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99 Cards in this Set

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In later sessions, if there is no change reported, what can you ask?

A. Did you do your task?

B. What will you do to prevent back sliding?

C. What was your best day?

D. What are you going to do differently to do better next time?

C. What was your best day?

What should happen in later sessions?

A. The counselor will still take a break.

B. No brakes are needed.

C. The counselor keeps reassigning the same tasks.

D. Your goal is to call attention to problems, lack of progress.

A. The counselor will still take a break.

What is one thing you always want to assign to counselees in solution-based Biblical counseling?

A. To watch for successes over the next week.

B. To make note of problems that occur over the next.

C. To keep an accurate count of the number of failures since the previous visit.

D. To focus on their problems so that they can change.

A. To watch for successes over the next week.

The complement section of the session is a good time to make some brief educative statements.

True or false


In this lesson, when we talk about theological barriers, we are talking about barriers we need to cross to present the Gospel clearly to our Muslim friends.

True or false


In later sessions, if there is no change reported, what can you ask?

A. Did you do your task?

B. What will you do to prevent back sliding?

C. What was your best day?

D. What are you going to do differently to do better next time?

C. What was your best day?

Mohammed is prophesied in the Bible, where it talks about a prophet who is to come.”

True or false

False (Jesus is prophesied in the Bible as the prophet who is to come)

Scaling questions are useful both for finding out where someone is and for measuring progress as counseling progresses.

True or false


We can invite a counselee to compliment themselves by having them answer questions about their successes.

True or false


In solution based Biblical counseling, you always want to…

A. …make sure you ask both the husband and the wife to scale where they are now.

B. …focus on the problem to be solved.

C. … take sides in marital arguments.

D. …look for opportunity to give criticism.

A. …make sure you ask both the husband and the wife to scale where they are now.

In solution based Biblical counseling, you should look for chances to:

A. Help the counselee self-compliment, through answering questions you ask.

B. Point out the hidden sin.

C. Always be ready to give the solutions that have worked for you.

D. Take the side of the person who is obviously in the right.

A. Help the counselee self-complement through answering questions you ask.

How is clarification used?

A. To make sure you understand the problem.

B. To make a clear picture of what life without the problem looks like.

C. To make sure each person understands the other persons complaints.

D. To helpclear the air”.

B. To make a clear picture of what life without the problem looks like.

It is important to encourage people to look for the positives because we always find what we are looking for.

True or false


Goals should be vague and non-specific.

True or false

False (goals should be specific.)

How does it help to scale the goals we set with counselees?

A. It creates an “all or nothingmentality.

B. It creates an expectation of progression, of moving forward.

C. It shows what the counselor expects over the coming weeks.

D. It lets people see that they are being unrealistic.

B. It creates an expectation of progression, of moving forward.

What should a goal be like?

A. Something that the spouse needs to do.

B. Something that they hope will happen over the next session.

C. Something that each person will take responsibility to do.

D. Something to avoid.

C. Something that each person will take responsibility to do.

Goals should be…

A. set by the counselor.

B. a general description of what a person wants.

C. an explanation of why a person does what he does.

D. what a person will do and how they will do it.

D. what a person will do and how they will do it.

Peter said it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Jesus.

True or false


The Korban festival celebrates the birth of Muhammad.

True or false

False (festival of sacrifice)

Circle the correct answer for the Muslim term that means “the evil spirits who are in league with satan”.

A. Korban Bayram.

B. Jinn

C. Eid Al-ashamed

D. Isa

B. Jinn

Why is Jesusdeath not shameful?

A. He rose from the dead, gaining the greatest honor of all.

B. He did not really die.

C. He did many miracles.

D. He taught and did many wonderful things.

A. He rose from the dead, gaining the greatest honor of all.

Which Old Testament story connects Muslims to the reason that Jesus needed to die for our sins.

A. The creation story.

B. The account of Noah and the flood.

C. The sacrifice God provided for Abraham.

D. Moses and the burning bush.

C. The sacrifice God provided for Abraham.

Samuel Chadwick said that the devil laughs at our toil, but trembles when we pray.

True or false


In the Old Testament, a name represented a person’s occupation.

True or false

False (it represented a persons character, deeds, or experiences)

What is the Greek word that means to “unstring the bow?”

