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422 Cards in this Set
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Speech Disorder |
Inability to produce sounds effectively for speaking. |
Articulation disorders |
Any of a variety of pronunciation difficulties, such as the substitution, distortion, or omission of sounds. |
Voicing problems |
Inappropriate pitch, quality, loudness, or intonation. |
Emotional and behavioral disorders |
Behaviors or emotions that deviate so much from the norm that they interfere with the child's own growth and development and/or the lives of others-inappropriate behaviors, unhappiness or depression, fears and anxieties, and trouble with relationships. |
Intellectual disabilities/Mental retardation |
Significantly below-average intellectual and adaptive social behavior, evident before age 18. |
Transition programming |
Gradual preparation of students with special needs to move from high school into further education or training, employment, or community involvement. |
Cerebral palsy |
Condition involving a range of motor or coordination difficulties due to brain damage. |
Spasticity |
Overly tight or tense muscles, characteristic of some forms of cerebral palsy. |
Epilepsy |
Disorder marked by seizures and caused by abnormal electrical discharges in the brain. |
Generalized seizure |
A seizure involving a large portion of the brain. |
Absence seizure |
a seizure involving only a small part of the brain that causes a child to lose contact briefly. |
Low vision |
Vision limited to close objects. |
Educationally blind |
Needing Braille materials in order to learn. |
Autism/Autism spectrum disorders |
Developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and nonverbal comminication and social interaction, generally evident before age 3 and ranging from mild to major. |
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) |
A term favored by the medical community to describe autism spectrum disorders. |
Response to intervention (RTI) |
A process to make sure students get appropriate research-based instruction and support as soon as possible and that teachers are systematic in documenting what interventions they have tried with these students so this information can be used in planning. |
Gifted and talented students |
Very bright, creative, and talented students. |
Expressive vocabulary |
The words a person can speak. |
Receptive vocabulary |
The words a person can understand in spoken or written words. |
Overregularize |
To apply a rule of syntax or grammar in situations where the rule does not apply, e.g., "the bike was broked." |
Syntax |
The order of words in phrases or sentences. |
Pragmatics |
The rules for when and how to use language to be an effective communicator in a particular culture. |
Metalinguistic awareness |
Understanding about one's own use of language. |
Emergent literacy |
The skills and knowledge, usually developed in the preschool years, that are the foundation for the development of reading and writing. |
Inside-out skills |
The emergent literacy skiils of knowledge of graphemes, phonological awareness, syntactic awareness, phoneme-grapheme correspondence, and emergent writing. |
Outside-In skills |
The emergent literacy skills of language, narrative, conventions of print, and emergent reading. |
Bilingual |
Speaking two languages and dealing appropriately with the two different cultures. |
Monolingual |
Speaking only one language. |
Critical periods |
If learning doesn't happen during these periods, it never will. |
Sensitive periods |
Times when we are especially responsive to learning certain things. |
Heritage language |
The language spoken in the student's home or by members of the family. |
Balanced bilingualism |
Adding a second language cpability without losing your heritage language. |
Academic language |
The entire range of language used in elementary, secondary, and university-level schools including words, concepts, strategies, and processes from academic subjects. |
Code-switching |
Moving between two speech forms |
Genderlects |
Different ways of talking for males and females |
Immigrants |
People who voluntarily leave their country to become permanent residents in a new place. |
Refugees |
A special group of immigrants who also relocate voluntarily, but who are fleeing their home country because it is not safe. |
Melting pot |
A metaphor for the absorption and assimilation of immigrants into the mainstream of society so that ethnic differences vanish. |
Cultural deficit model |
A model that explains the school achievement problems of ethnic minority students by assuming that their culture is inadequate and does not prepare them to succeed in school. |
English language learners (ELLs) |
Students who are learning English when their primary or heritage language is not English. |
Generation 1.5 |
Students whose characteristics, educational experiences, and language fluencies are somewhere in between those of students born in the United States and students who are recent immigrants. |
Limited-English-proficient (LEP) |
A term also used for students who are leaning English when their primary or heritage language is not English-not the preferred term because of the negative connotations. |
English as a Second Language (ESL) |
The classes devoted to teaching ELL students English. |
Structured English immersion (SEI) |
An environment that teaches English rapidly by maximizing instruction English and using English at a level appropriate to the abilities of the ELLs in the class. |
Semilingual |
A lack of proficiency in any language; speaking one or more languages inadequately. |
Sheltered instruction |
Approach to teaching that improves English language skills while teaching content to ELL students by putting the words and concepts of the content into context to make the content more understandable. |
Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol or SIOP |
An observational system to check that each element of sheltered instruction is present for a teacher. |
Funds of knowledge |
Knowledge that families and community members have acquired in many areas of work, home, and religious life that can become the basis for teaching. |
Socioeconomic status (SES) |
Relative standing in the society based on income, power, background, and prestige. |
Resistance culture |
Group values and beliefs about refusing to adopt the behaviors and attitudes of the majority culture. |
Tracking |
Assignment to different classes and academic experiences based on achievement. |
Ethnicity |
A cultural heritage shared by a group of people. |
Race |
A socially constructed category based on appearances and ancestry. |
Minority group |
A group of people who have been socially disadvantaged-not always a minority in actual numbers. |
Prejudice |
Prejudgment or irrational generalization about an entire category of people. |
Stereotype |
Schema that organizes knowledge or perceptions about a category. |
Discrimination |
Treating or acting unfairly toward particular categories of people. |
Stereotype threat |
The extra emotional and cognitive burden that your performance in an academic situation might confirm a stereotype that others hold about you. |
Gender identity |
The sense of self as male or female as well as the beliefs one has about gender roles and attributes. |
Sexual identity |
A complex combination of beliefs about gender roles and sexual orientation. |
Gender schemas |
Organized cognitive structures that include gender-related information that influences how children think and behave. |
Gender biases |
Different views of males and females, often favoring one gender over the other. |
Multicultural education |
Education that promotes equity in the schooling of all students. |
Culturally relevant pedagogy |
Excellent teaching for students of color that includes academic success, developing/maintaining cultural competence, and developing a critical consciousness to challenge the status quo. |
Resilience |
The ability to adapt successfully in spite of difficult circumstances and threats to development. |
Sociolinguistics |
The study of the formal ans informal rules for how, when, about what, to whom, and how long to speak in conversations within cultual groups. |
Pragmatics |
The rules for when and how to use language to be an effective communicator in a paricular culture. |
Participation structures |
The formal and informal rules for how to take part in a given activity. |
Learning |
Process through which experience causes permanent change in knowledge or behavior. |
Behavioral learning theories |
Explanations of learning that focus on external events as the cause of changes in observable behaviors. |
Contiguity |
Association of two events because of repeated pairing. |
Stimulus |
Event that activates behavior. |
Response |
Observable reaction to a stimulus. |
Classical conditioning |
Association of automatic responses with new stimuli. |
Respondents |
Responses (generally automatic or involuntary) elicited by specific stimuli. |
Neutral stimulus |
Stimulus not connected to a response. |
Unconditioned stimulus (US) |
Stimulus that automatically produces an emotional or physiological response. |
Conditioned stimulus (CS) |
Stimulus that evokes an emotional or physiological response after conditioning. |
Conditioned response (CR) |
Learned response to a previously neutral stimulus. |
Operants |
Voluntary (and generally goal-directed) behaviors emitted by a person or an animal. |
Operant conditioning |
Learning in which voluntary behavior is strengthened or weakened by consequences or antecedents. |
Antecedents |
Events that precede an action |
Consequences |
Events that follow an action |
Reinforcement |
Use of consequences to strengthen behavior. |
Reinforcer |
Any event that follows a behavior and increases the chances that the behavior will occur again. |
Positive reinforcement |
Strengthening behavior by presenting a desired stimulus after the behavior. |
Negative reinforcement |
Strengthening behavior by removing an aversive stimulus when the behavior occurs. |
Aversive |
Irritating or unpleasant |
Punishment |
Process that weakens or suppresses behavior. |
Presentation punishment |
Decreasing the chances that a behavior will occur again by presenting a aversive stimulus following the behavior; also called Type I punishement. |
Removal punishment |
Decreasing the chances that a behavior will occur again by removing a pleasant stimulus following the behavior; also called Type II punishment. |
Continuous reinforcement schedule |
Presenting a reinforcer after every appropriate response. |
Intermittent reinforcement schedule |
Presenting a reinforcer after some but not all responses. |
Interval schedule |
Length of time between reinforcers. |
Ratio schedule |
Reinforecement based on the number of responses between reinforcers. |
Extinction |
The disapperance of a learned response |
Stimulus control |
Capacity for the presence or absence of antecedents to cause behaviors. |
Effective instruction delivery |
Instructions that are concise, clear, and specific, and that communicate an expected result. Statements work better than questions. |
Cueing |
Providing a stimulus that "sets up" a desired behavior. |
Prompt |
A reminder that follows a cue to make sure the person reacts to the cue. |
Applied behavior analysis |
The application of behavioral learning principles to understand and change behavior. |
Behavior modification |
Systematic application of antecedents and consequences to change behavior. |
Premack principle |
Principle stating that a more-preferred activity can serve as a reinforcer for a less-preferred activity.
