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24 Cards in this Set

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Why does food have to be digested in order to get nutrients from it

Small enough to fit through cell membrane

digestion start in the

Mouth and stomach

Give an example of chemical digestion


Give an example of mechanical digestion

Teeth and stomach muscles turning

Two places where mechanical digestion occurs in the digestive system

Mouth and stomach

Why do the small intestine benefit from having the villi

Increase surface area for more absorption

What is peristalsis

Muscle contractions that move food (Esophagus, stomach, large intestine)

Where can peristalsis occur in the digestive system

The digestive tract

Where is saliva made and what does a breakdown

In the salivary gland and breaks down carbs

Where is the bile made and what does it breakdown

Liver stored by the gallbladder digests food in the small intestine and breaks down lipids

Where is gastric juice made and what does it breakdown

Stomach and breaks down proteins

Where is pancreatic juice made and what does it breakdown

Pancreas they digest food in small intestine and breaks down carbs lipids and proteins

Where is Intestinal juice made and what does a breakdown

Small intestine and breaks down carbs lipids and proteins

Where can you get ulcer and what causes it

Are open sores that develop in the esophagus stomach and small intestine

In what part does constipation affect and what causes it

When to much water is absorbed in the large intestine


When too little water is absorbed in the large intestine


Small stone from crystallized bile block file stocks in the gallbladder


Becomes infected and need surgery to remove it


Chemical and mechanical that chews the food to reach the esophagus helped by saliva... Breaks down carbs


Where food travels to reach the stomach


Mechanical and Chemical digestion that breaks down proteins.. Protease, gastric juice, pepsin, hydrochloric acid is present

Small intestine

Chemical digestion that is the most important place where digestion occurs and digestion is completed.. Bile, intestinal juice,& pancreatic juice is present... Digests carbs, protein, and lipids

Large intestine

Chemical digestion where water and minerals are absorbed


Mechanical digestion wasted stored here and water is absorbed