A. Unwinding.

B. Faint.

C. Undoing.

D. Giving up.

B. Faint

What was the key to Jesuspowerful ministry?

A. He was filled with the Holy Spirit.

B. He had access to God’s power.

C. He withdrew often to pray.

D. He was Gods Son,

C. He withdrew often to pray.

What is the churches most powerful weapon?

A. Praying together.

B. Having meetings.

C. Evangelizing.

D. Getting people saved.

A. Praying together.

It is important to pass judgment on sinful behaviors.

True or false


What is the purpose of the compliments section of the session?

A. Assigning a task to complete over the next week.

B. Making supportive compliments about what they are already doing right.

C. Identifying behavior that needs to change.

D. Having the counselee rate their progress.

B. Making supportive compliments about what they are already doing right.

We should never agree with a Muslim when we talk about spiritual things.

True or false


In this lesson, when we talk about theological barriers, we are talking about barriers we need to cross to present the Gospel clearly to our Muslim friends.

True or false


Which verse is similar to the Shahada?

A. 2 Timothy 2:24

B. Exodus 20:3

C. 1 Peter 3:15

D. 1Corinthians 15:14

B. Exodus 20:3

What is the key when speaking to Muslims?

A. Argue about things we believe.

B. Use terms as Christians say them, such as Jesus Christand New Testament”.

C. Convince them of what we believe.

D. Cause them to think, and allow the Holy Spirit to open their minds.

D. Cause them to think, and allow the Holy Spirit to open their minds.

Courage is the absence of fear.

True or false

False (courage is the decision to overcome fear)

Encouragement needs to be sincere, but it doesn’t need to be specific.

True or false

False (encouragement needs to be sincere and specific)

What is the word that means to ignite and incite courage in another?

A. Excitement.

B. Encourage.

C. Discourage.

D. Impact.

B. Encourage.

Whose name did the apostles change to Barnabas?

A. Paul.

B Silas.

C. Joseph.

D. Peter.

C. Joseph.

What can keep you anchored and fired up for the Lord and His purposes?

A. Having believer friends.

B. Going to church regularly.

C. Going to Bible school.

D. Having many Bibles and references.

A. Having believer friends.

The compliment section of the session is a good time to make some brief educative statements.

True or false


What is one thing you always want to assign to counselees in solution based biblical counseling?

A. To watch for successes over the next week

B. To make note of problems that occur over the next week.

C. To keep an accurate count of the number of failure since the previous visit.

D. To focus on their problems so that they can change.

A. To watch for successes over the next week.

At later sessions, the goal is to find out the next problem to solve.

True or false

False (the goal is to reinforce progress with support and focus)

No single counseling method works 100% of the time.

True or false


In later sessions, if there is no change reported, what can you ask?

A. Did you do your task?

B. What will you do to prevent back sliding?

C. What was your best day?

D. What are you going to do differently to do better next time?

C. What was your best day?

What should happen in later sessions?

A. The counselor will still take a break.

B. No brakes are needed.

C. The counselor keeps reassigning the same tasks.

D. Your goal is to call attention to problems, lack of progress.

A. The counselor will still take a break.

If a counselee reports that things are worse, what should the counselor do?

A. Provide more scripture to memorize.

B. Use coping questions.

C. Decide who is to blame.

D. Provide more educated comments.

B. Use coping questions.

Mohammed is prophesied in the Bible where it talks about a prophet who is to come.”

True or false

False (Jesus is prophesied in the Bible as the prophet who is to come)

It is not wrong to say something good about Muhammad.

True or false


Which ONE action is NOT something you should do when talking with a Muslim friend?

A. Pray.

B. Use Muslim friendly terms.

C. Argue strongly in loudly about your beliefs.

D. Suggest some parts of the Bible to read.

C. Argue strongly and loudly about your beliefs.

What should Christians be experts about?

A. The life of Jesus.

B. Muhammad

C. The Qur’an

D. How to become a Muslim.


A. The life of Jesus.

Three of the following are questions, you should be prepared to answer when talking with a Muslim friend. Which question is NOT something you would expect to be asked?

