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26 Cards in this Set

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Attempting to show that a program or method is defective


To assume a defect in the program exists, and to find it and fix it

Clears Mode

Sets a parameter to the initial value of that type

Restores mode

Ensures each parameter ends a method with the same value it started with

Replaces mode

A parameter's value could be changed, but the method's behavior does not depend on the original value

Updates mode

The parameter's value might be changed, but the original value affects the method

Parameter modes

Indicate how a method could change the parameter

Parameter names in contracts stand for

Object values, not reference

Object type

The class from which the object comes

Interfaces can't have

Constructors or static methods

Constructors in classes

Not inherited, special notation super (...) needed

I2 extends I1. I2 is the...

Sub/child/derived interface

Declared type should be an...

Interface type


Java decides which method to use for any instance method based on the object type of the receiver


Annotation that must be used to override a class being extended or whose contract is from an interface being implemented


Rss --> channel --> title, link, description, 0+ item... item --> link or description


Properties of every xml node - has a label (tag or text), and if tag, has 0+ attributes

Height of an xml tree

Length of longest path

Size of an xml tree

Total number of nodes

Primitive type

Type built into java

Reference type

User-defined type, references an object, also called class type

Reference value

Memory address where an object is stored

Object value

Actual mathematical value of an object

Assignment operator

=, copies reference value

Immutable type

No method can change the value of the receiver

Mutable type

The value of the receiver (or some other argument of that type) may be changed by at least one method