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17 Cards in this Set

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What are the time based departure seps?

  • T1, 45°
  • T2, 40kt
  • T5, higher level
  • T10

What are the provisos for T1, 45°? 1.

Used between takeoffs if the leading aircraft is of the same or faster performance.


What are the provisos for T1, 45°? 2.

Tracks are diverging by at least 45° immediately after take off.


What are the provisos for T1, 45°? 3.

Where the leading aircraft is to turn more than 90° action must be taken to ensure the departure track of the following aircraft does not cross the departure track of the leading aircraft.


What are the provisos for T1, 45°? 4.

May be used when the leading aircraft is slower provided the leading aircraft reports established on a track that diverges by at least 45° from the track of the following, prior to the following aircraft being cleared for take off.

Slower first

What are the provisos for T1, 45°? 5.

T1 shall not be used where both aircraft are to turn in the same direction and the angle of turn of the following aircraft is greater than the angle of turn of the leading aircraft.

Same direction turn

What are the provisos for using T2, 40kt? 1.

The leading aircraft will maintain a speed of 40 knots or more faster than the following aircraft.


What are the provisos for using T2, 40kt? 2.

Both aircraft propose to follow the same exact track or tracks that diverge by less than 45°.


What are the provisos for using T5, higher level? 1.

T5 while vertical separation does not exist if a departing aircraft will be flown through the level of a preceding departing aircraft.

What are the provisos for using T5, higher level? 2.

Both aircraft propose to follow the same exact track or tracks that diverge by less than 45°.


What are the provisos for using T5, higher level? 3.

Action must be taken to ensure that T5 is maintained or increased while vertical separation does not exist.


30° successive departure separation, leading aircraft same speed or faster, provisos. 1.

Initial departure tracks diverge by 30° or more; and

Initial tracks

30° successive departure separation, leading aircraft same speed or faster, provisos. 2.

Visual or radar observation confirms that:

  • the leading aircraft has turned to clear the proposed departure track of the following aircraft and adequate separation will exist, or
  • the leading aircraft has reached a point where adequate separation will exist with the following aircraft; and


30° successive departure separation, leading aircraft same speed or faster, provisos. 3.

The aircraft tracks will continue to diverge by 30° or more until some other form of separation exists; and

Continuing tracks

30° successive departure separation, leading aircraft same speed or faster, provisos. 4.

Aircraft performance, including the radius of turn of the following aircraft, is taken into account when applying the separation; and

Aircraft performance

30° successive departure separation, leading aircraft same speed or faster, provisos. 5.

Meteorological conditions, including wind direction and strength, are taken into account when applying this separation; and

Meteorological conditions

30° successive departure separation, leading aircraft same speed or faster, provisos. 6.

Where necessary, traffic information is passed to the following aircraft.

Traffic information