A. What do you think about Muhammad?

B. What do you think about the Qur’an?

C. Why haven’t you become a Muslim?

D. Why should I continue to believe in Muhammad?

D. Why should I continue to believe in Muhammad?

Righteousness is an INWARD action to our beliefs.

True or false


The goal of Church discipline is for repentance, restitution, restoration.

True or false


Which of the Right Living actions is UPWARD?

A. Godliness.

B. Righteousness

C. Holiness.

D. Prayer.

C. Holiness.

What are the three ways to have a healthy community?

A. Reconciliation, restoration , and reproving.

B. Righteousness, holiness, and godliness.

C. Restoration, righteousness, and reproving.

D. Holiness, godliness, and reconciliation.

A. Reconciliation, restoration, and reproving.

What is the goal of Church discipline?

A. Excommunication.

B. Restoration.

C. Commitment.

D. Repentance, restitution, restoration.

D. Repentance, restitution, restoration

Someone who appears to be very angry might be depressed.

True or false


When a counselee does not come with his assigned task, he probably forgot.

True or false

False (they are not ready to move forward)

Which is NOT correct when working with people experiencing high levels of pain?

A. Let them know that you care.

B. Listen, as long as it takes to hear their story.

C. Impart hope.

D. Encourage them to forget the past and move on.

D. Encourage them to forget the past and move on.

Which is NOT correct when working with people experiencing high levels of pain?

A. Let them know that you care.

B. Listen, as long as it takes to hear their story.

C. Impart hope.

D. Encourage them to forget the past and move on.

D. Encourage them to forget the past and move on.

What is the most important step when working with infidelity?

A. Encourage the couple to trust each other.

B. Give them suggestions as to how they can begin to rebuild their relationship.

C. Require true repentance on the part of the one who was unfaithful.

D. Encourage the wounded partner to forgive the unfaithful spouse.

C. Require true repentance on the part of the one who was unfaithful.

Which is NOT correct when working with people experiencing high levels of pain?

A. Let them know that you care.

B. Listen, as long as it takes to hear their story.

C. Impart hope.

D. Encourage them to forget the past and move on.

D. Encourage them to forget the past and move on.

What is the most important step when working with infidelity?

A. Encourage the couple to trust each other.

B. Give them suggestions as to how they can begin to rebuild their relationship.

C. Require true repentance on the part of the one who was unfaithful.

D. Encourage the wounded partner to forgive the unfaithful spouse.

C. Require true repentance on the part of the one who was unfaithful.

When working with those who are victims, why is it important to connect with the stronger person?

A. He will think that you agree with him.

B. He will influence the other two return or quit counseling.

C. He may see no need to change.

D. He will look for his own strengths to solve the problem.

D. He will look for his own strengths to solve the problem.

Jesus and Muhammad treated women very much the same way.

True or false


The God of the Bible is very powerful, but He also desires, a loving, close relationship with His children.

True or false


What one fact sets Jesus apart from everyone else?

A. He was born into a wealthy family.

B. He was born of a virgin.

C. He gain followers by being an oppressive leader over them.

D. He was a successful warrior.

B. He was born of a virgin.

Jesus made three of the following claims about Himself. Which claim below is NOT one that Jesus made?

A. I am a warner of men.

B. I am the light of the world.

C. I am the bread of life.

D. I am the way, the truth, and the life.

A. I am a warner of men.

To understand the important differences between Christianity and Islam, it is important to look at several comparisons. Which comparison below is NOT useful in understanding the differences.

A. Jesus and Muhammad.

B. The Bible and the Qur’an.

C. Christian and Islamic theology.

D. The countries where followers of Jesus and Muhammad are found.

D. The countries where followers of Jesus and Muhammad are found.

It is important to read the Qur’an before trying to witness to your Muslim friends.

True or false


It is important to read the Qur’an before trying to witness to your Muslim friends.

True or false


Christians are called “people of the book” in the Qur’an.

True or false


It is important to read the Qur’an before trying to witness to your Muslim friends.

True or false


Christians are called “people of the book” in the Qur’an.

True or false


What is the purpose of this lesson on the comparison between Christianity and Islam?

