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16 Cards in this Set

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used to show a group is made up of different types of something

The diverse ethnic groups living in Malaysia give the country its cultural richness. used to show a group is made up of different types of something

Существуют противоречащие друг другу оценки, несопоставимые подходы.

used for different types within a group, but emphasises separation and difference

There are conflicting assessments and disparate approaches.

very often used with not

This house is not dissimilar to the one I was born in.

Проблемы и потребности сельских женщин схожи с проблемами и потребностями городских женщин.

The challenges and needs of rural women are not dissimilar to those of urban women.

often used to show contrasting opinions or ideas within a group

They have widely divergent opinions

Рекламодателям теперь запрещено вводить людей в заблуждение ложными сведениями.

Advertisers are now forbidden to deceive the public with false claims.

Хитрый торговец убедил старушку вложить все деньги в его дело, пообещав, что она разбогатеет.

The clever salesman deceived the old lady into lending him all her money for his business, by telling her that she would get rich.

to have difficulty in doing something(not -s)

I had great difficulty in finding a job at first (NOT great difficulties).

a boring job that you must doскучное, неприятное дело

I find cooking a real chore.

Тогда у тебя не будет хлопот, чтобы приходить в банк каждую неделю.

That way, you won't have the hassle of coming in the bank every week.

А мне очень не нравится, что вы достаете меня без причины.

And I don't really appreciate you hassling me for no reason.

to annoy someone, especially by asking them something again and againприставать, изводить

He's always hassling me about money.

[asking again and again о машине

My wife keeps hassling me for a new car

Было сущим наказанием слушать, как она поёт

It was sheer torture to listen to her sing

После долгих упорных занятий Джейн наконец сдала экзамен.

Jane at last passed the examination by slogging (away) at her studies for months

Различия в словах ability

I have the ability to write, but I dont have capability to write 10-page essayby tomortow. But as with most of other distinctions between these words, the words are interchangeable.