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35 Cards in this Set

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The act of breaking an atom.

If an atom gains an electron it will have negative charge.

If an atom loses an electron it will have a positive charge


An unbalanced atom

Electromagnetic radiation

The propagation of wave-like energy without mass space or matter.

Frequency and wavelength are inversely related

The Binding energy or binding force of an electron is

Determined by the distance between the orbiting electrons and the nucleus

An ion pair results when

An electron is removed from an atom


The emission and propagation of energy through space or a substance in the form of waves or particles.


The process by which certain unstable atoms or elements undergo spontaneous decay in an effort to obtain a more balanced nuclear state

True or false:

The orbiting show closest to the nucleus has the highest energy level



A component of the particle concept of electromagnetic radiation

Ionizing radiation

Radiation capable of producing ions by either adding or removing an electron.

May be classified as to whether it is particulate or electromagnetic radiation.

Particulate radiation

What is it? And what are the four kinds?

Tiny particles of matter.

Electrons, alpha particles, protons, neutrons.

Electromagnetic radiation capable of ionization


Control panel consist of 4 things. What are they

On and off switch,

indicator lights,

control devices for kilovoltage and milliamperage,

plug into electrical outlet

The extension arm has three functions what are they

Houses electrical wires

Allows movement and positioning

Suspends x-ray tube head


Two or more atoms joined together by chemical bond


Anything that occupies space and has mass. When matter is altered, energy results


Tiny negatively charged particles

Maintained in orbit by electrostatic force

Direct current

When electrons flow in one direction through a conductor

Alternating current

When electrons flow in two opposite directions


The conversion of alternating current into direct current


Made of protons and neutrons.


The fundamental unit of matter

Electrical currents

A flow of electrons through a conductor


The measurement of the number of electrons moving through a conductor


The measurement of electrical force that causes electrons to move from a negative Pole to a positive one



State the interaction

No interaction.

X-ray Photon passes through the atom unchanged and leaves the atom unchanged

State the interaction

Absorption of energy and photo-electric effect.Absorbed by the patient in radiopaque areas


Absorbed by the patient in radiopaque areas

30% of the 1%

State the interaction

Compton scatter.

When the X-ray photon is deflected from its path during Passage through matter.

62% of the 1%

State the interaction.

Coherent scatter.

When an x-ray Photon has its path altered by matter.

8% of the 1%


The speed of the wave


Used to increase or decrease voltage

General radiation

70% of the 1%

When a photon hits the nucleus

Produces more energy than characteristic radiation

Characteristic radiation

30% of the 1%

When a photon hits an electron

Two types of radiation

Particulate and electromagnetic