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98 Cards in this Set

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Wegner's continental drift hypothesis stated that all the continents once joined to form one
The kind of plate boundary that occurs where two plates grind past each other without destroying or producing lithosphere is a(n)
transform fault boundary
A divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in a
rift valley
Typical rates of ? are approximately 5 centimeters per year
seafloor spreading
the theory of ? states that Earth's rigid outer shell is divided into about 7 major segments
plate tectonics
The type of plate boundary where plates move apart, resulting in upwelling of material from the mantle to create new seafloor, is referred to as a(n) ? plate boundary
divergent boundary
what is the mechanism responsible for producing the new oceanic crust between two diverging plates
convective flow
during the breakup of a continent along a divergent boundary, deep faulted structures called ? are generated
rift valley
a chain of small volcanic islands that forms when two oceanic plates converge, one descending beneath the other, is called
volcanic island arc
Rocks that exhibit magnetism that is opposite to the current magnetic field are said to have
reverse polarity
plumesof molten rock originating deep within the mantle are known as
mantle plumes
The main source of downward convective flow in the mantle is called
The Hawaiian Islands were formed when the Pacific Plate moved over a(n)
hot spot
Volcanic island arcs are associated with what type of plate boundary
convergent boundary
what forms when one oceanic plate is forced beneath another plate
subduction zone
a divergent boundary at two oceanic plates can result in an
oceanic ridge
continental volcanic arcs are associated with what type of plate boundary
convergent boundary
oceanic lithosphere is destroyed at ? BOUNDARIES
convergent boundary
The supercontinent in the continental drift hypotheis was called
New ocean crust is formed at ? BOUNDARIES
divergent boundary
What is convergent boundary
Two plates move together from oceanic lithosphere plunging an overriding plate
What is divergent boundary
Two plates moving apart from the mantle to create new seafloor
transform fault
where two paltes grind past each other without the production or destruction of lithosphere
weaker region in the mantle over which Earth's outer shell lies
segments of the lithosphere that move and change shape
rigid layer of the uppermost mantle and crust
theory that states that the lithosphere is divided into plates that move
plate tectonics
Earth's largest plate is the what plate
What is the number of major plates there are on Earth
Is it true of false that the lithospheric plates move at about 5 km per year
plates moving away is called what
divergent boundary
plates moving together is called
convergent boundary
plates moving against each other is called
transform fault boundary
what type of plate boundary occrus when a plate of oceanic lithosphere plunges beneath an overriding plate of continental crust
what type of plate boundary occurs when a plate of continental crust grinds past another plate of continental crust
transform fault
is it true or false that each of Earth's plates contains only one of the three types of plate boundaries
is it true or false that plates shrink and grow in area
The East African Rift valley is an example of what kind of plate boundary
divergent boundary
the San Andreas Fault zone in California is an example of what kind of plate boundary
transform fault boundary
what are supporting details of divergent boundaries
oceanic ridges and seafloor spreading and continental rifts
what are supporting details of convergent boundaries
oceanic- continental, oceanic-oceanic, and continental-continental
what are supporting details of transform fault boundaries
is it true or false that oceanic lithosphere is created at divergent boundaries
is it true or false that divergent boundaries only occur on the ocean floor
process by which plate tectonics produces new oceanic lithosphere
seafloor spreading
deep faulted structure found along a divergent boundary
rift valley
elevated seafloor along a divergent boundary
oceanic ridge
what is the oldest part of the ocean floor
180 million years old
what is an description of a subduction zone
where an oceanic plate is forced beneath a second plate
newly formed land consisting of an arc-shaped island chain is called a(n)
volcanic island arc
Is it true of false that mountains form as a result of a collision between two continental plates
what hapens at a transform fault boundary
plates grind past each other without destroying the lithosphere. Most faults join segments of a mid-ocean ridge
what is an example of a transform boundary that is NOT located in an ocean basin
the San Andreas Fault
