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75 Cards in this Set

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Man with vague upperabdominal discomfort. Present for 3 months. Not associated with meals oractivity. Oblong shaped firm and deeply seated mass in the epigastric area. Notenderness on direct palpation. He says he had similar thing in the past.

Desmoid tumor, locallyaggressive bening with high recurrence even after removal.CT or MRI to evaluatethe size.

Onychomycosis treatment

Terbinafine, itraconazoleSecond line: griseofulvin,fluconazole

54 yo male with flaky anditchy scalp. He has red oily skin with inflammation and scaling of the scalp,eyebrows and ears.

Seborrheic dermatitis“dandruff” Treatment is selenium shampoo

Atopic dermatitis (eczema)presentation in infants and adults

Infants: Itchy, red, scaly,crusted lesions on extensor surfaces, trunk, cheeks, scalpAdults: Lichenified plaquesin flexural creases

Treatment of atopicdermatitis (eczema)

Topical steroids

Porphyria cutanea tardainvolves deficiency of

Uroporphyrinogendecarboxylase an enzyme in the heme synthesis pathway

Porphyria cutanea tardamanifests as

Painless blisters andincreased fragility of the skin on the dorsal surfaces of the hands, facialhypertrichosis (excessive hair growth) and hyperpigmentation

Whats the treatment ofporphyria cutanea tarda

Phlebotomy or hydroxychloroquine,interferon alpha if infected with Hep C.

Pruritic papules and vesicleson elbows, knees, buttocks, posterior neck and scalp. Usually associated withgluten allergy

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Tinea versicolor treated with

Topical ketoconazole

Diaper rash treated with

Topical zinc oxide paste

Self limiting condition thatfirst manifests as primary plaque (herald patch) with a fine collarette scale.A generalized eruption develops 1 to 2weeks later with fine scaling papules and plaques in the Christmas treedistribution

Pityriasis rosea

Whats the treatment forphotoaging?


Single or multiple lesions,well demarcated, pigmented, round or oval with dull or verrucous surface with astuck on appearance.

Seborrheick keratosis usually bening no treatment needed.

Explosive onset of multiplepruritic seborrheic keratosis has been associated with

Lung and Gi cancer

Tinea capitis is treated with

Oral griseofulvin

Treament for mild to moderateplaque psoriasis

Topical high potency steroids(betamethasone) and topical vitamin D derivatives

Severe plaque psoriasistreatment

Phototherapy, methotrexate

Facial and intertriginous(axillae) psoriasis

Topical tacrolimus Low potency steroids

Guttate (salmon pink spots)psoriasis

Observation, or phototherapy

Erythema in the central faceoften associated with flushing, telangiectasias and pustules.

Rosacea, topicalmetronidazole if popular or pustular lesions.

If rosacea ony has erythemaand telangiectasias, treatment is

Topical brimonidine

Whats the common complicationwith rosacea

Eye problems like blepharitis, keratitis,conjunctivitis, corneal ulcers and recurrent chalazion

When scabies is suspectedwhat to do?

Skin scrappings and examinationunder the microscope

Whats the treatment ofscabies

Topical 5% permethrin

The most commonly used treatment for actinic keratosis is

Topical 5 fluorouracil

Herpes zoster treatment

Oral valacyclovir 7-10 days

Pain management for herpeszoster

Amitriptyline, capsaicin,gabapentin

Shiny, discrete intensely pruritic polygonalshaped violaceous plaques and papules most frequent on flexural surfaces of theextremities

Lichen planus

What should be checked forafter diagnosis of linchen planus?

Anti hep C antibioides

Photosensitivity that appearsafter treatment of acne is likely due to which antibiotic

Doxycycline. Treated withNSADs

Methods to prevent acneinclude

Water based skin products, pHneutral detergent cleansers, low sugar diet. Avoid saturated fats, dairyproducts and refined carbohydrates.

Bullous phemphigoid should bediagnosed by

Skin biopsy from the edge ofan intact blister

Tense bullae, itching,erythema and urticarial

Bullous pemphigoid

Phemphigus vulgaris

Flaccid bullaeSloughing of skinOral lesions

Severe itching, crusting andvesicles Elbows, knees, buttAssociated with celiacdisease

Dermatitis herpetiformis

Grouped lesions linear orannular pattern

Linear bullous dermatosis

Psoriatic arthritis requires

Systemic treatment withmethotrexate

8 year olf with vesicularrash at the level of the seventh left intercostal space involving the anteriorand posterior walls of the chest. What is it?

Nothing. This is herpeszoster infection. No further testing needed.

Which diuretic is associatedwith photosensitivy when exposed to the sun?

