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93 Cards in this Set

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Restorative materials

Need to have stronger atomic bonds then the foods we eat

Elasticity is

Stress/strain the

The example of a physical property



Is a twisting force

Elasticity is an example of

Mechanical property

Nail polish has solvent properties and evaporates fast it is said to have

High vapor pressure

What is the force used to compress amalgam


Term given to the increase of stress around defects in a given object

Stress concentration

A failure within the bonding material


Orthophosphoric acid (enamel etch) is commonly used in a what concentration


Primary teeth need etched longer because

The enamel rods are less regularly arranged than on permanent teeth

Dentinal bonding system functions by way of

Micro mechanical bonding and secondary atomic bonds

Dentinal debri is also called the

Smear layer

Use of bonding does everything except

Retention of color

The adhesive mechanism of dentinal bonding system is a hybrid layer of

Resin and decalcified dentin

Polymers high coefficient of thermal expansion is what times greater then the tooth structure


Which coating serves to transfer stress from a weak component to a strong one

Silane coupling agent

What benefit do microfilled composites have over macrofilled

Smooth and lustrous polished surface

Chemical cure composites may

Incorporate air bubbles during mixing

Depth of the cure

The amount of composite threat is cured by the light source

Flowable composites have

Lower viscosity to aid in placement.

Hybrid composites are used in

Areas needing strength

Flowable composites have

Lower viscosity to aid in placement.

Hybrid composites are used in

Areas needing strength

Preventative resin restoration

A combination pit and fissure sealant and a composite

Flowable composites have

Lower viscosity to aid in placement.

Hybrid composites are used in

Areas needing strength

Preventative resin restoration

A combination pit and fissure sealant and a composite

Abrasion resistance for composite restorative materials is

Very good

Thermal expansion for microfilm composite restorative materials is considered


Which composite has the most filler by weight


Composite materials that polymerize using light activation

Are supplied as a single paste


Restorative material that releases fluoride and then sets like a composite

In microfilm composites

Polish ability is very good but strength is low

Alginate is

Easy to use

Irreversible hydrocolloid

Is a aqueous elastomeric

The brown paste used in a rubber base is the


A dental impression compound is known as a

Thermoplastic material

ZOE impression paste

Is a inelastic impression material


The setting of hydrocolloid impressions

Agar impression material is limited by

Need for special equipment


When alginate slightly contract and exudes water


When an impression absorbs water


Materials charictericstic of having a melting temperature different then gelling temperature

The impression tray used to record the prepared tooth, bite registration, and impression of opposing teeth is

Triple tray

Bite registration tray

Records the occlusal of both arches.


Sets by physical means

Agar, aliginate, and additional silcone

All set by chemical means

Gypsum a sutible accelorator followed by the sutible retarder is

Potassium sulfate and borax

Gypsum material known as high strength stone is also called

Improved stone

Final set time for gypsum is

30-45 minutes

When mixing dental stone 50 mg stone to

14-15 mL water

When access water is not present it in gypsum is known as the

Dry strength

Orthodontic band

Encircles the tooth and its radiopaque


A abrasive that looks grayish-black sand and is sometimes called “corundum”

Pumice is

Produced by a volcano and used in a laboratory and on restorative materials such as gold and amalgam


Abrasive used as a slurry to polish amalgam restorations and it is called calcium carbonate


The process of producing the final shape and contour of a restoration

Patients wearing a oral appliance at night have not shown a

Change in periodontal health

Flouride trays are recommended for

Adult patient undergoing head or neck radiation therapy

When taking maxillary impressions the right handed operator should be standing at


Example of a vehicle used with powder would be


During routine polish with pumice

3-4 um of flouride rich layer is removed

Recommended prophet paste comes in

High polish and low abrasion

Pumice is

Harder then enamel

Airpolish removes

Biofilm and stain

The most frequently used abrasive in dentifrice is


Diamond powder

Most commonly found in polishing agents for esthetic restorations

Someone with Tabacco stains, 2 gold crowns and composites should be polished with what combo

Traditional prophy paste, tin oxide, and a polish for esthetic restorations

OSA is ment to

Enlarge the airway and reduce collapsibility

Mixing time and set time for alginate

1 minute and 3-4 minutes

Additional silicone tray material is placed over syringe material and held in place for

5-7 minutes

Additional silicone material is best prepared

With two people

The tray adhesive used in the double putty wash technique should dry in the impression tray for

10 minutes

What mm depth of alginate should extend beyond the occlusal surface in a properly fitting tray?

2-3 mm

Why is beading wax added to the impression tray

To protect the tissue from injury.

Where would you place rope wax for a patient with a high vault.

The palatal portion

Aliginate impressions take

3-4 minutes to set

Gag reflex is triggered when

The posterior third of the tongue is touched.

What material is used to cover a fixed appliance so it doesn’t become locked in the impression

Rope wax

What material is used to cover a fixed appliance so it doesn’t become locked in the impression

Rope wax

Which impression should be taken first

Mandibles it builds patient familiarity and confidence

Alginate powder should sit how long after fluffing

30 seconds

The maxillary tray should be loaded from the


On which types of model is a restoration or appliance fabricated on


Plaster is known as type


Stone is known as type


What decreases the set time of a gypsum product

Addition of a chemical accelerator

When mixing adding powder to the water results in

Assured proper consistency

When hand mixing use a

Wiping motion not a whipping one.

The length from the start of a mix until it is semi hard is the

Initial setting time

The length from the start of a mix until it is semi hard is the

Initial setting time

The length until the mass becomes rigid is the

Final setting time