What has occured when rocks formed millions of years ago show the location of the magnetic poles at tht time of their formation
is it true or false when magnetic mineral grains in a rock form, they become magnetized in the direction parallel to Earth's existing magnetic field
what represents some of the strongest evidence of seafloor spreading
strips of alternating polarity lie as mirror images across the ocean ridges
What is the definition of reverse polarity
what rocks that show the opposite magnetism as the present magnetic field have
new basalt rocks currently forming at the oceanic ridges show what since they become magnetized according to the present magnetic field
is it true of false the absence of deepfocus earthquakes along the oceanic ridge system is inconsistent with the theory of plate tectonics
is it true or false that deep-focus earthquakes occur away from ocean trenches within the slab of lithosphere descending into the mantle
Where do shallow-focus earthquakes occur relative to ocean trenches
these earthquakes occur within or adjacent to the trench
what is the location of the oldest ocenic crust, according to ocean drilling data
at the continental margins
what is the location of the youngest oceanic crust according to ocean drilling data
at the ridge crest
a(n) what is a volcanic area on a plate where a plume of mantle material rises
hot spot
is it true or false that both hot spot evidence and data on the ages of seafloor sediments support the theory of plate tectonics
no earthquakes have been recorded below
700 km
what is the basic force that drives plate tectonics
convection in the mantle
the motion of matter called what results from convection
convective flow
the mechanism called what causes oceanic lithosphere to slide down the sides of the oceanic ridge
the mechanism that is the primary downward arm of the mantle's convection flow is
is it true or false that the upwardly flowing arms in mantle convection consist of mantle plumes of rising hot rock
what does whole- mantle convection have
descending oceanic plate
what does deep-layer not have
descending ocean plate
what best describes the deep-layer model
heat from Earth's interior causes layers of convection to slowly swell and shrink in complex patterns
what best describes the whole-mantle convection model
cold oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle, and hot mantle plumes move heat toward the surface
what causes thermal convection in the mantle
the unequal distribution of heat within Earth. This ultimately drives the plate motion.
Wegener's what hypothesis stated that the continents had once been joined to form a single supercontinent
continental drift
Wegner propsed that the supercontinent what began to break apart 200 million years ago and form the present landmasses
scientists generally agree taht convection occuring in the mantle is the basic driving force for what
plate movement
what is the motion of matter resulting from changes in temperature
convective flow
what is a mechanism that contributes to pate motion in which cool, dense oceanic crust sinks into the mantle and "pulls" the trailing lithosphere along. It is the thought to be the primary downward arm of convective flow in the mantle
what are masses of hotter-than-normal mantle material that ascend toward the surface, where they may lead to igneous activity
mantle plumes
the unequal distrubution of heat within Earth causes the thermeal convection in the mantle that ultimately
drives plate motion
what is the natural remnant magnetism in rock bodies
this permanent magntization acquired by rock can be used to determine the location of the magnetic poles at the time the rock became
when rocks show the same magnetism as the present magnetism field
normal polarity
when rocks show the opposite magnetism as the present magnetism field
reverse polarity
the discovery of strips of alternating polarity which lie as mirror images across the ocean ridges, is among the strongest evidence of
seafloor spreading
scientists found a close link between deep-focus earthquakes and
ocean trenches
the absence of deep focus earthquakes along the oceanic ridge system was shown to be consistent with the
new theory
the what oceanic crust is at the ridge crust
the what oceanic crust is at the continental margins
a what is a concentration of heat in the mantle capable of productin magma, which rises to Earth's surface
hot spot
the what plate moves over a hot spot producing the Hawaiian Islands
What evidence supports that the plates move over the Earth's surface
hot spot
what are continous elevated zones on the floor of all major ocean basins. The rifts at the crest of ridges represent divergent plate boundarries
oceanic ridges
what are deep faulted structures found along the axes of divergent plate boundaries. They can develop on the seafloor or on land
rift valleys
what produces new oceanic lithosphere
seafloor spreading