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213 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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make an inference
yoy as a reader usebackground or prior knowledge and text clues to make anassumption about the text
main idea
the most important piece of informationin a passege
draw a conclusion
you as a reader take two pieces of information stated in a text yo figure out something
make an inference
you as a reader use background knowledge or prior and text clues to make an assumption about the text
main idea
the most important piece of info in a passege
main idea
the most important piece of info in a passege
main idea
the most important piece of information in a passage
a portionof a larger text
authors pourpose
the reason that an author wrote his or her text
authors perspective
an authors opinion of what he or she has written that is shown through his or her tone word choice info included and info excluded
authors bias
an authors peronal opinion or prejudice for or against something that influences what he or she writes
authors craft
the specific techniques that an author uses such as figurative langue tone flashback imagry irony word choice and dilogue
the specific person or group for whom a piece if writting is intended

point of view
the perspective from which a literary work is told
first person
a story told by a charcter using pronouns
a story told by a charcter using pronouns
second person
eed mostly in expository texts the narrsrtor addresses the reader directly often using the imploer subect you
third person limited
a story told by third person narrator who has limited knowledge
third person imniciant
a story told by a third person nareator who is all knowing when it comes to he thoughts and feelinga of he charcters
type of propaganda that attempts to make an appeal to others to join the ceowd
type of propagnada that attemts to use quotation or endorsment that connects a famous person with a person
flittering generalities
a tyoe of propaganda that attempts to use positive words that use positive words tjat can havevarious meanings or mean different things to different things
name calling
a type of propaganda tjat attempts to tie a person or thing to a negative image
logical reason
a type of propaganada that attempyts to tie a p3rwon to q negative image
logical reason
a supporting detail that makes sence
a public notice thatis c4eated forntue pourse of selling a product
the writters or speakers attitude towa4d a subjet charcter or audience as shown thouh5 the choice of wordsn and details
a thought that is backed up by a concrete of evidence or proof
a statement of truth that can be backed up by evidence or proof
direct quotatton
a statment that uses the exact words from a sorce enclosed in quotation marks
indirect quotayion
a statment that
indirect quotation
a statement that rewords the original ideas from a source and is not enclosed in quotation marks
a struggle or clash between posing characters forces or the characters forces or tyw charcters emotions
convesation between charcters
direct charcterzation
when an author tells readers about a charcter directly
the satisfying end of a play or story--- after the problem is solved
indirect charcterzaton
when an auhor shows a reader who tue charcters are by their actions abd prefrences
when the present action of a story is interupted to think back or remember something that happened in the past
falling action
the part of a story which follows the climax or turning point; contains the action or dialogue necessary to lead the story to its' resolution
the most exciting point in the action of a story; the turning point
the use of hints or clues in a narrative to sugest future events
rising action
the central part of a story during which problems arise, leading up to the climax
flat charcter
a charcter tells that the reader does not know alot about it
round charcter
a charcter that the reader does not know alot about
the sequence of events or actions that presents and resolves a conflict in a literary work
the sequence of events or actions that presents and resolves a conflict in a literary work
a story's moral or lesson about life
static charcter
a charcter who says the same throuhtoutthe story
the sequence of events or actions that presents and resolves a conflict in a literary work
a story's moral or lesson about life
dynamic character
a character who changes throughout the story
a passage repeated at intervals, usually in a poem or song
a passage repaeted at intervals usually in a poem or song
a passage repeated at intervals, usually in a poem or song
a group of lines forming a unit in a poem or song
a group of lines forming a unit in a group or song
free verse poetry
poetry that does NOT have meter or rhyme
ryme scheme
the pattrrn or ryme in the lines of a poem
a stanza of poetry containing only two lines
the beat created by the meter, rhyme alliteration Andorra for rain in a poem
a pattern of stressed and stressed syllables in a poem that are arranged in a repeating pattern to create rhyme
Work cited
A formal listing alphabetical by author's last name given full publication information for all primary and secondary sources used in a particular document also called a bibliography
A list of alphabetical names, places, and topics along with the page number in which it is discussed; found in the back of the book
Primary source
In original source that is used as a part of research
Election of naps in a book
A list of alphabetical names, places, and topics along with the page number in which it is discussed; found in the back of the book
table of contents
a list of divisions and which page they start on, found at the beginning of a book
A reference book of useful and interesting facts about countries states cities HTC
A list of alphabetical names, places, and topics along with the page number in which it is discussed; found in the back of the book
table of contents
a list of divisions and which page they start on, found at the beginning of a book
A list at the back of the book that explains or defines difficult or unusual word
A book bag is the definition part of speech synonyms ecology Exedra of a word
a reference book that list synonyms for words
An exaggeration used for emphasis or to make a point I work
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
extended metaphor
A metaphor that is carried throughout a text
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
extended metaphor
A metaphor that is carried throughout a text
The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one (to pass away for die)
Frases de are used in a figurative way instead of a literate literal way within a culture
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
extended metaphor
A metaphor that is carried throughout a text
The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one (to pass away for die)
using an object to represent something else
Language used to create a sensory impression in a raders mind
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
extended metaphor
