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109 Cards in this Set

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What do we produce? (types of g&s)

Capital, government, export, comsumption

what are capital g&s

goods and services bought by businesses to increase production such as tools, machines, and equipment

what are government g&s?

g&s bought by the government

what are export goods and services

g&s made in one country and sold in another

what are consumption g&s

g&s bought for personal enjoyment

4 factors of production

land, labor, capital, entreprenuership


natural resources such as trees, plants, animals, water, wind, energy, minerals


work, time and effort people put into production

human capital

skills and knowledge humans gain such as education, on the go training, and experience to increase productivity

capital is NOT...

stocks, money, bonds


business owners, organize land labor and capital

what is paid for land


what is paid for labor


what is paid for capital


what is paid to entrepreneurs


what g&s accounts for the most percent of total production and how much

consumption g&s by 61% of total production

what is functional distribution of income

distribution of income between factors of production

which factor of production receives the most of the total income and how much

labor with 69%

personal distribution of income

between households

richest 20% of households received how much of total personal income

51% of total income

poorest 20% of households received how much of total personal income

3% total personal income

world population

7 billion

the 175 economies/countries are classified into 2 broad categories called

advanced economies and developing/emerging economies

what are adv economies; how many are there; how many people live in them total; examples

economies with the highest standard of living; 29; 1 billion; usa, japan, germany, france, italy, uk, canada

what are emerging economies; how many are there; examples

until the early 1990s, part of the Soviet Union or
its satellites and today are moving toward market-based economies; 28 in Europe and Asia

what are developing economies; how many are there; how many people live in them including emerging economies; examples

economies/countries without high standards of living; 118 countries; over 5 billion; Africa, Asia, Middle East, Central and South America, Europe

Which type of economies have greater production; by how much in the world's total production and in the us

adv economies; 53% of the world's total production; 20% of the US's total production

World's lowest 20% receives how much of the world income?; highest 20%?

lowest = 2% world income

highest=70& world income

what is the circular flow model

model of the economy that shows the circular flow of expenditures
and incomes that result from decision makers’ choices, and the way those choices interact to
determine what, how, and for whom goods and services are produced

what is a firm

an economic unit that organizes the production of goods and services

what is a market

A market is any arrangement that enables buyers and sellers to get information and to do
business with each other

goods market

Goods markets are the markets in which goods and services are bought
and sold

factor market

markets in which factors of production are bought and sold

real flow include...and which way on circular flow chart

goods, services, factors of production;

inside going counterclockwise

money flow includes...and which way on circular flow chart

rwip, expenditures on g&s;

outside going clockwise

governments three main expenditures categories

public goods and
services, social security and welfare payments, and transfers to state and local governments

government collects three main taxes:

personal income taxes, corporate (business) income taxes, and social
security taxes

state/local governments have two main expenditure categories:

goods and
services, and welfare benefits

state/local governments collect three main taxes:

sales taxes, property taxes, and
state income taxes.

governments buy goods and services from whom, and through whom

buy from firms through goods markets

government collects what from households and firms? and households and firms receive what from government

collect taxes

receive transfers


g&s bought from households and firms in other countries


g&s sold to households and firms in other countries

boundary between those combinations of goods and services that can be produced and those that cannot

production possibilities frontier

Production points beyond the PPF are

not attainable

Production points on and within the PPF are


exchange of giving up one thing to get something else


getting something without giving up anything; a gift

free lunch

the best thing given up

opportunity cost

magnitude of the slope on the ppf measures what

opportunity cost of the good on horizontal axis

formula for opportunity cost

quantity lost/quantity gained

bowed out shape of PPF shows

increasing opportunity cost

resources are not all equally productive

outward shift of PPF means there is an

economic growth

what can help growth in economy

decrease production of consumption goods and services (opportunity cost of economic growth)/accumulating capital;

developing technology

specialization in labor results in

greater productivity

occurs when one
person (or nation) is more productive than another (needs fewer inputs or takes less time to
produce a good or perform a production task)

absolute adv

A person has a __________________________ in an activity if that person can perform the
activity at a lower opportunity cost than anyone else

comparative adv

this market has many buyers/sellers that not one buyer/seller can influence the price

competitive market

the amount that consumers are willing and able to buy during a
given time period at a specified price

quantity demanded

other things remaining the same, if the price of a good
rises, the quantity demanded of that good decreases; and if the price of a good falls, the quantity
demanded of that good increases.

