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28 Cards in this Set

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A group of four or more lines forming a division of a poem


A story, message or an idea the author is trying to communicate

Rhyme Scheme

The pattern of rhyming words in a poem. Using different letters of the alphabet for each new rhyme.

Ex. A, B, A, B



Using a object or a action that means something more than its literal meaning.

Ex. The phrase “a new dawn” beginning of a new day. Also signifies a new start at life


The repetition of the same consonant sound at the beginning of each word over several words together.

Ex The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew, And furrow followed free.


Repetition of similar vowel sounds within the stressed syllables of words to create a particular effect.

Ex. The bows glided down and the coast Blackened with birds took a last look.


The repetition of the same consonant sounds in a series of words in which the vowel sounds are different.

Ex. Humming and hammering at your ear.


When the sound of the word reflects its meaning.

Ex. Hiss, buzz, gurgle, bang


Melodious sound from smooth flowing metre or sentence rhyme. Words that are pleasant to the ear.

Ex. Ripple, come live with me and be my love.


“Bad Sounding”, discordant, jarring, unharmonious language.

Ex. Throats unslacked, with black lips baked


A comparison between two unlike things using the words like or as or than.

Ex. I snuggled in the grass like a bug basking in the sun.


A comparison between two unlike things without using the words like or as or than.

Ex. -I was on cloud nine!

- The train flew at lightening speed


Inanimate(not human) objects or ideas are given human qualities or actions.

Ex. The wind whistled, wailed, sobbed and whispered


A contradiction, most often two words or a short phrase.

Ex. Bittersweet


Addressing an abstract quality or a non- existent person as through it were present.

Ex. O Death, where is thy sting?

“Twinkle Twinkle little star. How I wonder what you are?”

Hyperbole (or overstatement)

An exaggerated statement is made.

Ex. My feet are killing me


Replacing the name of one thing with the name of something else closely associated with it.

Ex. “Between the cradle and the grave. “

The words cradle and grave in the last line signify birth and death.


A statement which upon first reading appears to be wrong. But upon further examination proved to be true/ correct.

Ex. The child is father of the man


A play on words. A writer creates a pun using a word that reminds us of other words of similar or identical sound but different denotation (direct meaning)

Ex. An elephant’s opinion carries a lot of weight.


Is when the arrangement of words create an audible pattern or beat when read out loud.

Ex. Cat, sat, hat


Is the meaning of a word as it is defined in the dictionary. A word can have several different denotations.

Ex. Snake- a limbless reptile with a long, scaly body


Additional implied meanings.

Positive and negative

Ex. Thrifty


- stingy, cheap, selfish


- dollar- wise

- careful spender

- smart shopper


Tone- is projected through poetic voice. Created through diction, rhythm, rhyme, and imagery

Ex. angry, playful, cheerful, sad, humorous


Is the atmosphere that the poem creates.

Ex. Romantic, gloomy, realistic


Refers to the choice of words the writer uses.


The five senses. Taste, touch, smell, hear, see


-Figurative Language, sound devices, Rhyme, Rhythm, Imagery, Tone/ Mood, Diction

What is Narrative Poetry

Narrative poems are poems that tell stories. There is a...

A beginning- which introduces the background to the story

A middle- which tells the action of the event

And a end- which concludes and summarizes the story