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89 Cards in this Set

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Autistic Disorder
prior to age 3; very low language; don’t want to interact with others
Asperger’s Disorder
shows up in age 3 when child is more social; lack social skills, don’t know how to interact with people but want to
Rett’s Disorder
happens mostly happens in girls; grows normaly from age 6 to 18 months and then there is a regression; associated with profound or severe mental retardation
Pervasive Developmental Disorder
falls in autism and aspergers syndrome. Doesn't meet full criteria for aspergers or autism but has some social issue.
Learning disorder
-Person or child unable to learn in typical manner and they cannot learn
-Indicators: phonics awareness is lacking, not being able to match up sounds to
Symptoms need to be present prior to the age of 7
-Symptoms Need to exist in at least two settings: school or work
-Inattention, hard time sustaining attention, inability to concentrate, hyperactivity
(cannot sit or play for a long time, fidgety, excessive talking)
-Impulsivity (interrupting, blurting out answers, have a hard time with social skills and peers)
-Medication is the first line of treatment.
-Persistent eating of non nutritive substances for at least one month
-Have to take into account developmental stage
Rumination Disorder
-Rechewing of food; partially digested food is brought back up
-Seeing after a period of normal function
Expressive Language Disorder
-When a child lack ability to express language or convey information. Limited amount of speech and difficulty acquiring new words.
Phonological Disorder
-Type of speech disorder that is known as an articulation disorder.
-Difficult to understand them
-Can see with illiterate patients
Tourette’s Disorder
-Multiple motor tics and at least one or more vocal tic expressing themselves multiple times a year
-Have to be present for at least 1 year
Transient Tic Disorder
-Less than 1 year
-No vocal tic necessary
-Child needs to be at least 4 years old and potty trained
-Poop: child is passing feces in inappropriate places (voluntary or involuntary).
-Have to be at least 5 years old and potty trained
-Urine: child is urinating in bed (or other places); voluntary or involuntary
Separation Anxiety Disorder
-Symptoms have to be present for 4 weeks and anxiety is centered around separation
-Developmentally inappropriate level of anxiety concerning separation from home or caregiver
-Marked distress when there is separation or anticipated separation and centered around separation
-Child persistent and existent worried about something happening to caregiver
-Fear about being kidnapped (refusal to go to school)
-Reluctant to be alone
-Nightmares about separation
-Complaints of physical symptoms that would keep them close to parent or caregiver and keep them from going to school
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety is more pervasive; about everything (friends, lunch, parents, clothes)
-Symptoms have to be present for 6 months for at least six months
-For less than 6 months, it is Anxiety Disorder NOS
Selective Mutism
-Very rare type of anxiety disorder
-Persistent failure to speak in specific situations/setting
-Refuse to speak when speaking is expected
Social Phobia
-Fear around being in social settings.
-Going into the social settings there is a fear
-Broad fear of social situations
-Persistent fear of social and performance situations
-Going to a new place, public speaking
Reactive Attachment Disorder: Inhibited Type
-Begin before age 5
-Associated with grossly pathological care (neglected or abused)
-Child fails to respond to social interactions in a developmentally appropriate way
-Cannot be comforted, frozen watchfulness, won’t attach to people
-Frequent changes in care givers (foster care)
Reactive Attachment Disorder: Disinhibited Type
-Begin before age 5
-Pattern of diffuse attachment (attach to anyone)
-Lack attachment for any kind of caregiver or person
-Sit in stranger’s lap
-Associated with frequent and repeated changes in caregivers (foster care)
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
-Negative, defiant, negative and hostile behaviors toward adults and authority (issue with authority)
-Losing temper
-Not following rules,blaming others for mistakes
-Want to rule out possible Depression and Depression NOS with ODD
-With ODD you have issues and irritability with just authority, not with peers as in depression
Conduct Disorder
-Aggressive conduct that cause threat to people or animals
-Property loss
-History of or violations of the rights of others
-Violations of rules again and again
-An actual law has been broken*** then it is conduct disorder
-Feeds into Antisocial Personality Disorder: have to have symptoms by age 12
Brief Psychotic Disorder
-Symptoms present up to one month
-Positive symptoms (added state to the normal: delusions; hallucinations; general disorganized thinking)
-Negative symptoms: reduced body language, eye contact, restrictive range of emotions poverty of speech, avolition (can’t initiate in goal directed activities)
-Delusions: bizarre and non-bizarre.
