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15 Cards in this Set

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What discretion do police officers have?

What enforcement action to take against offenders when

When do police officers NOT have discretion?

Drink driving and family violence

What does the discretion VPM ensure?



Human rights

Appropriate and effective enforcement action taken

Before considering action against a person what should be done first

Determine if an offence has been committed

Verify ID

Ensure there is sufficient admissible evidence

When making assessment for action what must be considered

Nature and severity

Characteristics and circumstances of offender

Any injury loss or damage from offence

APPROPRIATENESS OF ACTION IN LIGHT OF COMMUNITY EXPECTATIONS, effect of deterrence on offender and the community in general

What type of action should be taken to achieve its purpose

The minimum or least severe

From most severe to least, name the 5 enforcement actions

Charge and remand

Charge and bail

Charge and summons

Infringement notice

Caution and official warnings

Enforcement action against a young person or child. What should be considered?


Age, maturity, cognitive social and emotional development

Mental capacity

Availability of a caution or diversion program

Drivers to crime (trauma)

Previous action taken and the result of it

Eligibility for a caution

Offender does need to admit to offence but MUST consent to a caution

If children

Parent, guardian or and Independent Third Person must be present

Eligibility for an Official Warning

The victim must be consulted

Eligibility for an Infringement Notice

Max of 3

Issued by same person

Offender must be spoken to in person

Cannot be issued to someone under 14

Eligibility for Charge and Summons

Must be issued within 2 months of interview

Preferred method of proceeding

Sufficient evidence to cover all points of proof

Eligibility for Charge and Recommendation for Diversion Program

Offender MUST admit to offence

Is recommended in Magistrates or Childrens court

Eligibility for Charge and Bail

Decision made by SGT or above

In accordance with bail act

Bail with conditions is preferred to remand

Eligibility for Charge and Remand

Decision made by SGT or above

Children this is considered to be severe and used as an absolute last alternative