A. To prove that our religion is better than theirs.

B. To prove that the Bible is better than the Qur’an.

C. To help us clearly explain the differences to someone struggling to understand.

D. To prove that Jesus is superior to Muhammad.

C. To help us clearly explain the differences to someone struggling to understand.

It is important to read the Qur’an before trying to witness to your Muslim friends.

True or false


Christians are called “people of the book” in the Qur’an.

True or false


What is the purpose of this lesson on the comparison between Christianity and Islam?

A. To prove that our religion is better than theirs.

B. To prove that the Bible is better than the Qur’an.

C. To help us clearly explain the differences to someone struggling to understand.

D. To prove that Jesus is superior to Muhammad.

C. To help us clearly explain the differences to someone struggling to understand.

Who said, “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight“?

A. Muhammad.

B. Jesus.

C. Peter.

D. Abraham.

B. Jesus.

It is important to read the Qur’an before trying to witness to your Muslim friends.

True or false


Christians are called “people of the book” in the Qur’an.

True or false


What is the purpose of this lesson on the comparison between Christianity and Islam?

A. To prove that our religion is better than theirs.

B. To prove that the Bible is better than the Qur’an.

C. To help us clearly explain the differences to someone struggling to understand.

D. To prove that Jesus is superior to Muhammad.

C. To help us clearly explain the differences to someone struggling to understand.

Who said, “My Kingdom is not of this world. If my Kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight“?

A. Muhammad.

B. Jesus.

C. Peter.

D. Abraham.

B. Jesus.

The connection between the Gospel and the unseen spiritual world is seen in which of the following?

A. Christians live in fear of the unseen spiritual world.

B. The Bible offers no evidence that people are ever delivered from the power of demons.

C. Jesus’ disciples never cast out demons from people.

D. Jesus had power over demons and gave the same to his disciples.

D. Jesus had power over demons and gave the same to his disciples.

Man was created to carry the high honor of representing God on earth.

True or false


Man was created to carry the high honor of representing God on earth.

True or false


In the Christian culture, what other people think of you is the absolutely most important thing, because this is who you are.

True or false


Adam and eve experienced three things in the garden after they sinned. Which of the following did they NOT experience?

A. Guilt.

B. Shame.

C. Fear.

D. Peace.

D. Peace.

Whose life is the greatest story of a shame/honor reversal?

A. Daniel.

B. Jesus.

C. Solomon.

D. John the Baptist.

B. Jesus.

Whose life is the greatest story of a shame/honor reversal?

A. Daniel.

B. Jesus.

C. Solomon.

D. John the Baptist.

B. Jesus.

Which of the following is an important truth to understand about honor?

A. Real honor comes only from God.

B. When we become Christians, our honor is based on my other people in the church think

C. Because God restores our honor, we will not experience any persecution.

D. God will not allow us to experience any shame when we become Christians.

A. Real honor comes only from God.

Reverend Zac shared that you can expect everyone to be your friend.

True or false

False (you can not expect everyone to be your friend)

Reverend Zack shared that you can expect everyone to be your friend.

True or false

False (you can not expect everyone to be your friend)

The goal of reconciliation is to gain your brother or sister in Christ.

True or false


What is NOT a building block for strong relationships that was discussed?

A. Right expectations.

B. Time.

C. Authentic.

D. Selectiveness.

D. Selectiveness.

What is NOT a building block for strong relationships that was discussed?

A. Right expectations.

B. Time.

C. Authentic.

D. Selectiveness.

D. Selectiveness.

Why should conflicts be resolved biblically?

A. It is easier and more effective.

B. It produces stronger relationships and power in the Church.

C. It reduces the amount of conflicts later.

D. Less people need to be involved.

B. It produces stronger relationships and power in the Church.

What is NOT a building block for strong relationships that was discussed?

A. Right expectations.

B. Time.

C. Authentic.

D. Selectiveness.

D. Selectiveness.

Why should conflicts be resolved biblically?

A. It is easier and more effective.

B. It produces stronger relationships and power in the Church.

C. It reduces the amount of conflicts later.

D. Less people need to be involved.

B. It produces stronger relationships and power in the Church.

What does forgiveness mean?

A. Releasing a debt that is owed.

B. Forgetting about the problem.

C. Apologizing, even when you do not want to.

D. Accepting the wrong.

A. Releasing a debt that is owed.