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96 Cards in this Set

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The digestive system
Mechanically and chemically breaks down food for nutrient absorption
The alimentary canal extends in its entirety from
The mouth to the Anus
The correct sequence for the layers within the wall of the alimentary canal from inside to outside is
Mucosa, submucosa, muscular layer, serosa
Peristalsis occurs in the digestive tract
From the pharynx to the anus
Peristalsis mixes food with digestive enzymes in small segments of the alimentary canal
________ aids mixing movements in the Alimentary canal by alternately contracting and relaxing nonadjacent segments
The uvula is
A projection of the soft palate
Because of their location swollen palatine tonsils may interfere with
Both breathing and swallowing
The teeth that are best adapted for biting off relatively large pieces of food are the
Microorganisms promote the development of dental cavities by metabolizing carbohydrates and releasing by products that are
Salivary amylase digests
In the swallowing reflex
The soft palate, larynx, and hyoid bone are raised
The epiglottis closes off the top of the trachea
The tongue presses against the uvula and soft palate
Muscles pull the pharynx toward the food
A hiatal hernia is due to a weakness of the
The main part of the stomach is called the
The parietal cells of gastric glands secrete
Hydrochloric acid
Gastric, which stomach cells secrete
Increases the secretion by the gastric glands
The _______ is a valve that controls the movement between the stomach and small intestine and
Pyloric sphincter
Intrinsic factor is necessary for the normal absorption of _______ from the small intestine
Vitamin B12
The vomiting center is located in the ________ of the brain
Medulla oblongata
What is a protein splitting enzyme found in pancreatic juice
All of the enzymes that digest protein are
Secreted in an inactive form
Acute pancreatitis is often caused by the conversion of
Trypsin often to trypsin
The hormone secretin
Stimulates the release of pancreatic fluid
Cholecystokinin secretion from the intestinal wall is stimulated by the presence of
Proteins and fats in the small intestine
The liver
Forms glucose from no carbohydrates
Stores vitamin d
Destroys damaged red blood cells
Forms urea
Which constituent of bile has a digestive function
Bile salts
Jaundice, which is characterized by a yellowish tinge to the tissues, is due to an increased blood concentration of
Bile pigments
Gallstones are usually composed of
Severe liver damage would most likely affect digestion of
Cholecystokinin a hormone released from intestinal mucosa by the presence of fats, stimulates the gallbladder to contract and release bile into the duodenum

True or False
Bile is composed of HCI, pepsin, mucus, and intrinsic factor
The gallbladder is connected to the common bile duct by the hepatic duct
Bile salts function as digestive enzymes to break down fatty acids
Large fixed phagocytes in the lining of the hepatic sinusoids are called
Kupffer cells
Bile breaks down fat globules by
The greater omentum is composed of
The peritoneal membrane
The epithelial cells that form the inner lining of the small intestine
Are replaced every few days
Lactose intolerance is caused by
Deficiency of lactase
Food passing from the stomach through the small intestine first passes into the duodenum then the jejunum and lastly the ileum
True or False
The movement of chyme through the small intestine is increased by parasympathetic impulses and is inhibited by sympathetic impulses

True of False
Lump transports fat molecules with longer chains of carbon atoms away from the intestine.

True or false
The double layered fold of peritoneum that suspends portions of the small intestine is called
Fat molecules with longer chains of carbon atoms are transported from the small intestine by means of
The sphincter muscle located between the small intestine and the large intestine is the
Ileocecal valve
One of the major functions of the large intestine is to
Reabsorbs water from chyme
During the defecation reflex
The diaphragm lowers
The cecum is located at the inferior end of the descending colon

True or false
The American heart association recommends that the percentage of calories on a persons diet derived from fats should not exceed
Plant proteins typically contain less than adequate amounts of
Essential amino acids
The results of poor nutrition from lack of nutrients or failure to use them is
Vitamin E, a fat soluble vitamin, is destroyed by cooking.

True or false
Vitamin E, a fat soluble vitamin, is destroyed by cooking.

True or false
Microorganisms removed from incoming air by sticky airway mucus are most likely to be destroyed by
The digestive action of gastric juice
The organs of the upper respiratory tract are located outside the thorax
True or false
The glottis is the opening between the vocal cords
True or false
The right lung is larger than the left lung
True or false
The left lung has only two lobes
True or false
The potential space between the pleural membrane is called the pleural cavity
________ is a substance secreted by cells in the lungs that reduces surface tension
The muscular action that causes air to move into the lungs during inspiration is provided by
The diaphragm
The force responsible for normal resting expiration is supplied by
Elastic recoil of the lungs
The amount of air that enters or leaves the lungs during a respiratory cycle is the
Tidal volume
What would be the most helpful for forceful expiration
Abdominal wall muscles
The vocal cords are located within the
The additional volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs at the end of a resting expiration is called
Expiration reserve volume
The additional volume of air that can be inhaled at the end of a resting inspiration is called
Inspiration reserve volume
The volume of air that can be expelled from completely filled lungs is called
Vital capacity
The visceral and parietal pleural membranes are normally held together by
Decreased pressure in the pleural cavity
The condition in which outside air enters the pleural cavity is called
Emphysema is characterized by an decrease in
Alveoli function
What is the value that cannot be measure or calculated using simple spirometer
Total lung capacity
The pectoralis mini and the sternocleido astound muscles are useful in aiding forced expiration

True or false
The maximum amount of air a person can exhale after taking the deepest breath possible is a measurement of that persons vital capacity
True or false
The layer or serous membrane that is firmly attached to the surface of a lung is called
Visceral pleura
The walls of the alveoli are composed of
Simple squamous epithelium
Decrease pressure in the plural cavity tends to hold the visceral and parietal pleural membranes together true or false
The respiratory membrane consists of
To thicknesses of epithelial cells and their basement membranes
Breathing rate is most likely to increase blood level of
Carbon dioxide increases
The receptors of the inflation reflex are most sensitive to
Hyperventilation causes
A decrease in plasma pCO2
The respiratory centers are located in the medulla oblongata and the pond of the
A voluntary increases in the rate and depth of breathing is called
A breathing pattern that eliminates too much CO2 is called hyperventilation
True or False
Gas exchange between the air in the alveoli and the blood in nearby capillaries occurs by the process of
Ordinary air is about ____% oxygen
The walls of the nasal cavity are composed of
Ciliated columnar epilthelium
Within a mixture of gases, the pressure created by each gas is called its
Partial pressure
The enzyme carbonic anhydrase speeds the reaction between
Carbon dioxide and water
Carbon monoxide bonds to hemoglobin more strongly than does oxygen

True or false
Caraminohemoglobin is formed when hemoglobin bonds
Amino acids
Microorganisms trapped in the mucus of the nasal cavity eventually end up in Themistocles of the inspired
Most of the inspired air eventually ends up in the
Laryngitis is potentially dangerous condition because it may cause
Obstruction of the airway
The condition of newborns called infant respiratory distress syndrome is caused by
Lack of surfactant
Cancer that originated in the lungs is most likely to develop from
Epithelial cells
The procedure used to directly examine the trachea and bronchial tree is called