A metaphor that is carried throughout a text
The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one (to pass away for die)
using an object to represent something else
The repetition of vowel sounds
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
extended metaphor
A metaphor that is carried throughout a text
The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one (to pass away for die)
using an object to represent something else
The repetition of vowel sounds
the repetition of the beginning consonant sounds
Comparison of two unlike things
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
extended metaphor
A metaphor that is carried throughout a text
The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one (to pass away for die)
using an object to represent something else
The repetition of vowel sounds
the repetition of the beginning consonant sounds
comparing two unlike things using the words "like" or "as"
he use of words to imitate sound effects
A word or phrase that is overused to the point that it becomes corny (Ex. Home Sweet Home)
extended metaphor
A metaphor that is carried throughout a text
The substitution of a mild and pleasant expression for a harsh and blunt one (to pass away for die)
using an object to represent something else
The repetition of vowel sounds
the repetition of the beginning consonant sounds
comparing two unlike things using the words "like" or "as"
giving human characteristics to objects or animals
A figure of speech that place is two contradictory words together for special effects
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
an imaginative literary work
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
non Fiction
Based on actual person places things or even
Bowyer of literature fiction and fantasy historical or fiction Exedra
Expository text
Text written to explain or convey information to the reader
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
Narrative text
Text that tells a story
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
Azure account of interesting or humorous incident
A traditional historical tell that is handed down from one generation to the next birth or early and later is written form
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
A traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with gods, heroes, or supernatural events. Myths explain a belief, custom, or force of nature
A which terraria you work written in a dialogue to be performed before an audience by actors on a stage
A long speech by character in a play spoken as a character is alone
Verbal irony
Language that expresses the opposite of what the character or near it really means similar to sarcasm
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
A traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with gods, heroes, or supernatural events. Myths explain a belief, custom, or force of nature
stage directions
directions in a play that explain how A character should look, speak, move or behave
dramatic irony
when the audience has information that a character does not, and this lack of knowledge affects the characters actions
Situational irony
When the expected result of a situation is different from the actual result
Greek and Latin roots and affixes
A really long name for word stems
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
A traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with gods, heroes, or supernatural events. Myths explain a belief, custom, or force of nature
stage directions
directions in a play that explain how A character should look, speak, move or behave
dramatic irony
when the audience has information that a character does not, and this lack of knowledge affects the characters actions
a word meaning the opposite of another word such as "find" and "lose"
root word
The elements of a word that is the basis of its meaning
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
A traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with gods, heroes, or supernatural events. Myths explain a belief, custom, or force of nature
stage directions
directions in a play that explain how A character should look, speak, move or behave
dramatic irony
when the audience has information that a character does not, and this lack of knowledge affects the characters actions
a word meaning the opposite of another word such as "find" and "lose"
A word whose meaning is the same as another word such as "fix" and "repair"
a root word that comes before the root stem
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
a.e.i.o.u. and sometimes y
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
A traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with gods, heroes, or supernatural events. Myths explain a belief, custom, or force of nature
stage directions
directions in a play that explain how A character should look, speak, move or behave
dramatic irony
when the audience has information that a character does not, and this lack of knowledge affects the characters actions
a word meaning the opposite of another word such as "find" and "lose"
A word whose meaning is the same as another word such as "fix" and "repair"
root stemThat comes after the root word
Context clues
Words or sentences that help the reader comprehend the meaning of an unfair word
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
a.e.i.o.u. and sometimes y
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
A traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with gods, heroes, or supernatural events. Myths explain a belief, custom, or force of nature
stage directions
directions in a play that explain how A character should look, speak, move or behave
dramatic irony
when the audience has information that a character does not, and this lack of knowledge affects the characters actions
a word meaning the opposite of another word such as "find" and "lose"
A word whose meaning is the same as another word such as "fix" and "repair"
The implied word of a word
a genre that uses magic and supernatural forms as a primary elements of plot, theme, and setting
a.e.i.o.u. and sometimes y
The dictionary definition of the word
realistic fiction
although untrue, it could actually happen. People, events, and places may be real
a broad genre of fiction that involves speculations based on current or future science or technology
a brief story that contains A moral or a practical life lesson about life and often uses animal characters
folk tell
A story that has no known author and was passed on from one generation to another by word-of-mouth
A traditional story of anonymous origin that deals with gods, heroes, or supernatural events. Myths explain a belief, custom, or force of nature
stage directions
directions in a play that explain how A character should look, speak, move or behave
dramatic irony
when the audience has information that a character does not, and this lack of knowledge affects the characters actions
a word meaning the opposite of another word such as "find" and "lose"
A word whose meaning is the same as another word such as "fix" and "repair"