Shaping |
Reingorcing each small step of progress toward a desired goal or behavior. |
Successive approximations |
System for breaking down a task hierarchically into basic skills and subskills. |
Positive practice |
Practicing correct responses immediately after errors. |
Reprimands |
Criticisms for misbehavior; rebukes. |
Response cost |
Punishment by loss of reinforcers. |
Social isolation |
Removal of a disruptive student for 5 to 10 minutes. |
Time out |
Technically, the removal of all reinforcement. In practice, isolation of a student from the rest of the class for a brief time. |
Good behavior game |
Arrangement where a class is divided into teams and each team receives demerit points for breaking agreed-upon rules of good behavior. |
Group consequences |
Rewards or punishments given to a class as a whole for adhering to or violating rules of conduct. |
Contingency contract |
A contract between the teacher and a student specifying what the student must do to earn a particular reward or privilege. |
Token reinforcement system |
System in which tokens earned for academic work and positive classroom behavior can be exchanged for some desired reward. |
Functional behavioral assessment (FBA) |
Procedures used to obtain information about antecedents, behaviors, and consequences to determinethe reason or function of the behavior.
Positive behavior supports (PBS) |
Interventions designed to replace problem behaviors with new actions that serve the same purpose for the student. |
Precorrection |
A tool for positive behavior support that involves identifying the context for a student's misbehavior, clearly specifying the alternative expected behavior, modifying the situation to make the problem behaviorless likely, them rehearsingthe expected positive behaviors in the new context and providing powerful reinforcers. |
Self-management |
Use of behavioral learning principles to change your own behavior. |
Self-reinforcement |
Controlling your own reinforcers. |
Social learning theory |
Theory that emphasizes learning through observation of others. |
Enactive learning |
Learning by doing and experiencing the consequences of your actions. |
Observational learning |
Learning by observation and imitation of other-vicarious learning. |
Cognitive view of learning |
A general approach that views learning as an active mental process of acquiring, remembering, and using knowledge. |
Cognitive science |
The interdisciplinary study of thinking, language, intelligence, knowledge creation, and the brain. |
Mirror systems |
Areas of the brain that fire both during perception of an action by someone else and when performing the action. |
Domain-specific knowledge |
Information that is useful in a particular situation or that applies mainly to one specific topic. |
General knowledge |
Information that is useful in many different kinds of tasks; information that applies to many situations. |
Information processing |
The human mind's activity of taking in, storing, and using information. |
Sensory memory |
System that holds sensory information very briefly. |
Perception |
Interpretation of sensory information. |
Bottom-up processing |
Perceiving based on noticing separate defining features and assembling them into a recognizable pattern. |
Gestalt |
German for pattern or whole. Gestalt theorists hold that people organize their perceptions into coherent wholes. |
Top-down |
Making sense of information by using context and what we already know about the situation; sometimes called conceptually driven perception. |
Attention |
Focus on a stimulus |
Automaticity |
The ability to perform thoroughly learned tasks without much mental effort. |
Woking memory |
The information that you are focusing on at a given moment. |
Short-term memory |
Component of memory system that holds information for about 20 seconds. |
Central executive |
The part of working memory that is responsible for monitoring and directing attention and other mental resources. |
Phonological loop |
Part of working memory. A speech-and sound-related system for holding and rehearsing (refreshing) words and sounds in shor-term memory for about 1.5 to 2 seconds. |
Visuospatial sketchpad |
Part of working memory. A holding system for visual and spatial information. |
Episodic buffer |
The process that brings together and integrates information from the phonological loop, visuospatial sketchpad, and long-term memory under the supervision of the central executive. |
Cognitive load |
The volume of resources necessary to complete a task. |
Intrinsic cognitive load |
The resources required by the task itself, regardless of other stimuli. |
Extraneous cognitive load |
The resources required to process stimuli irrelevant to the task. |
Germane cognitive load |
Deep processing of information related to the task, including the application of prior knowledge to a new task or problem. |
Maintenance rehearsal |
Keeping information in working memory by repearing it to yourself. |
Elaborative rehearsal |
Keeping information in working memory by associating it with something else you already know. |
Chunking |
Grouping individual bits of data into meaningful larger units. |
Interference |
Processing new information interferes or gets confused with old information. |
Decay |
The weakening and fading of memories with the passage of time.