Bizarre Delusions
Things that could never happen or
be true.
Non-bizarre delusions
Things that can be true but it is not happening
Schizophreniform Disorder
-Psychotic symptoms present one month to six months
-Positive symptoms (added state to the normal: delusions; hallucinations; general disorganized thinking)
Negative symptoms: reduced body language, eye contact, restrictive range of emotions poverty of speech, avolition (can’t initiate in goal directed activities)
-Bizarre and non-bizarre delusions
-All the symptoms for at least 6 months
-Positive symptoms (added state to the normal: delusions; hallucinations; general disorganized thinking)
-Negative symptoms: reduced body language, eye contact, restrictive range of emotions poverty of speech, avolition (can’t initiate in goal directed activities)
-Bizarre and non-bizarre delusions
Schizoaffective Disorder
-Has a psychotic disorder and mood disorder comes in and out. But primary is the psychotic features
Major Depressive Disorder
-Symptoms have to be present for at least two weeks
-Symptoms include hopelessness, sadness, social withdrawal, changes in appetite and sleep; difficulty concentrating; reduced ability to function; irritability, anger clear marked impact. Change in biological functioning (eating, sleeping, low energy)
-There is a clear impact on functioning
Depressive Disorder NOS
-Lighter version of MDD
-Doesn’t meet full criteria of MDD
-Maybe you have four out of the five criteria of depression
Dysthymic Disorder
-Depressive Disorder NOS state for at least 2 years with adults
-For children it needs to be one year
Bipolar I Disorder
-Only need one thing: Full manic episode
-Symptoms of mania include extreme happiness, little need for sleep, rapid speech, irritable mood and grandiosity, difficulty in impairment in school/work and regular functioning
-Manic phase needs to be present for at least one week (seven days)
-Hard time functioning in life
Bipolar II Disorder
Needs two things: Hypomania with an episode of Major Depression
-Have mania but does not cause as many problems as in Bipolar 1
-Hypomania has to last at least 4 days and is clearly different than usual
-Two week period of depression
Cyclothymic Disorder
-Do not meet criteria for mania or hypomania and major depressive for 2 years
-Hypomania and Depression NOS
-Milder version of hypomania but noticeable
-Milder version of depression but noticeable
Mood Disorder with Psychotic Features
-Predominant disturbance is the mood disorder
-Psychotic features come in and out.
-If person has had a death within the last two months you first diagnosed with bereavement
-If person has guilt unrelated to death of person in conjunction with other MDD symptoms can be MDD
Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood
-Cannot be in the response to a death
-Response to a life stressor
-Symptoms need to come on within three months of the stressor and cannot be present for more than 6 months after the stressor.
Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia
-Panic disorder: recurrent unexpected panic attack; at least one panic attack, and fear of panic attack happening again
-Intense fear or discomfort, and following symptoms: heart racing, sweating, trembling, disconnected from body, feeling detached from reality, fear of dying, feelings of choking
-Without agoraphobia: no fear of going out into the world
Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia
-Panic disorder: recurrent unexpected panic attack; at least one panic attack, and fear of panic attack happening again
-Intense fear or discomfort, and following symptoms: heart racing, sweating, trembling, disconnected from body, feeling detached from reality, fear of dying, feelings of choking
-Stays inside because of fear of having panic attack in public
Specific Phobia
-Persistent, marked or unreasonable fear that is directed toward an object and is specific. Excessive fear close to object.
-Predictable and around this situation
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Has Obsessions and/or compulsions
Obsessions: Recurrent persistent thoughts, impulses or images that are inappropriate and can cause marked anxiety or distress. Perseverating and cannot be ignored. Person recognizes that they are obsessional.
Compulsions: Repetitive behavior or mental acts that person feels they have to do to in response to the obsessions. Behavior aimed to reduce distress from obsessions. Recognizes that compulsion is excessive.
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder
Pervasive pattern of orderliness, perfection, and control in personality
Perfectionist, workalcoholic, inflexible, rigid
No awareness that their issues are problematic
Impact on social life and people around them
Don’t do actions repeatedly
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
-Symptoms present for over a month
-Re-experience in some intrusive manner a traumatic event. Have to have had a traumatic event.
