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44 Cards in this Set

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Acquired immunity

Immunity that is developed during a persons life time

Acute infection

A short duration that is often severe


Extreme hypersensitivity to a substance that can lead to shock and life threatening respiratory collapse

Artificially acquired immunity

Results from a vaccine

Blood borne disease

Disease that is caused by microorganisms such as viruses of bacteria that is carried in the blood

Blood borne pathogens

Disease causing organisms transferred through contact with blood or other bodily fluids

Chain of infection

Conditions that all must be present for infection to occur

Chronic infection

Infection for a long duration

Communicable disease

Condition caused by infection that can be spread from person to person or throwing contact with body fluids

Contaminated waste

Gloves and patient napkins that may contain infectious bodily fluids of patients

Direct contact

Touching or contact with a patients blood or saliva

Droplet infection

An infection that occurs though mucosal surfaces of the eyes, nose or, mouth


Studies of the patterns and causes of diseases

Hazardous waste

Poses danger to humans or the the environment


Ability of the body to resist disease

Indirect contact

Touching or contact with contaminated surfaces/tools

Infection control

Policies and practices to prevent the spread of infectious agents

Infectious disease

Disease that is communicable

Infectious waste

Waste that go infect others with disease

Inherited immunity

Inherited at birth

Latent infection

Predicting infection with recurrent symptoms that “come and go”

Naturally acquired immunity

Occurs when a person has contacted and is recovering from disease

Occupational exposure

Any reasonably anticipated skin,eye, or mucous membrane contact or percutaneous injury involving blood or other potentially infectious materials

OSHA Blood-Borne pathogens (BBP) standard

Guidelines designated to protect employees against occupational exposure to blond borne pathogens


Disease causing organism


Through the skin


Contact with mucous membranes such as eyes or mouth

Person protective equipment (PPE)

Items such as masks, gloves, eyewear, gowns used to protect employees


Pointed or cutting instruments including needles, scalpel, blades, orthodontic wires and endodontic instruments

Standard precautions

Standard of care designed to protect health care providers from pathogens that can be spread by blood/bodily fluids via excretion or secretion. Expand on the concept of universal precautions.

Universal precautions

Guidelines based on treating all human blood/bodily fluids including saliva as potentially infectious


Strength of pathogens ability to cause disease. Also known as pathogenicity

Chain of infection

1. An infection agent - pathogen

2. A reservoir - where it lives and reproduces

3. A portal of exit- means of leaving its home

4. Mode of transmission- droplets, blood

5. Portal of entry - way to enter body

6. Susceptible host- person unable to resist infection

Infection control strategies are intended to break one or more links to end the infection.

Types of infections

Acute - fast and severe

Chronic - long lasting

Latent- come and go symptoms

Opportunistic - compromised immune system

Mode of disease transmission

Direct- droplets

Indirect - touching of a surface

Airborne- someone coughs or sneezes(droplets)

Aerosol, spray, or splatter


Blood borne

Food/ water


Naturally acquired immunity vs artificially acquired immunity

Natural - person built tolerance

Artificially - vaccine

Disease transmission in the dental office

Patient to dental team

Dental team to patient

Patient to patient

Dental office to community

Community to dental office to patient

Standard precautions

Wash hands

Wear gloves when handily bodily fluids

Use care when handling sharps

Wear mask and eye protection when needed

Carefully handle contaminated patient care items

Use a mouth piece or another ventilation device if you have to do mouth to mouth

Must be used on all patients

Hepatitis B Immunization

Must have to work in medial fields

Occupational exposure determination

1. Routinely exposed to blood, saliva or both - dentist, hygienist, RDA, lab, tech

2. Occasionally- receptionist or office manager

3. Never - finance manager, insurance clerk, computer operator

Employee medical records

Dentist/employer must keep medical records for each employee for employment + 30 years


Name/social security number

Proof of Hep B

Any exposure incidents

Copy of post exposure

Kept for 30 years

Guidelines for needles

NEVER re cap

Latex allergies

Irritant- does not involve immune systems and it’s caused by contact with a substance that produces a chemical irritation to skins

Type IV allergic reaction- deplaned contact reason that involves the immune system can take 48-72 hours to develop

Type l allergic reaction -Anaphylaxis

There’s no treatment for latex allergies

Classification of waste

General - paper towels, paper mixing pads, empty containers - discard in covered container made of durable materials such has plastic or metal

Hazardous - Danger to humans or environment (toxic chemicals) - follow your specific provincial guidelines

Contaminated - been in contact with bodily fluids - normally dispose with general waste

Infectious or regulated (biohazard) - waste capable of transmitting disease - follow provincial guidelines

Blood/blood soaked materials- labeled container.

Pathologic waste - soft tissue, teeth - follow provincial guidelines

Shapes - needles - closable leakproof puncture resistant container