Hydrochlorothiazide. Which isa sulfa

White kid when to summercamp, developed a rash 2 days later. Intense itchy lesion in right arm. Red,irregular, linear with papules and vesicles with oozing of a serous fluid.Small popular lesions on the lateral part of the left hand. What is it?

Poison ivy dermatitis.

65 yo male with scaly pink,white and gray spots on his hands for several years but now increasing in size.He has small papules and plaques on the dorsum of the hand with a rough scale

Actinic keratosis which is apremalignant condition associate with scc.

Female sexually active with anew partner. Small skin colored papules with indented centers that may occuranywhere except the palms and soles

Molluscum contagiosum causedby poxvirus. HIV testing should be considered.

Molluscum contagiosumtreatment

Curettage/cryotherapyPodophyllotoxin for chemicalremoval

Closed or open comedones onforehead nose and chin, what is it? Tx?

Comedonal acne, topicalretinoids, salicylic, azelaic or glycolic acid

Inflammed papules (less than5mm) and pustules with erythema. What is it, whats the tx?

Inflammatory acne. If mildtopical retinoids + benzoyl peroxideModerate: add topicalantibiotics erythromycin, clindaSevere: ORAL ANTIBIOTICS

Large (greater than 5mm)nodules that can appear cystic. What is it? Whats the treatment

Nodular cystic acne. Moderate: topical retinoid +benzoyl peroxide+topical antibioitcsSevere: add oral antibioticsUnresponsive: oralisotretinoin

Clinical feats of melanoma

Asymmetry: when bisected, the2 sides are not identical

Border: uneven edges, pigmentfading off

ColorDiameter >6mm,


When are topical antibiotics useful?

Full thickness burns and partial thickness burns with loss of epithelium

47 yo man with 2 month leftplantar surface of his left great toe enlarging painful and thickened papule.What is it? Treatment?

Plantar warts by hpv. Usuallyhappens to people that work with meat, poultry, fish. Topical salicylic acid.Effects are seen in 2-3 weeks

Characteristics of alopeciaareata in terms of recurrence and treatment

Intralesional steroids. Hairgrowth in 4-6 weeksThere is high chance ofrecurrence of hair loss even after successful treatment

What is the treatment ofatopic dermatitis

1-oral antihistamines2-regular use of emollientsto maintain skin hydration and avoidance of hot or dry environments3-topical steroidstriamcinolone

in which areas are topicalsteroids contraindicated? Can be used instead

face, eyelid, flexural areas.Tacrolimus can be used instead

Biopsy for actinic keratosisis indicate for

Diagnosis is unclearLesions > 1cm in diameterLesions are induratedUlceration is present There is tendernessLesions are growing rapidlyLesions fail to respond toappropriate therapy

Patients with low risk sccrefusing surgery the best course of action is

Radiation therapy

Whats the best treatment forkeloid

Intralesional steroids

Treatment of mild tineapedis. And treatment of extensive disease or failure of topicals

For mild topical terbinafine,miconazole, clotrimazoleSevere oral terbinafine,itraconazole, fluconazole

What skin condition isassociated with insulin resistance, GI malignancy

Acanthosis nigricans

Multiple skin tags areassociated with which disease

Insulin resistance, pregnancy, chrons (perianal

Porphyria cutanea tarda.Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis (palpable purpura) secondary tocryoglobulinemia is associated with which disease

Hep c

Dermatitis herpetiformis isassociated with

Celiac disease

Sudden onset severepsoriasis, recurrent herpes zoster, disseminated molluscum contagiosum areassociated with what


Severe seborrheic dermatitisis associated with

HIV and Parkinson

Explosive onset of multipleitchy seborrheic keratosis is associated with

GI malignancies

Pyoderma gangrenosum isassociated with

Inflammatory bowel disease

Initial solitary painful andinflamed nodule in intertriginois area. May have abscess formation withpurulent or seroanguineous drainage. Multiple recurrent nodules with sinustracts, comedones and scarring

Hydradenitis suppurativa

What is the management ofhidradenitis suppurativa

Weight loss, smokingcessation, cleansing of the area.

Treatment of mildhidradenitis suppurativa

Topical clindaIntralesional steroids ororal antibiotics

Treatment of moderatehidradenitis suppurative-nodules sinus tracts and scarring

Oral doxy (tetracyclines)Oral clinda + rifampin

Treatment of severehidradenitis suppurativa-diffuse involvement and extensive sinus tract

Infliximab (TNF alphainhibitor)Oral retinoidsSurgical

For women who may becomepregnant the preferred medications are

Topical erythroClindamycinAzelaic acid.

Tomato red plaques andsatellite papules with involvement of crural folds

Candidal intertrigo andperineal infection. Clotrimazole cream

Which are is spared in diaperdermatitis

Crural folds.

Sun protection factor 15recommended for

Regular daily use

Sun protection factor 30 recommended for

Outdoor work or recreation