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48 Cards in this Set

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The brain and the spinal cord are lined by


Meninges has 3 layers

Dura matter


Pia matter

outer layer

Lines the skull and the vertebral canal "hard mother"

Dura matter

Filled with amentous (spider like) inner membrane


A thin membrane lining the surface of the brain and spinal cord

Pia matter

CSF is produced in the

Choroid plexus

CSF flows through the ____ which located between arachnoid and pia matter

Subarachnoid space

To maintain the volume circulating csf is reabsorbed back into the blood capillaries in the

Arachnoid granulations/ villae

The tight fitting structure of the endothelial cells in the choroid plexus is term

Blood brain barrier

CSF is routinely collected by

Lumbar puncture

3, 4 and 5th lumbar vertebrae

Things need to be considered before collecting an adequate amount of csf

Intracranial pressure and opening pressure

Order of tubes for CSF collection

1- chemistry and serology FROZEN

2- microbiology ROOM TEMP

3- hematology REFRIGERATED

4- other tests (microbiology and serology)

Intracranial pressure is measured by


Normal values of intracranial pressure

Adults - 90-180 mmHg

Children - 10-100 mmHg

Turbid or milky CSF indicates

Increase protein or lipid concentration and infection ( WBC)

If one tube is available (order of usage)

1 microbiology

2 hematology

3 chem and serology

Traumatic tap


Increase lipid


Contaminated with x ray media


Causes of xanthochromia






Introduction of plasma to fibrinogen in the CSF specimen

Clot formation

Clear traumatic tap

Clear supernatant

CSF WBC count is diluted with

3% glacial acetic acid

The most frequently performed chemical test on CSF

Protein or determination

Protein unique only on the CSF

tau protein

Not found in normal CSF





Beta lipoproteins

Techniques used for measuring total CSF protein

Principles of turbidity production or dye binding technique

Proteins that appear in the csf results to

Damage of the integrity of the blood brain barrier

Primary purpose of performing CSF protein electrophoresis

To detect oligoclonal bands (gamma region of protein electrophoresis)

2 or more oligoclonal bands and increase IgG index


Presence of myelin basic protien

Indicated recent destruction of myelin sheath

Low csf glucose


Markedly decrease csf glucose, increase wbc (lymphocytes)

Tubular meningitis

Markedly decrease csf glucose increase wbc (neutrophils)

Bacterial meningitis

Normal csf glucose increases wbc (lymphocytes)

Viral meningitis

Normal csf lactate

25 mg/dL

Csf lactate greater than 35mg/dl

Bacterial meningitis

Csf lactate level lower than 25mg/dl

Viral meningitis

Medium used from csf with patients with bacterial meningitis

Diphasic medium

Agar in diphasic medium

Charcoal starch agar SLANT

soybean-casein digest gelatin broth

Support grows of N. Meningitidis, S. Pneumonia, H. Influenzae

Grams stain and india ink stain used to detect what organism that causes fungla meningitis

Cryptococcus neoformans

Most preferable test for detecting the presence of cryptococcus neoformans

Latex agglutination test

Serological test used to detect neurosyphilis

Venerl disease reseach laboratories (VRDL)

Florescent treponemal antibody- absorption (FTA-ABS)

Detects gram negative bacteria endotoxin

Limulus amebocyte lysate

Indicative of tubercular meningitis

Pellicle formation

What bacteria shows starburst pattern in gram stain; halo india ink preparation

Cryptococcus neoformans

Non troponemal assay for Streptococcus agalactiae


Latex agglutination test and lateral flow assay is for the detection of what microgranism?

Cryptococcus neoformans