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12 Cards in this Set

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Music (n)


Is something that we can listen to it and it can change our feeling. Music is a serious of sounds made by instruments or voices in a way that is pleasant or exciting.


* fridge

Is something that is cold into it and is a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, shaped like a cupboard,used for keeping food and drink cool.



Is something that we can cook food in pots and pans, and is a piece of kitchen equipmen.

Washing machine or washer(n)

Is something that we can wash our clothes by it. Or is a machine for washing clothes.

Cabinet (n)


Is a piece of furniture with doors and shelves or drawers,used for showing things.



Is something that is a set of printed pages that are hold together in a cover so that we can read it and sometimes it has some pictures.

Kettle (n)


Is something that we can boil and pour water.

Is a container with a lid, a handle and spout,used for boiling and pouring water.

Television (n)


Is something that we can watch movies or programmes by it and is a piece of electrical equipment shaped like a box with a screen.



Is something that used for heating a room,or dry wet things, which works with burning wood,coal,oil or gas.



One of long fine things like treads that grows on our head or on other parts of our bodi. Our color hair can be black or brown but we can change its color like red,blond,gray etc



Is an instrument for writing or drawing with ink.



Is something that we can measure something or an instrument for measuring sth