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41 Cards in this Set

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Which part of the money supply would include large financial assets and Eurodollars?


Which part of the money supply would be just cash and demand deposits?


What is the largest difference between M1, M2, M3


Likely to be cause by increasing wages?


What type of inflation might be caused by supply problems?


Who would most likely benefit from inflation?


What happens to the value of money during inflation?


What is the most common measure of inflation


What is a limitation or problem with the CPI

Too much change

Which group would tend to be harmed by inflation?


What would tend to happen to the savings rate during times of moderate to high inflation?


Why are many retirees harmed by inflation?

Problems buying necessities

What is a part of the way that banks create money?


What is another part of the way that banks create money?

Fractional reserve

What is a major difficulty shared by government fiscal policies and economic statistics?


What is a major blind spot of GDP

Unpaid labor

What is the usual comparison of GDP to the actual output of the economy?

GDP smaller

What is one economic goal that almost all people in the U.S always agree on being desirable and doable?


What economic goal is the market economy in the U.S best at delivering?


What economic goal must we frequently most decrease or limit to achieve equity and/or security


Why might someone have $10,000 more in the bank than 5 years before but be considered to have less money ?


What economic goal is frequently sacrificed to achieve price stability?

Full employment

What could the federal reserve do to decrease the money supply?

Raise the reserve requirement

What is the best measure of the changes in standard of living in a country?

Real per capita GDP

What is one of the biggest advantages of countries specializing in goods and services?

More products

What else is a result of fewer trade barriers and more trade?

Lower prices

What is the most important part in creating comparative advantage?

Opportunity cost

what type of unemployment was suffered by people who made CD players and VCRs?


What type of unemployment is the most predictable?


What type of unemployment would be most likely to cause a permanent change in where you live?


What type of unemployment happened to a number of people working at lumber mills and other building products manufacturers during the 2007 recession?


What are the people who want to protect new industries likely to advocate?

higher tariff

Why is it difficult to see much of the costs of a trade barrier?

They are spread out

What is the most likely if a country has an absolute advantage in most goods and services?

Higher standard of living

What is a major problem in measuring when a country has reached full employment

Counting who needs a job

What is major problem that unemployment numbers usually omit?


What type of unemployment is frequently a result of lowering trade barriers, such as NAFTA


What overall effect does free trade have on jobs?

Helps increase them

What has been one result of free trade?

More income inequality

What type of unemployment will always exist even under full employment?


What has been a major reason for lowering trade barriers and increasing world trade over the last 50 years?

Everyone benefits