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45 Cards in this Set

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public goods
goods and services that benefit many people in a city region or country to some degree
inefficiency of taxation
the reduction in production and sale which typically results from imposing a tax on a good or service
lack of flexibility and innovation
the lack of incentive in the public sector to put technological breakthroughs into widespread use.
rent seeking behavior
the expenditure of money by businesses and individuals trying to influence the government
command and control approach
to social and economic goals directly specifies certain market outcomes and activities to achieve desirable goals
free-rider problem
people benefitting from a public good even if they don't pay and get a free ride from everyone else's contributions
market regulation
the role of the government in setting the basic rules for market competition
antitrust law
designed to ensure companies dont unfairly try to get market power or reduce the amount of competition in a market or industry, through collusion etc
the impact that the actions of an individual or a business can have on others, airport noise and neighbors
network externality
using the network affects other peoples value in the network
income redistribution
shifting money from rich to poor to close big income differences
the dollar value of the total output of the economy in a year
final goods and services
goods and services that are bought by the ultimate users
components of GDP
nonresidential investment, residential investment, change in private inventories, government consumption and investment, net exports
intermediate inputs
any goods and services bought by a business that are completely used up in production in less than a year
personal consumption
biggest category of GDP
gross domestic purchases
the amount spent by consumers, businesses, and government within the U.S. on final goods and services
GDP does not include
nonmarket economy, stay at home mom, volunteers, child care
underground economy
the portion of the economy that does not pay taxes or otherwise get reported ot the government. includes illegal activity as well, drugs etc black market
intermediate inputs
left out of GDP, to avoid double counting
average level of prices
a measure of how much it costs to purchase a market basket of goods and services,
market basket
includes owners equivalent rent of primary residence, food at home, medical care, food away from home, rent of primary residence, recreation, gasoline, fuels and utilitiez, new vehicles, household furnishings, communication, education, lodging away from home
CPI consumer price index
a measure that tracks the avg price level from a base year
inflation rate
the annual percentage change in the average price level
core inflation,
thats the consumer inflation rate without taking food and energy into account
relative price shift
a situation where the inflation rate of a good or service is significatnly higher or lower than the overall inflation rate.
improvement in quality
sometimes price of a good or service rises due to quality
pure price change
pure change in price without change in the actual product
money illusion
the mistake that we make when we compare dollar amounts in different periods without adjusting for inflation
real or inflationadjusted change
the change in a money value, after removing the effects of inflation
nominal change
the increase or decrease in a money value without adjusting for inflation
wage price spiral
businesses and workers boost prices and wages faster and faster to stay ahead of higher expected inflation.
a very fast increase in the average price level, brazil
expected inflation
the inflation rate that consumers and businesses expect will happen over the next year or longer
unexpected inflation
happens when the rate of price increases suddenly accelerates well above what businesses and individuals were expecting.
economic growth
when an economy's production of goods and services increases
Production Possiblility Frontier PPF
all the combination of different goods and services the economy is capable of producing at a particular time, assuming full use of all resources
zero sum economy
a situation where if we want to produce more of something, we necessarily have to produce less of something else.
non zero sum
growing economy
Real GDP
gross domestic proudct adjusted for inflation
Real GDP per capita
real GDP divided by the number of people in the country
aggregate production function
the link between the inputs to an economy and its outputs
human capital
a way to boost aggregate production is to increase the skills or education levels of the workforce
economic output divided by the number of worker hours
growth rate of productivity
percentage increase in productivity over a year