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23 Cards in this Set

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1st step of Clinical Decision Making Model

Assessment of the client’s present level of function

2nd step of Clinical Decision Making Model

Organization, analysis and interpretation of assessment data

3rd step in Clinical Decision Making Model

Long-term and short-term goals

4th step in Clinical Decision Making Model

Development of treatment plan

5th step in Clinical Decision Making Model

Effective treatment of client

6th step in Clinical Decision Making Model

Ongoing data collection

7th step in Clinical Decision Making Model

Reassessment of the client and treatment plan

How are assessments used

1. Establishes a baseline of patient’s condition and functional status

2. Provides data to develop the treatment plan

3. Measure patient’s progress

4. Determine the need to revise or modify the plan of care

5. Measures attainment of goals

6. Provides data and information for use of other persons

Subjective information (2)

1. Medical record/family information

2. Pain, lifestyle

Objective information (5)

1. Observation

2. Palpation

3. Tests and Standardized Outcome Measures

4. Other reports/tests (e.g. x-rays, lab tests)

5. posture, vital signs, range of motion, sensory tests

Important data collection (4)

1. Further assessment needed by PT or OT

2. Change in treatment plan required

3. Client has questions that are beyond the PTA/OTA scope of practice and need to be answered by the PT, OT or other team members

4. Client raises concerns about treatment that need to be addressed by the PT, OT or other team members

Routine data collection (3)

1. Client status is stable or progressing as expected

2. Information gathered is within the normal range/expected values

3. Only routine monitoring by the PT or OT needed

What are outcome measures (7)

1. Standardized scales used to measure a specific aspect of disability and to track change in the client’s functional status over time

2. Developed using clinical research

3. specific instructions regarding administration and scoring

4. Usually administered, scored and interpreted by the PT or OT

5. May be administered and scored by the PTA/OTA

6. Tools that enable the PT or OT to assess the client’s function at baseline and as treatment proceeds

7. Include, but are not limited to change in client’s body structures/functions, activity limitations, participation restrictions, quality of life, activities of daily living

What is self report measures (4)

1. Usually a written questionnaire

2. The client is asked a series of standardized questions

3. Responses are collected from the client

4. Results are scored based on the client’s responses

What is performance based measure? (4)

1. The client has to physically perform a task or activity according to a series of standardized instructions

2. The administrator observes the client’s performance

Outcome measure properties (4)

1. Reliability

2. Validity

3. Responsiveness

4. Minimal clinically important difference (MCID)


How similar the results are regardless of who administers the test or when it is administered


The extent to which the scale measures what it intends to measure


The ability to detect change in patients' status over time

Minimal clinically important difference

The smallest change that makes an important difference to the client’s status

Role of PTA in outcome measures (5)

1. Examine research and literature related to outcome measures

2. Select appropriate outcome measures based on formal evaluation of properties in the scientific literature and relevance to the needs of the client/client group

3. Administer appropriate outcome measures

4. Interpret results of outcome measures

5. Use results to make changes to the treatment plan as needed

Role of PTA/OTA in outcome measures (3)

1. Help organize the delivery of services by ensuring that outcome measures are performed according to the schedule determined by the PT or OT

2. Administer outcome measures as assigned

3. Record results

Purpose of outcome measures in Physiotherapy

Many are used to evaluate the client’s level of disability, particularly in the areas of

-impairment (changes to body structures and functions)

-activity limitations