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71 Cards in this Set

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Engages in motor activity that is primarily reflexive

Birth - 1 mo.

Holds hands in a fist and does not reach for object

Birth - 1 mo.

Eyes do not always work together and may appear crossed at times

Birth - 1 mo.

Often synchronizes body movements to speech patterns of parent or caregiver

Birth - 1 mo.

Crying and fussing are main forms of communication

Birth - 1 mo

Begins to establish a bonding relationship with parents and caregivers

Birth - 1 mo.

Retains hold of object (rattle)

2 - 3 mo.

Pushes down on legs when feet are placed on firm surface

2 - 3 mo.

Raises head and upper body on arms in prone position

2 - 3 mo

Watches hands and other's face intently

2 - 3 mo.

Enjoys familiar routines such as baths and diaper changes

2 - 3 mo

Smiles in response to a friendly face or voice

2 - 3 mo.

Transfers object from had to hand

4 - 7 mo.

Uses raking grasp

4 - 7 mo.

Rolls from stomach to back and back to stomach

4 - 7 mo.

Imitates actions --- plays peek-a-boo

4 - 7 mo.

Laughs and squeals out loud

4 - 7 mo.

Responds to other people's expression of emotions

4 - 7 mo.

Creeps on hands and knees

8 - 12 mo.

Babbles and jabbers, imitates sounds

8 - 12 mo.

Says "dada" and "mama"

8 - 12 mo.

Drops toys repeatedly and intentionally, then looks for them

8 - 12 mo.

Offers toys and objects to others

8 - 12 mo.

Exhibits fear of strangers

8 - 12 mo.

Walks alone

12 - 24 mo.

Scribbles spontaneously

12 - 24 mo.

Begins to enjoy looking at picture books

12 - 24 mo.

Finds hidden objects under 2-3 covers

12 - 24 mo.

Enjoys companionships of other children, but does not play cooperatively

12 - 24 mo.

Has episodes of separation anxiety

12 - 24 mo.

Early in period begins to achieve toilet training

24 - 36 mo.

Makes vertical, horizontal, and circular strokes

24 - 36 mo.

Sorts objects by color

24 - 36 mo.

Uses pronouns: he, she, him, her

24 - 36 mo.

Plays make believe with animals, dolls, and people

24 - 36 mo.

Uses words like "mine" often

24 - 36 mo.

Hops and stands on one foot for a few seconds

3 - 4 yrs.

Uses scissors --- cuts across page

3 - 4 yrs.

Names at a minimum red, yellow, and blue

3 - 4 yrs

Often plays parallel play to others

3 - 4 yrs.

Begins to share toys with others

3 - 4 yrs

Prints some letters

4 - 5 yrs.

Can count ten or more objects

4 - 5 yrs.

Undresses independently, may be able to unbutton and unzip

4 - 5 yrs.

Swings, climbs, kicks, and throws

4 - 5 yrs.

Likes to sing, dance, and act

4 - 5 yrs.

Self-reliant in bathroom

4 - 5 mo.

Rides a tricycle or wheeled toy with speed and skillful steering

5 - 6 yrs.

Knows what calendar is for, shows beginning understanding of calendar time (days, weeks, seasons by end of 5th year)

5 - 6 yrs.

Places objects from shortest to tallest

5 - 6 yrs.

Engages in counting and sorting money

5 - 6 yrs.

Produces speech that is almost entirely intelligible

5 - 6 yrs.

Participates in group play and shared activities with other children, suggests imaginitive and elaborate play ideas

5 - 6 yrs.

Loses baby teeth

6 - 7 yrs.

Rides bike without training wheels

6 - 7 yrs.

Folds and cuts paper into simple shapes

6 - 7 yrs.

Recognizes some words by sight, attempts to sound out words

6 - 7 yrs.

Clings to certain beliefs involving magic or fantasy (tooth fairy and Easter bunny)

6 - 7 yrs.

Easily frustrated by self-perceived failures

6 - 7 yrs.

Anxious to please, needs and seeks adult approval

6 - 7 yrs.

Identifies seasons, major holidays, and activities associated with them

6 - 7 yrs.

Names and correctly holds up right and left hand

6 - 7 yrs.

Tends to be more cautious in undertaking challenging physical activities

7 - 8 yrs.

Critisizes own performance ("I didn't draw that right.")

7 - 8 yrs.

Seeks out opportunities to participate in team activities and games

7 - 8 yrs.

Begins taking an interest in what others think and do --- different opinions, cultures, countries

7 - 8 yrs.

Adds and subtracts multiple digit numbers, learning multiplication

7 - 8 yrs.

Likes jokes and riddles

7 - 8 yrs.

Reads with ease and understanding

7 - 8 yrs.

Intrigued with learning code words and using code language

7 - 8 yrs.

Begins forming opinions about moral values and attitude

7 - 8 yrs.