
What serves as initial nourishment for the embryonic disc?
yolk sac
What develops from the interactions of the trophoblast layer and endometrial layer?
What have the potential to proliferate and differentiate into diverse types of connective tissue-forming cells?
mesenchymal cells
The oropharyngeal membrane is the location of the future what?
primitive mouth
Embryonic folding occurs during what week?
4th week
Children with what syndrome ressemble little old men?
ectodermal displasia
Persons with what syndrome may suffer from partial or full anadontia?
ectodermal displasia
After folding of the disc, the endoderm lies inside what?
The anterior portion of the tube lined by endoderm is what?
What forms the primitive pharynx?
What are the two posterior portions of the tube lined by endoderm?
midgut and foregut
What do the midgut and hindgut form?
laryngopharyn through the anal opening
During development of the digestive tract, what form from evaginations on the lateral walls lining the pharynx?
pharyngeal pouches
What is the third period of prenatal development?
fetal period
The fetal period is a time of maturation of existing structures as the embryo enlarges to become what?
What is considered the most critical period of development?
fetal period
What is characterized by defects in the vertebral arches and various degress of disability?
spina bifida
What supplements are recommended during pregnancy to help prefent spina bifida, cleft lip and palate?
folic acid
What is the most common invasive prenatal diagnostic procedure?
What is the yellow to yellow-brown statining of the teeth caused by antibiotics?
tetracycline staining
Tetracycline staining becomes chemically bound to what part of the tooth for life?