law of demand

refers to the entire relationship between the price of the good and
the quantity demanded of the good when all other influences on buying plans remain the same.


a list of the quantities demanded at each different price when all
other influences on buying plans remains the same

demand schedule

a graph of the relationship between the quantity demanded of a good
and its price when all other influences on consumers’ planned purchases remain the same.

demand curve

the sum of the demands of all the buyers in the market

market demand

When any factor that influences buying plans other than the price of the good changes,
there is a ___________; and the demand curve ____

change in demand; shifts

5 factors that cause change in demand

1. price of related goods (subs, comps)

2. expected future prices

3. income

- expected future income/credit

4. number of buyers

5. preferences

rise in the price of a substitute causes _____ in demand for that good

increase (rightward shift)

fall in the price of a sub causes ____ in demand for that good

decrease (leftward shift)

rise of price for a complement causes __ in demand for that good


fall of price for a complement causes __ in demand for that good


a higher expected future price for a good does what to current demand and what for future demand?

increases current demand

decrease future demand

a lower expected future price for a good does what to current demand and what for future demand?

decrease current demand

increase future demand

a good for which demand increases when income
increases and demand decreases when income decreases

a normal good

a good for which demand decreases when income increases and demand increases
when income decreases (such as generic goods, instant ramen noodles, canned

inferior good

When income is expected to increase in the
future or when credit is easy or inexpensive to get, the demand for some goods ___


the larger the number of buyers, the ____ the demand

larger the demand

if people "like" a good, demand ___


A change in price results in ..., which is ...

movement along demand curve which is change in quantity demanded

A change in other factors shifts the demand curve, which is

change in demand

the amount that people are willing and able to sell during a given
time period at a specified price

quantity supplied

other things remaining the same, if the price of a good rises,
the quantity supplied of that good increases; and if the price of a good falls, the quantity supplied
of that good increases

law of supply

The law of supply occurs because an increase in the quantity of a good
produced results in an

increase in marginal cost

the relationship between the quantity supplied and the price of the good
when all other influences on selling plans remain the same.


list of the quantities supplied at each different price when all other
influences on selling plans remain the same

supply schedule

a graph of the relationship between the quantity supplied of a good and
its price when all other influences on selling plans remain the same

supply curve

the sum of the supplies of all the sellers in the market

market supply

At each
price, add the quantity each seller supplies and the sum is the..

market quantity supplied

5 factors that change supply

1. price of related goods (subs/comps)

2. price of resources and other inputs

3. expected future prices

4. number of sellers

5. productivity

price of sub in production increases, supply___


price of sub in production decreases, suppy___


price of comp in production increases, supply___


price of comp in production decreases, supply__


If the price of a resource used to produce
the good rises (input cost rises), the cost of producing the good _____ so the supply of the good _______

production cost rises

supply decreases

If input costs falls, the production cost ___, so supply ___

production cost falls,

supply increases

If the price of a good is expected to rise in the future, the current supply of the good ______


If the price of a good is expected to fall in the future, the current supply of the good ___________


If the number of sellers increases, supply ____-


output per unit of input is


An increase in productivity
lowers costs and ________ supply


technological advances and increased capital ________ productivity and therefore _____ supply

raise; increase

A change in price results in a movement along the supply curve, which is

change in quantity supplied

A change in other factors shifts the supply curve, which is a

change in supply

the price at which the quantity demanded equals the quantity

equilibrium price

the quantity bought and sold at the equilibrium price

equilibrium quantity

states “When there is a shortage, the price rises; and when there
is a surplus, the price falls."

law of market forces

A situation in which the quantity supplied exceeds the
quantity demanded


if the price is above equilibrium price, there is a


A situation in which the quantity demanded exceeds the
quantity supplied


if the price is below equilibrium price there is a