-Stress disorder comes from event: dreams, feeling like it is recurrent, startle response, reliving of event, can feel numb, avoid situations, irritability, nightmares, difficulty sleeping or falling asleep
Acute Stress Disorder
-Symptoms present up to one month
-Re-experience in some intrusive manner a traumatic event. Have to have had a traumatic event.
-Stress disorder comes from event: dreams, feeling like it is recurrent, startle response, reliving of event, can feel numb, avoid situations, irritability, nightmares, difficulty sleeping or falling asleep
Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety
-Stressful event, not a life threatening one (losing a job, having a child)
-No reliving event or startle response.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
-Symptoms present for at least 6 months
-Excessive anxiety and worry and apprehension occurring more days than not
-Anxiety about a number of activities, not just one thing
-Hard time controlling worry
-Restlessness, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, mind going blank.
-Irritability, muscle tension, trouble sleeping; trouble waking up
Anxiety Disorder NOS
-Can be less than 6 months
-Can be mildly anxious
-Can be mildly severe for 8 months or really severe for 5 months
-Cognitive impairment and confusion that comes on rapidly
-Usually related to another illness or medication; can usually occur in hospital setting
-Altered state of consciousness
-Subsides rapidly
-Irreversible state of cognitive impairment
-Short term memory loss, but not long term memory loss
-Gradual and slower onset
Somatization Disorder
-When a person has a history of multiple physical complaints that they have had before age 30.
-Pain at different sites in body, pain all the time basically
-Need to have GI symptoms (nausea, bloating, diarrhea); sexual issues, and pain
-Never pinpointed or solved by medical doctors and physical complaints impact social functioning
Conversion Disorder
-A psychological factor converts to a physical manifestation of an issue (e.g. someone gets so angry, they go blind; blind rage)
-Can’t be explained by any other medical condition.
-Has a persistent belief that they have a presence of a physical disease despite evidence that they do not.
-Don’t believe that nothing is wrong will them; will continue to seek other care.
-Not delusional intensity
Factitious Disorder
Person acts as if he has an illness because they like to be the patient and like the attention of being sick
Fake symptomatology in order to get some external gain (want disability payment, want to avoid military assignment.
Münchausen Syndrome by Proxy
Parent brings child in and complain that child is ill, but the parent gets the benefit of being a parent getting attention from taking care of a sick child; will sometimes make their children sick
Anorexia Nervosa
-The person needs to have a body weight of less than 85% to diagnose
-Cannot have normal body weight
-Intense fear of gaining weight and getting fat
-Need to be excessively thin
Restricting type: refuse to eat
-Bingeing type: Purge food
Stop menstruating (for women)
Bulimia Nervosa
-Think about throwing up
-Defined primarily by binge eating; cannot diagnose without this
-Purging type: Vomiting or laxative
-Non-purging type: Binge eating
Eating Disorder NOS
If not binge eating and have normal body weight
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
-Preoccupation with an imagined defect in their appearance
-Preoccupation causes significant distress in social functioning
Depersonalization Disorder
-Persistent or recurrent experience of feeling detached from oneself or outside observer and patient is aware of it
-Causes clinically significant distress in areas of functioning (work, school)
-See with PTSD or traumatic history
Dissociative Amnesia
-One of more episodes of failing to recall important personal biographical information.
