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17 Cards in this Set

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The peritoneal cavity is.......A) Is the same as the abdominopelvic cavity, B) like the pleural and pericardial cavities it is a potential space containing serous fluid.
B) like the pleural and pericardial cavities it is a potential space containing serous fluid.
Obstruction of the hepatopancreatic sphincter impairs digestionby reducing the availability of......A) Pancreatic juice and intestinal juice B) Pancreatic juice and bile
B) Pancreatic juice and bile
The action of an enzyme is influenced by......A) 1. Its specific substrate 2. The presence of needed cofactors or enzymes 3. Its chemical surroundings. B) 1. Its a nonspecific substrate
2. The presence of needed cofactors or enzymes 3. Its chemical surroundings.
A) 1. Its specific substrate
2. The presence of needed cofactors or enzymes
3. Its chemical surroundings.
Cabohydrates are acted on by .....A) Amylase, maltase, and sucrase B) Amylase, maltase, and lipases
A) Amylase
and sucrase
The parasympathetic nervous system influences digestion by......A) constricting sphincters stimulating peristalsis B) Stimulating peristalsis and secretory activity.
B) Stimulating peristalsis and secretory activity.
The digestive juice product containing enzymes capable of digesting all four major foodstuff categories is.....A)Pancreatic B) Biliary
A) Pancreatic
The vitamin associated with calcium absorbtion is.......A) vitamin A, B) vitamin D
B) Vitamin D
Someone has eaten a meal of buttered toast, cream, and eggs. What would you expect to happen? A) 1. compared to the period shortly after the meal, gastric motility and secretion of HCI decrease when food reaches the duodenum
2. Gastric motility increases even as the person is chewing the food (b4 swallowing) &
3. Fat will be emulsified in the duodenum by the action of pancreatic juices B) 1. compared to the period shortly after the meal, gastric motility and secretion of HCI decrease when food reaches the duodenum
2. Gastric motility increases even as the person is chewing the food (b4 swallowing) &
3. Fat will be emulsified in the duodenum by the action of bile.
B) 1. compared to the period shortly after the meal, gastric motility and secretion of HCI decrease when food reaches the duodenum
2. Gastric motility increases even as the person is chewing the food (b4 swallowing) &
3. Fat will be emulsified in the duodenum by the action of bile.
The site of production of VIP and cholecystokinin is........A) large intestines, B) Small intestines
B) Small intestines
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the large intestine? A) It is divided into ascending, transverse & descending portions, B) It contains abundant bacteria, some of which synthesize certain vitamins, C) It is the main absorptive site, D) It absorbs much of the water and salts remaining in water.
C) It is the main absorptive site.
What does the Gallbladder do? A) Stores and concentrates Bile B) produces bile
A) Stores and concentrates Bile
what is the sphincter between the stomach and duodenum? A) The pyloric sphincter. B) the hepatopancreatic sphincter
A) The pyloric sphincter.
The protein molecule will be digested by enzymes secreted by....A) The pancreas and stomach B) The liver and stomach
A) The pancreas and stomach
A protein molecule must be digested before it can be transported to and utilized by the cells because.........A) Protein has a low Ph B) The protein is too large to be readily absorbed
B) The protein is too large to be readily absorbed
The products of protein digestion enter the blood stream largely through cells lining ...........A) the small intestine B) the large intestine
A) the small intestine
Before the blood carrying the products of protein digestion reaches the heart, it first passes through capillary networks in the.....A) gallbladder B) Liver
B) Liver
Having passed through the regulatory organ (liver) the products of protein digestion are circulated throughout the body. they will enter individual body cells as a result of .......A) diffusion, B) passive transport C) active transport.
C) Active transport.