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35 Cards in this Set

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When was German unification?


What are some key causes of unification?

*trade and economic benefits

*heritage, culture and language ties

*Wilhelm I acting as a unifying figure

*improved infrastructure (eg railways)

*war with Austria, where it was the Pryssian Army delivering victories

What divisions remained after unification in 1871?

*the states were used to having autonomy. There were divides over how much power the 25 states would have

*religious divides - south generally Catholic and the north was protestant

*class divisions - junkers v peasants

What were Bismarcks key aims for the period?

*confirm the power of Prussia

*preserve his own power

*to unify and stabilise Germany.

What powers did the Emperor hold?

*appointed and dismissed chancellor

*could dissolve the reichstag

*direct foreign policy

*command armed forces

What powers did the chancellor hold?

*solely responsible to Emperor

*appointed state secretaries

*could ignore reichstag resolutions

*job was to propose laws to the reichstag.

What powers did the Reichstag hold?

*could discuss and agree proposals to put to the Bundesrat

*Cannot introduce own legislation

*controlled finance including military budget

How was the Reichstag elected?

Universal Male suffrage over 25.

What powers did the Bundesrat hold?

*14 votes to Veto a law

-controversial as there were 17 Prussian seats, meaning they could veto anything that didnt favour Prussia or the elites.

*controlled justice, currency, banking, trade, education, health and culture

How were members of the Bundesrat found?

58 seats nominated by state assemblies (the lander)

What powers did the Lander hold?

*power over local issues such as policing and education

What factors were creating unity?

*national symbols

-this was slow to emerge however, eg the imperial German flag 1892

*the reichstag gave ordinary people a voice

-supported by high voter turnout

*the Kaiser, Wilhelm I was beloved

*reichfiende - France, socialists and catholics

What factors in the Imperial Constituion failed to create unity?

*prussian dominance

*religious divisions

*limitations to reichstag power

What were the six main parties present in the second Reich?

*national liberals (nl)

*progressive party (dfp)

*centre party (z)

*social democratic party (spd)

*the German conservative party (dkp)

*the free conservative party (fkp)

Why were there divisions in the Reichstag?

*reichstag members were not paid, meaning that they had to be wealthy so they would have the time to stand in the Reichstag instead it work

*different parties mainly represented different states of Germany

*multi-national divisions-French, Danes and poles were met with suspicion and had "questionable loyalties to germany"

What was the party that minorities tended to vote for?

Centre Party

Why did Bismarck co-operate with the National Liberals?

*they were the largest party in the Reichstag (gaining 29.7 % of the vote in the 1874 elections) who got the votes of the ordinary working and middle class. He hoped by cooperating, they would ignore his anti-liberal views

*they had similar ideologies

What goals did the Bismarck x National Liberals co-operation achieve in their first Reichstag session?

Passed over 100 acts

-National bank set up with the mark established as a common currency

-internal trade tariffs abolished

When did Bismarck break with the National Liberals?


What were the consequences of Bismarcks split with the National Liberals 1879?

*national liberals lost seats and split into the liberal union party and the NL. This split made it impossible for a conservative / liberal coalition and the Reichstag supported him less.

*1884 election, the two biggest parties were against Bismarcks political aims - German free minded party and the ZP.

What was the kulturkampf?

Conflict between the German Imperial Government and he Catholic Church from 1872 - 1886

When was the Kulturkampf?

1872 - 1886

What and when was the Syllabus of Errors?

A document published by the Catholic church in 1864 denouncing liberalism and secularism.

What and when was the Declaration of Papal Infallibilty?

1870. Declaration stating you should support the church above all else and that the Pope cannot be wrong.

What happened in the Kulturkampf?

*state authorities allowed to inspect Catholic school

*jetsuit priestley order banned from Germany

*Prussia May Laws

What were Bismarcks aims for the Kulturkampf?

To establish the Catholics as a Reichfiende, and thereby unite Germans against this common enemy.

What and when were the Prussian may laws?

1873. Established state control over the Catholic church. State had power over education and ability to appoint priests. Church property seized. Clergy that were not appointed by German authorities expelled from Germany. Bread basket law.

What was the bread basket law 1873?

Part of the Prussia May Laws. Financial support for priests who did not publically declare support for the German state withdrawn.

When was the War in Sight Crisis?


Who was in the three emperors league and when was it formed?

Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary 1873

What was the war in sight crisis caused by?

France had been overthrown by a royalist government who wanted to establish dominance with am aggressive foreign policy (eg French Army Organisation Law 1873).

Germany was concerned that France would encourage catholic opposition within Germany.

What was the French Army Organisation Law of 1873?

Increased the number of French infantry battalions from 3 - 4. But 1878 there were 800,000 trained men in France.

What did Bismarck do in the war in sight crisis?

He used the media to help get the point across that he was willing to engage in a pre-emptive strike, which he hoped would put pressure on France. However, it just made the whole of Europe tense.

How was the war in sight crisis resolved?

Russia, Britian and the Kaiser (NOT Bismarck) met in secret to discuss the situation. The Russian tsar came out and said peace was assured after, which pissed off Bismarck.

What was Bismarcks reaction after the war in sight crisis was resolved?

*became more careful towards France

*stopped claiming that there were anti-german catholic conspiracies.

*the league of emperors was weakened however, as it damaged German/Russian relations.