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22 Cards in this Set

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The students are going to sing a song for their Profe

Los estudiantes les van a cantar una canción a Profe

Christina doesn't want to take the money

Cristina no quiere tomarlo

Sofia is making Marcela her wedding dress

Sofia le esta haciendo a María su vestido de novia

Does your classmate explain the homework to you?

¿Te explica la tarea tu compañero de clase ?

No, I don't borrow it (car) from her

No, no se lo pido prestado

Do you take care of your friend's house when they travel?

¿Les cuidas a tus amigas su casa cuando viaja?

Yes I take care of (the pets) for them

Si se las cuido

Does the teacher explained Spanish grammar to you and your classmates?

Les explica el maestro, a ti y a tus compañeros de clase, la gramática del español?

Yes he explains it to us

Si nos la explica

Yes sometimes he explains it to me

Si algunas veces me la explica

Do you lend money to your friends when they need it?

Les prestas dinero a tus amigos cuando lo necesitan?

Yes I lend it (money) to them when they need It.

Si se lo presto cuando lo necesitan

Do you like to lend your car to your friends?

Te gusta prestarles tu coche a tus amigos?

No, I don't like to lend it (car) to them

No, no me gusta prestar se lo.

Do you send postcards to your friends when you travel?

Les envías tarjetas postales a tus amigos cuando viajas?

Yes I send them (postcards) to them (my friends) when I travel

Si, se las envío cuando viajo

Answer to: do you buy Christmas presents for your family and friends? (Yes)

Si se los compro.

Do you borrow your best friends car?

Le pides prestado el coche a tu mejor amigo?

I love them both very much

A ambos los quiero mucho

I'm telling you, him, her

Le digo

I say it

Lo digo

Is important to me

Me importa