Long-term memory |
Permanent store of knowledge. |
Declarative knowledge |
Verbal information; facts; "knowing that" something is the case. |
Procedural knowledge |
Knowledge that is demonstrated when we perform a task; "knowing how." |
Self-regulatory knowledge |
Knowing how to manage your learning, or knowing how and when to use your declarative and procedural knowledge. |
Explicit memory |
Long-term memories that involve deliberate or conscious recall. |
Implicit memory |
Knowledge that we are not conscious of recalling, but that influences our behavior or thought without our awareness. |
Semantic memory |
Memory for meaning. |
Propositional network |
Set of interconnected concepts and relationships in which long-term knowledge is held. |
Images |
Representations based on the physical attributes-the appearance-of information. |
Dual coding theory |
Suggests that information is stored in longterm memory as either visual images or verbal units, or both. |
Concept |
A category used to group similar events, ideas, objects, or people. |
Defining attribute |
Qualities that connect members of a group to a specific concept. |
Prototype |
A best example or best representative of a category. |
Exemplar |
An actual memory of a specific object. |
Theory-based |
An explanation for concept formation that suggests our classifications are based on ideas about the world that we create to make sense of things. |
Schemas (singular, schema) |
Basic structures for organizing information; concepts. |
Story grammar |
Typical structure or organization for a category of stories. |
Episodic memory |
Long-term memory for information tied to a particular time and place, especially memory of the events in a person's life. |
Flashbulb memories |
Clear, vivid memories of emotionally important events in your life. |
Procedural memory |
Long-term memory for how to do things. |
Script |
Schema or expected plan for the sequence of steps in a common event such as buying groceries or ordering pizza. |
Productions |
The contents of procedural memory; rules about what actions to take, given certain conditions. |
Priming |
Activating a concept in memory or the spread of activation from one concept to another. |
Elaboration |
Adding and extending meaning by connecting new information to existing knowledge. |
Organization |
Ordered and logical network of relations. |
Context |
The physical or emotional backdrop associated with an event. |
Levels of processing theory |
Theory that recall of information is based on how deeply it is processed. |
Spreading activation |
Retrieval of pieces of information based on their relatedness to one another. Remembering one bit of information activates (stimulates) recall of associated information. |
Retrieval |
Process of searching for and finding information in long-term memory. |
Reconstruction |
Recreating information by using memories, expectations, logic, and existing knowledge. |
Mnemonics |
Techniques for rememberin; the art of memory. |
Loci method |
Technique of associating items with specific places. |
Acronym |
Technique for remembering by using the first letter of each word in a phrase to form a new, memorable word. |
Chain mnemonic |
Memory strategies that associate one element in a series with the next element. |
Keyword method |
System of asssociating new words or concepts with similar-sounding cue words and images. |
Rote memorization |
Remembering information by repetition without necessarily understanding the meaning of the information. |
Serial-position effect |
The tendency to remember the beginning and the end, but not the middle of a list. |
Part learning |
Breaking a list of items into shorter lists. |
Distibuted practice |
Practice in brief periods with rest intervals. |
Massed practice |
Practice for a single extended period. |
Automated basic skills |
Skills that are applied without conscious thought. |
Productions |
Units of knowledge that combine conditions with actions in "if this happens, do that" relationships that often are automatic. |
Domain-specific strategies |
Consciously applied skills to reach goals in a particular subject or problem. |
Executive control processes |
Process such as selective attention, rehearsal, elaboration, and organization that influence encoding, storage, and retrieval of information in memory. |
Metacognition |
Knowledge about our own thingking processes. |
A strategy to guide reading and inquiry: Before-What do I already know? What do I want to know? After-What have I learned? |
Learning strategies |
A special kind of procedural knowledge-knowing how to approach learning tasks. |
Concept map |
A drawing that charts the relationships among ideas. |
Cmaps |
Tools for concept mapping developed by the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition that are connected to many knowledge maps and other resources on the internet. |
Production deficiency |
Students learn problem-solving strategies, but do not apply them when they could or should. |
A five-step reading strategy: Review headings; Examine boldface words; Ask, "What do I expect to learn?"; Do it-Read; Summarize in your own words. |
A strategy that can be used in reading literature: Characters, Aim of story, Problem, Solution. |
LINCS Vocabulary Strategy |
A strategy that uses stories and imagery to help students learn how to identify, organize, define, and remember words and their meanings. |
Problem |
Any situation in which you are trying to reach some goal and must find a means to do so. |
Problem solving |
Creating new solutions for problems. |
Schema-driven problem solving |
Recognizing a problem as a "disguised" version of an old problem for which one already has a solution. |
Algorithm |
Step-by-step procedure for solving a a problem; prescription for solutions. |
Heuristic |
General strategy used in attempting to solve problems. |
Means-ends analysis |
Heuristic in which a goal is divided into subgoals. |
Working-backward strategy |
Heuristic in which one starts with the goal and moves backward to solve the problem. |
