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7 Cards in this Set

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Concave shape of PPC represents

It represents the concept of increasing opportunity costs. This means that the opportunity costs of producing a good increase as output of the good increases.

The graphical representation of PPC

The Production Possibilities Curve (PPC) is a graphical representation of the maximum attainable combinations of output between two goods that can be produced in an economy within a specified period of time, when all the available resources are fully and efficiently employed, at a given state of technology.

Point from within PPC to closer/ on to PPC,

Increase in actual economic growth

4 assumptions of PPC

1. There are only two types of goods being produced.

2. There is a fixed quantity and quality of resources.

3. All resources are fully and efficiently utilised.

4. There is a fixed state of technology within the specified time period.

Movement of PPC curve and factors

Outward shift represents potential growth

Factors: quality / quantity of factors of production (CELL) and technology

Outward shift vs pivot : when does it happen

When the factor only affect the production of consumer OR capital goods (only one affected), pivot occurs

Outward shift vs pivot : when does it happen

When the factor only affect the production of consumer OR capital goods (only one affected), pivot occurs