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10 Cards in this Set

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Director must file a written report of the cause of death with the AG no later than 30 days after day the on which the prisoner died.


What does in the Custody of a "police officer " mean?

Under arrest, under the physical control, or restraint of peace officer.

T/F Threats of violence, threatening behavior, or acts of violence toward a coworker will not be tolerated. No member of the department, on any pretense, may strike any member of the department or draw or lift up any weapon or offer any violence against any member. No member of the dept shall by word or act provoke or incite a member of the dept to resort to physical force or violence.


Commissioned members of the dept may search a person based upon what 5 things?

(1) a search warrant,

(2) based upon probable cause that evidence or contraband will be found on the person and an articulable excepion to the warrant requirement (3) when reasonable suspicion justifies a limited pat down or terry search

(4) when conducting a search incident to arrest, or

(5) consent.

Justification for a pat down search?

(1) Suspect has been legitimately stopped with reasonable suspicion and (2) only when the officer has reason to believe that the suspect possesses weapons on his person and poses a threat to the officers or anothers personal safety. These factors are not all inclusive there are other factors that could and should be considered.

Procedures for performing a Pat down search?

(1)Permitted only to feel the outer clothing of subject (may not place hands in pockets unless they feel an object that could reasonably be a weapon. (2) if carrying a handbag officer should not open the bag but instead place it out of the reach of the suspect (3) if external feeling of subjects clothing fails to disclose evidence of a weapon, no further search may be made.

T/F The purpose of a pat down / terry frisk is to discover weapons not evidence of a crime.


Plain touch doctrine

The officer must be justified in conducting the pat down and the incriminating nature of the item must be immediately apparent to the touch. The officer is not permitted to manipulate soft objects for the purpose of identifying an item.

What does evidentiary search warrant exception mean?

When an officer develops probable cause that a person possesses evidence or contraband on their person and a valid exception excuses obtaining a warrant, the search may only extend to areas that may conceal the object of the search.

What happens during a search incident to arrest.

(1) Officer makes an arrest, the officer shall search the suspects person. (2)Any evidence found on the subject, even if unrelated to the basis of arrest, may be seized,

(3) incident to arrest may include the suspects pockets, waistband, sleeves, and socks.