Analogical thinking |
Heuristic in which one limits the search for solutions to situations that are similar to the one at hand. |
Verbalization |
Putting your problem-solving plan and its logic into words. |
Response set |
Rigidity; the tendency to repond in the most familiar way. |
Functional fixedness |
Inability to use objects or tools in a new way. |
Representativeness heuristic |
Judging the likelihood of an event based on how well the events match your prototypes-what you think is representative of the category. |
Availability heuristic |
Judging the likelihood of an event based on what is available in your memory, assuming those easily remembered events are common. |
Belief perseverance |
The tendency to hold on to beliefs, even in the face of contradictory evidence. |
Confirmation bias |
Seeking information that confirms our choices and beliefs, while disconfirming evidence. |
Creativity |
Imaginative, original thinking or problem solving. |
Divergent thinking |
Coming up with many possible solutions. |
Convergent thinking |
Narrowing possibilities to a single answer. |
Restructuring |
Conceiving of a problem in anew or different way. |
Insight |
Sudden realization of a solution. |
Brainstorming |
Generating ideas without stopping to evaluate them. |
Critical thinking |
Evaluating conclusions by logically and systematically examining the problem, the evidence, and the solution. |
Argumentation |
The process of debating a claim with someone else. |
Transfer |
Influence of previously learned material on new material; the productive (not reproductive) uses of cognitive tools and motivations. |
Overlearning |
Practicing a skill past the point of mastery. |
Learning sciences |
An interdisciplinary science of learning, based on research in psychology, education, computer science, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, neuroscience, and other fields that study learning. |
Embodied cognition |
Theory stating that cognitive processes develop from real-time, goal-directed interactions between humans and their environment. |
Constructivism |
View that emphasizes the active role of the learner in building understanding and making sense of information. |
First wave constructivism |
A focus on the individual and psychological sources of knowing, as a Piaget's theory. |
Radical constrctivism |
Knowledge is assumed to be the individual's construction; it cannot be judged right or wrong. |
Appropriating |
Being able to internalize or take for yourself knowledge and skills developed in interaction with others or with cultural tools. |
Second wave constructivism |
A focus on the social and cultural sources of knowing, as in Vygotsky's theory. |
*Constructionism |
How public knowledge in disciplines such as science, math, economics, or history is constructed. |
Community of practice |
Social situation or context in shich ideas are judged useful or true. |
Situated learning |
The idea that skills and knowledge are tied to the situation in which they were learned and that they are difficult to apply in new settings. |
Complex learning evironments |
Problems and learning situations that mimic the ill-structured nature of real life. |
Social negotiation |
Aspect of learngin process that relies on collaboration with others and respect for different perspectives. |
Intersubjective attitude |
A commitment to build shared meaning with others by finding common ground and exchanging interpretations. |
Multiple representations of content |
Considering problems using various analogies, examples, and metaphors. |
Spiral curriculum |
Bruner's design for teaching that introduces the fundamental structure of all subjects early in the school years, then revisits the subjects in more and more complex forms over time. |
*Scaffolding |
Teachers and students make meaningful connections between what the teacher knows and what the students know and need in order to help the students learn more. |
*Inquiry learning |
Approach in which the teacher presents a puzzling situation and students solve the problem by gathering data and testing their conclusions. |
Problem-based learning |
Methods that provide students with realistic problems that don't necessarily have "right" answers. |
*Cognitive apprenticeship |
A relationship in which a less experienced learner acquires knowledge and skills under the guidance of an expert. |
*Reciprocal teaching |
Designed to help students understand and think deeply about what they read. |
Collaboration |
A philosophy about how to relate to others-how to learn and work. |
Cooperation |
Way of working with others to attatin a shared goal. |
Cooperative learning |
Situations in which elaboration, interpretation, explanation, and argumentation are integral to the activity of the group and where learning is supported by other individuals. |
Reciprocal questioning |
Students work in pairs or triads to ask and answer questions about lesson material. |
Jigsaw Classroom |
A learning process in which each student is part of a group and each group member is given part of the material to be learned by the whole group. Students become "expert" on their piece and then teach it to the others in their group. |
Structured controversy |
Students work in pairs within their four-person cooperative groups to research a particular controversy. |
Service learning |
Combines academic learning with personal and social development for secondary and college students. |
*Cloud computing |
Allows computer users to access applications, such as a Google document or Microsoft Web Mail, as well as computing assets such as network-accessible data storage and processing to use online applications. |
*Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) |
A broad term that describes many ways of learning in virtual or online systems. |
*Learning Management System (LMS) |
Systems that deliver e-learning, provide tools and learning materials, keep records, administer assessments, and manage learning. |