-Lack of memory of retrograde information
-Associated with traumatic event or stressor
Dissociative Fugue
-One or more episodes of inability to recall some or all of one’s past or identity;
-Purposeful travel away from home is necessary
Dissociative Identity Disorder
-Used to be multiple personality disorder
-Two or more personality states or identity
- Each identities has their own persistent pattern of relating, thinking, being and take control of person’s behavior
Sexual Aversion Disorder
Disgust or fear or revulsion and even lack of desire of consensual sexual relationships
Recurrent or persistent genital pain that males or females get while having sex
Recurrent spasm of outer muscle of vagina that interferes with intercourse; specific to women
Primary insomnia
-Predominant complaint is difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep; no other mental health issues
-Present for at least one month
-Significant distress in social or occupational functioning
-Can’t be associated with any other mental or medical issue
Primary Hypersomnia
-Present for at least one month
-Day time fatigue
-Sleeping in excess
-Significant distress in social or occupational functioning
-Can’t be associated with any other mental or medical issue
Nightmare Disorder
-Repeat awakenings from sleep or naps with detail recall of frightening dream or nightmare;
-Able to remember the nightmare and can be oriented
Sleep Terror Disorder
-Night terror
-Recurrent waking from sleep and intense fear and arousal
-Cannot remember the dream and cannot be comforted
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
-Several episodes of failure to resist an aggressive impulse that results in some kind of damage to property or assault
-Not linked to any mental health diagnosis or medical conditions
-Have to rule out personality disorders as well
-Impulse to steal objects that are not needed for any use or monetary value
-Stealing just because they like the act of stealing
-Recurrent pulling out of one’s hair that results in hair loss
-Pleasure, gratification, and relief is reported when hair is pulled
Substance Abuse
-Has to be impairment in social and occupational functioning (DUI, can’t get to work)
-Has negative impact on functioning
Substance Dependence
-Has to be impairment in social and occupational functioning
-Need withdrawal and tolerance indications
-Needs substance to function because body has gotten used to it
Substance Induced Mood Disorder
-Reports feeling depressed or anxious upon using a substance
-Want to rule out that substance is not causing this mood disorder after ruling out a medical condition
Alcohol Abuse, Early Full Remission
They haven’t used substances for up to 12 months
Alcohol Abuse, Sustained Full Remission
They haven’t used substances for at least 12 months
Paranoid Personality Disorder
-Characterized by irrational suspicions and mistrust of others
-Pervasive throughout all domains of life
-Preoccupation with doubts of friendships and relationships
-Hold grudges, read into remarks
Delusional Disorder
-Very specific delusions
-Presents with non-bizarre delusion and is very specific
-Not necessarily persecutory
Schizoid Personality Disorder
-Lack an interest in social relationships
-Loners; withdrawn and not with an awareness or longing to connect
-Common to have some depression
Pervasive over the course of their life
Avoidant Personality Disorder
-Want to connect to others but feel socially inhibited
-Avoid social interactions out of fear of being rejected or evaluated negatively
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
-Characterized by odd behavior or thinking
-They are eccentric; have ideas of reference (news or magazine is directed to them); have magical thinking (thinking they have a 6th sense)
-No psychotic episode
-Lack close friends.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
-Must be age 18 to be diagnosed
-Evidence of Conduct Disorder with onset prior to age 15 years
-Pervasive pattern of disregard for others and violations
-Law breaking behavior, deception or lying, impulsive, aggressive, irresponsible
-Lack of remorse and indifference
Narcissistic Personality Disorder
-Pervasive pattern of grandiosity and self important
-Lack of empathy
-Desire admiration
-Dream of having money and power and success
-Brag about achievement, think they are unique, sense of entitlement
-Envious of others, arrogant and haughty of others
-Can fly into a rage if they are challenged or confronted
-Common in domestic violence perpetrators
Borderline Personality Disorder
**Instability in relationships**
-Black and White thinking (love you one minute, hate you the next)
-Frantic fear of real or imagined abandonment; don’t want to be rejected
**Recurrent suicidal gestures**
-Can idealize a therapist and easy to devalue
-Identity disturbances; sense of self fluctuates
-Mood instability, extreme rage, feelings of emptiness
Histrionic Personality Disorder
-Pervasive attention seeking behavior
-Seductive behavior and dress sometimes
-Needs to be center of attention
-Rapid shifting and shallow expression of emotion
-Vain; dramatic, and exaggerated personality
Dependent Personality Disorder
-Difficulty making decisions without advice from other people
-Need others to take responsibility of their loss
-Difficulty disagreeing with others for fear of loss or approval
-Difficulty initiating because they lack confidence or judgment
-Will go to excessive length to get approval from others
-Feel uncomfortable or helpless when alone because they have fear of being unable to care for themselves
-Quick to move to another relationships so as to be dependent.
Depersonalization Disorder
-Out of body experiences
-Dreamlike state
-Unable to control the dissociative state
-Common trigger-child sexual abuse