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35 Cards in this Set

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Barbillus uxōrem fīliumque habēbat
Barbillus had a wife and daughter
Plōtīna, uxor Barbillī, erat fēmina placida
Plotina, wife of Barbillus, was a calm woman
Rūfus, fīlus eōrum
Rufus, their son
erat iuvenis impiger
was an energetic young man
ad palaestram cum amīcīs saepe ībat
he often went to the exercise ground with his friends
in dēsertīs bēstiās ferōcēs agitāre solēbat
in the deserts he was used to hunting ferocious beasts
aliquandō cum paentibus contentiōnēs habēbat
sometimes he had arguments with his parents
sed parentēs Rūfī eum maximē amābant
but they loved him very much
Eupor, iuvenis Athēniēnsis
Eupor, an Athenian youth
erat amicus Rūfī
was a friend of Rufus
in urbe Alexandriā medicīnae studēbat
he was studying medicine in Alexandria
Eupor, postquam ad urbem Athēnās rediit
Eupor, after he returned to the city of Athens
mox epistulam scrīpsit
soon write a letter
in quā Rūfum parentēsque
in which Rufus and his parents [object]
ad nūptiās suās invītāvit
he invited to his wedding
Rūfus ad Graeciam īre valdē cupiēbat
Rufus very much wanted to go to Greece
sed Barbillus nāvigāre timēbat
but Barbillus was afraid to sail
quod hiems appropinquābat
because winter was approaching
sententiam astrologī rogāvit
he asked the astrologer’s opnion
`lūna Scorpiōnem intrat
the moon is entering Scorpio
tūtius est vōbīs domī manēre’
it’s safer for you to stay at home
Barbillus et uxor astrologō libenter crēdidērunt
Barbillus and his wife gladly believed the astrologer
sed Quīntus rem graviter ferēbat
but Quintus took the situation badly
saepe ad mātrem ībat, patrem dēplōrāns
he often used to go to his mother, complaining about his father
Rūfus Plōtīnae persuāsit
Rufus persuaded Plotina
sed patrī persuādere nōn poterat
but he wasn’t able to persuade his father
Rūfus et Plōtīna Barbilium domī relīquērunt
Rufus and Plotina left Barbillus at home
et ad Graeciam nāvigābant
and began to sail towards Greece
ingēns tempestās nāvem obruit
a huge storm overwhelmed the ship
Plōtīna in magnīs undīs periit
Plotina perished in the great waves
Barbillus, ubi dē naufrāgiō audīvit,
Barbillus, when he heard about the shipwreck
fīlium iterum vidēre nōlēbat
did not want to see his son again
Rūfus in Graeciā diū manēbat
Rufus stayed in Greece for a long time
sed tandem iter in Britaniam fēcit
but at last he travelled to Britain
ubi in exercitū Rōmānō mīlitāvit
where he served as a soldier in the Roman army