*Personal Learning Environment (PLE) |
Provides tools that support individualized learning in a variety of contexts and situations. |
*Personal Learning Network (PLN) |
Framework in which knowledge is constructed through online peer interactions. |
*Immersive Virtual Learning Environment (IVLE) |
A simulation of a real-world environment that immerses students in tasks like those required in a professional practicum. |
*Massive Multi-player Online Games (MMOG) |
Interactive gaming environments constructed in virtual worlds where the learner assumes a character role of avatar. |
Social learning theory |
Theory that emphasizes learning through observation of others. |
Social cognitive theory |
Theory that adds concern with cognitive factors such as beliefs, self-perceptions, and expectations to social learning theory. |
Triarchic reciprocal causality |
An explanation of behavior that emphasizes the mutual effects of the individual and the environment on each other. |
Vicarious reinforcement |
Increasing the chances that we will repeat a behavior by observing another person being reinforced for that behavior. |
Self-reinforcement |
Controlling (selecting and administering) your own reinforcers. |
Ripple effect |
"Contagious" spreading of behaviors through imitation. |
Self-efficacy |
A person's sense of being able to deal effectively with a particular task. |
Human agency |
The capacity to coordinate learning skills, motivation, and emotions to reach your goals. |
Mastery experiences |
Our own direct experiences-the most powerful source of efficacy information. |
Arousal |
Physical and psychological reactions causing a person to feel alert, excited, or tense. |
Vicarious experiences |
Accomplishments that are modeled by someone else. |
Modeling |
Changes in behavior, thingking, or emotions that happen through observing another person-a model. |
Social persuasion |
A "pep talk" or specific performance feedback-one source of self-efficacy. |
Teachers' sense of efficacy |
A teacher's belief that he or she can reach even the most difficult students and help them learn. |
Self-regulation |
Process of activating and sustaining thoughts, behaviors, and emotions in order to reach goals. |
Volition |
Will power; self-discipline; work styles that protect opportunities to reach goals by applying self-regulated learning. |
Co-regulation |
A transitional phase during which students gradually appropriate self-regulated learning and skills through modeling, direct teaching, feedback, and coaching from teachers, parents, or peers. |
Shared regulation |
Students working together to regulate each other through reminders, prompts, and other guidance. |
Self-regulated learning |
A view of learning as skills and will applied to analyzing learning tasks, setting goals and planning how to do the task, applying skills, and especially making adjustments about how learning is carried out. |
Cognitive behavior modification |
Procedures based on both behavioral and cognitive learning principles for changing your own behavior by using self-talk and self-instruction. |
Self-instruction |
Talking oneself through the steps of a task. |
Motivation |
An internal state that arouses, directs, and maintains behavior. |
Intrinsic motivation |
Motivation associated with activities that are their own reward. |
Extrinsic motivation |
Motivation created by external factors such as rewards and punishments. |
Locus of causality |
The location-internal or external-of the cause of behavior. |
Reward |
An attractive object or event supplied as a consequence of a behavior. |
Incentive |
An object or event that encourages or discourages behavior. |
Humanistic interpretation |
Approach to motivation that emphasizes personal freedom, choice, self-determination, and striving for personal growth. |
Expectancy x value theories |
Explanations of motivation that emphasize individuals' expectations for success combined with their valuing of the goal. |
Sociocultural views of motivation |
Perspectives that emphasize paricipation, identities, and interpersonal relations within communities of practice. |
Legitimate peripheral participation |
Genuine involvement in the work of the group, even if your abilities are undeveloped and contributions are small. |
Hierarchy of needs |
Maslow's model of seven levels of human needs, from basic physiological requirements to the need for self-actualization. |
Self-actualization |
Fulfilling one's potential. |
Deficiency needs |
Maslow's four lower-level needs, which must be satisfied first. |
Being needs |
Maslow's three higher-level needs, sometimes called growth needs. |
Need for autonomy |
The desire to have our own wishes, rather than external rewards or pressures, determine our actions. |
Cognitive evaluation theory |
Suggests that events affect motivation through the individual's perception of the events as controlling behavior or providing information. |
Goal |
What an individual strives to accomplish. |
Goal orientations |
Patterns of beliefs about goals related to achievement in school. |
Mastery goal |
A personal intention to improve abilities and learn, no matter how performance suffers. |
Performance goal |
A personal intention to seem competent or perform well in the eyes of others. |
Work-avoidant learners |
Students who don't want to learn or to look smart, but just want to avoid work. |
Social goals |
A wide variety of needs and motives to be connected to others or part of a group. |
Epistemological beliefs |
Beliefs about the structure, stability, and certainty of knowledge, and how knowledge is best learned. |
Entity view of ability |
Belief that ability is a fixed characteristic that cannot be changed. |
Incremental view of ability |
Belief that ability is a set of skills that can be changed. |
Attribution theories |
Descriptions of how individuals' explanations, justifications, and excuses influence their motivation and behavior. |
Self-efficacy |
Beliefs about personal competence in a particular situation. |
Learned helplessness |
