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27 Cards in this Set

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What is a Connected graph?

When all pairs of vertices are connected

What is a Eulerian graph?

The degree of every vertex is of even order

What is a Hamiltonian Cycle?

Visits every vertex og a graph by only using the edges once. Dosent have to use all edges

For a network of n vertices how many edges in the min spanning tree?

n-1 edges in a minimum spanning tree

A complete graph with n vertices has how many edges?

A complete graph with n vertices is called Kn and has n(n-1)/2 edges

The number of Hamiltonian cycles in a complete graph with n vertices?

in a complete graph with n vertices (Kn) is 1/2(n-1)!

Bubble sort?

-Compare first two numbers

-Move one step forwards in the list and compare the two numbers

-Repeat Step 2 until the two numbers on the extreme right havebeen compared, this completes the FIRST PASS.

-SECOND PASS repeat Step 1 – 3 but no need to compare last 2 inthe list

Shuttle sort

-Compare first two numbers swap if necessary rewrite theremainder of the list

-Compare second and third number swap if necessary rewrite theremainder of the list. Now compare the first two numbers swap ifnecessary and re-write the list


For a list of n numbers the list will definitely be sorted after the (n-1)th pass

Maximum number of comparisons/swaps =


Shuttle can be more efficient than bubble as ‘pass’ stops when no swap needed.

Shell sort

divide list into n/2 sub-lists and shuttle sort each group

divide each sub-list into n/2 and shuttle sort.

continue until group size =1

Quick sort

-underline PIVOT value in list, box in pivot value in resorted list once boxed the value stays boxed until the end.

-Continue until none of the sublists have more than 2numbers (eg. No more than 1 unused value between pivots)

Chinese postman

Travels along every edge at least once before returning to the start in the minimum distance.

- list all of the odd nodes in the network

- List the different ways in which the odd nodes could be paired

- find the shortest distance for each of the pairs

- add to min spanning tree

travelling salesman (Lower bound)

- delete one of the vertices

-find a minimum spanning tree for the remaining vertices

-add to the spanning tree to weights of the two smallest edges from the deleted vertex

-the biggest answer is the best LOWER BOUND

travelling salesman ( Upper bound)

- choose a starting node

- join this node to the nearest node

- join your new node to the nearest node

– when youhave included all nodes

– join the last node you picked back to the start

basically prims

smallest upper bound is the best

travelling salesman (optimum solution)

You have found the optimum solution if Upper bound = Lower Bound

Finding the optimal solution in linear programing

- if maximising look for point further away from origin and objective line moves out of feasible region -if minimising look for point closest to origin

minimum num of edges on a connected graph?


max number of edges on a connected graph?


simple graph has 6 vertices with degree d

state possible values of d

stated d if eulerian

and d if connected




for a graph of k(n) can only be Eulerian

n is odd

the total number of edges of k(n)


if 40 of of x y and z have to be y whats the eqution


How to do a Minimum spanning tree on a tablr

If start at A find shortest distance from A and add. Find next shortest distance from already visited places and add

Explain why something can be described as a upper bound

Because the tour can be improved

If you need to use dijkstra with multiple start points what do you do?

End point is 0 and work from there

A simple graph with 10 vertices. What oder can the vertices be?

0 <<x <<9

For k (n) to be eulerian

N must be odd