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19 Cards in this Set

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Gene flow

Different alleles introduced into population due to migration.

Genetic bottleneck

Event that causes a big reduction in a population, reducing alleles in gene pool and reducing genetic diversity.

Genetic diversity

The number of different alleles of genes in a species or population.

Founder effect

Few organisms starting new colony - so mall number of alleles, higher incidence of genetic disease.

Natural selection

Individuals with advantageous alleles more likely to survive to reproduce and pass on that allele, so it becomes more common.

Directional selection

Extreme ends of alleles more likely to survive and reproduce, leading to either an overall decrease or increase.

Stabilising selection

Alleles in the middle range are more likely to survive and reproduce, e.g. baby weight.


Study of the evolutionary history of organisms.


Study of classification.

Courtship behaviour

How organisms attract mates of the same species, e.g. chemical release, sounds.

Genome sequencing

Entire base sequence of DNA can be determined and compared to get a % similarity.

Comparing amino acid sequences

Related organisms have similar amino acid sequences.

Immunological comparisons

Similar proteins bind with the same antibodies, can see comparison.

Standard deviation

How much values in a single sample vary - spread of values around the mean.


Variety of organisms in an area.


All populations of different species in a habitat.

Species fichness

Number of different species in a community.

Species diversity

Number of individuals of each species in a community.

Environmental Stewardship Schemd

Encourage farmers to conserve biodiversity, e.g. hedgerows.