The expectation, based on previous experiences with a lack of control, that all one's efforts will lead to failure. |
Mastery-oriented students |
Students who focus on learning goals because they value achievement and see ability as improvable. |
Failure-avoiding students |
Students who avoid failure by sticking to what they know, by not taking risks, or by claiming not to care about their performance. |
Self-handicapping |
Students may engage in behavior that blocks their own success in order to avoid testing their true ability. |
Failure-accepting students |
Students who believe their failures are due to low ability and there is little they can do about it. |
Arousal |
Physical and psychological reactions causing a person to be alert, attentive, wide awake. |
Anxiety |
General uneasiness, a feeling of tension. |
Motivation to learn |
The tendency to find academic activities meaningful and worthwhile and to try to benefit from them. |
Academic tasks |
The work the student must accomplish, including the content covered and the mental operations required. |
Importance/Attainment value |
The importance of doing well on a task; how success on the task meets personal needs. |
Interest or intrinsic value |
The enjoyment a person gets from a task. |
Utility value |
The contribution of a task to meeting one's goals. |
Authentic task |
Tasks that have some connection to real-life problems the students will face outside the classroom. |
Problem-based learning |
Methods that provide students with realistic problems that don't necessarily have right answers. |
Goal structure |
The way students relate to others who are also working toward a particular goal. |
Classroom management |
Techniques used to maintain a healthy learning environment, relatively free of behavior problems. |
Participation Structures |
Rules defining how to participate in different activities. |
Allocated time |
Time set aside for learning. |
Engaged time/Time on task |
Time spent actively engaged in the learning task at hand. |
Academic learning time |
Time when students are actually suceeding at the learning task. |
Self-management |
Management of your own behavior and acceptance of responsibility for your own actions. |
Prodcedures/routines |
Prescribed steps for an activity |
Rules |
Statements specifying expected and forbidden behaviors; dos and don'ts. |
Natural/logical consequences |
Instead of punishing, have students redo, repair, or in some way face the consequences that naturally flow from their actions. |
Action zone |
Area of a classroom where the greatest amount of interaction takes place. |
Withitness |
According to Kounin, awareness of everything happening in a classroom. |
Overlapping |
Supervising several activites at once. |
Group focus |
The ability to keep as many students as possible involved in activities. |
Movement management |
Keeping lessons and the group moving at an appropriate (and flexible) pace, with smooth transitions and variety. |
Paraphrase rule |
Policy whereby listeners must accurately summarize what a speaker has said before being allowed to respond. |
Empathetic listening |
hearing the intent and emotions behind what another says and reflecting them back by paraphrasing. |
"I" message |
Clear, nonaccusatory statement of how something is affecting you. |
Assertive discipline |
Clear, firm, unhostile reponse style. |
Culturally responsive management |
Taking cultural meanings and styles into account when developing management plans and resonding to students. |
Warm demanders |
Effective teachers with African American students who show both high expectations and great caring for their students. |
Expert teachers |
Experienced, effective teachers who have developed solutions for classroom problems. Their knowledge of teaching process and content is extensive and well organized. |
Pedagogical content knowledge |
Teacher knowledge that combines mastery of academic content with knowing how to teach the content and how to match instruction to strudent differnces. |
Reflective |
Thoughtful and inventive. Reflective teachers think back over situations to analyze what they did and why and to consider how they might improve learning for their students. |
Lesson study |
As a group, teachers develop, test, improve, and retest lessons until they are satisfied with the final version. |
Instructional objectives |
Clear statement of what students are intended to learn through instruction. |
Behavioral objectives |
Instructional objectives stated in terms of observable behaviors. |
Cognitive objectives |
Instructional objectives stated in terms of higher-level thinking operations. |
Taxonomy |
Classification system. |
Cognitive domain |
In Bloom's taxonomy, memory and reasoning objectives. |
Affective domain |
Objectives focusing on attitudes and feelings. |
Psychomotor domain |
Physical ability and coordination objectives. |
Constructivist approach |
View that emphasizes the active role of the learner in buildging understanding and making sense of information. |
Direct instuction/Explicit teaching |
Systematic instuction for mastery of basic skills, facts, and information. |
Active teaching |
Teaching characterized by high levels of teacher explanation, demonstration, and interaction with students. |
Basic skills |
Clearly structured knowledge that is needed for later learning and that can be taught step by step. |
Advance organizer |
Statement of inlcusive concepts to intoduce and sum up material that follows. |
Scripted cooperation |
Learning strategy in which two students take turns summarizing material and criticizing the summaries. |
Seatwork |
Independent classroom work. |
Convergent questions |
Questions that have a single correct answer. |
Divergent questions |
Questions that have no single correct answer. |
Group discussion |
Conversation in which the teacher does not have the dominant role; students pose and anwer their own questions. |
Differentiated instruction |
A flexible approach to teaching that matches content, process, and product based on student differences in readiness, interests, and learning needs. |
Within-class ablility grouping |
System of grouping in which students in a class are divided into tow or three groups based on ability in an attempt to accommodate student differences. |
Flexible grouping |
Grouping and regrouping students based on learning needs. |
Adaptive teaching |
Provides all students with challenging instruction and uses supports when needed, but removes these supports as students become able to handle more on their own. |
Assistive technology |
Devices, systems, and services that support and improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities. |
Universal design |
Considering the needs of all users in the design of new tools, learning programs, or Web sites. |
Pygmalion effect |
Exceptional progress by a student as a result of high teacher expectations for that student; named for mythological king, Pygmalion, who made a statue, then caused it to be brought to life. |
Self-fulfilling prophecy |
A groundless expectation that is confirmed because it has been expected. |
Sustaining expectation effect |
Student performance is maintained at a certain level because teachers don't recognize improvements. |
Standardized tests |
Tests given, usually nationwide, under uniform conditions and scored according to uniform procedures. |
Classroom assessments |
Classroom assessments are selected and created by teachers and can take many different forms-unit tests, essays, portfolios, projects, performances, oral presentations, etc. |
Measurement |
An evaluation expressed in quantitative (number) terms. |
Assessment |
Procedures used to obtain information about student performance. |
Formative assessment |
Ungraded testing used before or during instruction to aid in planning and diagnosis. |
Pretest |
Formative test for assessing students' knowledge, readinessm and abilities. |
Summative assessment |
Testing that follows instruction and assesses achievement. |
Norm-referenced testing |
Testing in which scores are compared with the average performance of others. |
Norm group |
Large sample of students serving as a comparison group for scoring tests. |
Criterion-referenced testing |
Testing in which scores are compared to set performance standard. |
Reliability |
Consistency of test results. |
Standard error of measurement |
Hypothetical estimate of variation in scores if testing were repeated. |
Confidence interval |
Range of scores within which an individual's particular score is likely to fall. |
True score |
The score the student would get if the measurement were completely accurate and error-free. |
Validity |
Degree to which a test measures what it is intended to measure. |
Assessment bias |
Qualities of an assessment instrument that offend or unfairly penalize a group of students because of the students' gender, SES, race, ethnicity, etc. |
Culture-fair/culture-free test |
A test without cultural bias. |
Objective testing |
Multiple-choice, matching, true-/false, short-answer, and fill-in tests; scoring answers does not require interpretation. |
Stem |
The question part of a multiple-choice item. |
Distractors |
Wrong answers offered as choices in a multiple-choice item. |
Authentic assessments |
Assessment procedures that test skills and abilities as they would be applied in real-life situations. |
Performance assessments |
Any form of assessment that requires students to carry out an activity or produce a product in order to demonstrate learning. |
Portfolio |
A collection of the student's work in an area, showing growth, self-reflection, and achievement. |
Exhibition |
A performance test or demonstration of learning that is public and usually takes an extended time to prepare. |
Scoring rubrics |
Rules that are used to determine the quality of a student's performance. |
Informal assessments |
Ungraded (formative) assessments that gather information from multiple sources to help teachers make decisions. |
Norm-referenced grading |
Assessment of students' achievement in relation to one another. |
Grading on the curve |
Norm-reference grading that compares students' performance to an average level. |
Criterion-referenced grading |
Assessment of each student's mastery of course objectives. |
Mean |
Arithmetical average |
Central tendency |
Typical score for a group of scores. |
Median |
Middle score in a group of scores. |
Mode |
Most frequently occurring score. |
Standard deviation |
Measure of how widely scores vary from the mean. |
Variability |
Degree of difference or deviation from mean. |
Range |
Distance between the highest and the lowest scores in a group. |
Normal distribution |
The most commonly occurring distribution, in which scores are distributed evenly around the mean. |
Percentile rank |
Percentage of those in the norming sample who scored at or below an individual's score. |
Grade-equivalent score |
Mearure of grade level based on comparison with norming samples from each grade. |
Standard scores |
Scores based on the standard deviation. |
z score |
Standard score indicating the number of standard deviations above or below the mean. |
T score |
Standard score with a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. |
Stanine scores |
Whole number scores from 1 to 9, each representing a wide range of raw scores. |
High-stakes testing |
Standardized tests whose results have powerful inluences when used by school administrators, other officials, or employers to make decisions. |
Accountable |
Making teachers and schools responsible for student learning, usually by monitoring learning with high-stakes tests. |
Adequate yearly progress (AYP) |
Objectives for yearly improvement for all students and for specific groups such as students from major ethnic and racial groups, students with disabilities, students from low-income families, and students whose English is limited. |
Achievement tests |
Standardized tests measuring how much students have learned in a given content area. |