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58 Cards in this Set

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3 goals for CIT

1-reduce conflict and help generate voluntary compliance

2. increase officer safety

3. provide optimal service for all segments of our population

mental health crisis definied

non- life threatening situation in which an individual is exhibiting extreme emotional disturbance or behavioral distress

Disability defined

-a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity of an individual,

-having a record of such an impairment, or

-being regarded as having an impairment

Mental disorder defined

a set of behavioral traits that found in persons with the disorder

-a label describing the traits but says nothing about the cause

-can indicate what behaviors are likely to be present

-the affected person cannot "just stop it"

People with disabilities are guaranteed equal access to government services through what federal act?

American disiabilities act


some characteristics that may be present in a person with schizophrenia may include

Delusions- hallucinations- disorganized speech- possible catatonia

when interacting with a person with autism it is best to utilize the following what practices?

Reduce Stimuli- use calm quiet and slow verbalization- utilize slow gestures- be patient for responses- avoid phrase that have more than one meaning- avoid physical contact- children are often drawn to bodies of water

Hallucinations defined

-Perceived experiences in the absence of a stimulus

-vivid and clear and not under control

-can include all senses

autism spectrum disorder refers to wide range of ____________ and __________.

Symptoms and severity

Delusions are defined as?

fixed beliefs that are difficult to change

1 Bizarre: clearly implausible

2 Non-Bizarre: Possible but no proof

the nine types of delusions

Persecutory: belief in external harm Grandiose: Belief in exceptional abilities - Erotomaniac: False belief another is in love with them- Jealous: Belief in betrayal of confidant- Nihilistic: Belief a major catastrophe will occur- Somatic: preoccupied with health/organ functions- Thought withdrawal: Belief thoughts are being removed- Thought insertion: belief thoughts are being introduced- Control: Belief one body/actions are controlled bye otheres

when interacting with a person with a psychotic disorder such as schizophrenia it is best to follow these practices-

Use empathy: recognize this is real to them

-Don't argue

- Don't demean or make fun of

-reduce stimuli

-Don't say you see their hallucinations or believe their delusions

3 major mood disorders




when interacting with a person with major depression it is best to utilize these practices-

be patient -- Build self worth and esteem

-- ask about suicidal ideation-- listen for what is important -- ask about drug use -- use empathy

mania or a "manic episode" is defined as

abnormally elevated mood and goal directed activity last for at least one week.

some signs of mania are?

Little sleep, inflated self esteem, talkative, flight of ideas, risk taking

when interacting with someone who is having a manic episode is best to utilize

Decreased stimuli

-- don't argue

-- speak: short calm quiet and slow

--- ask about medication

Bipolar disorder includes alternating periods of ______ ______ and ___________?

Mania and major depression

Personailty diorder is defined as

is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individuals culture is pervasive and inflexible has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time. and leads to distress or impairment

two most prevalent personalty disorders are:

1. antisocial

2. borderline

People suffering from antisocial personalty disorder consistently show no regard for ______ and _______ and _____ ignore the ________ and ______ of others

People suffering from antisocial personalty disorder consistently show no regard for ___Right___ and ___wrong____ignore the ___rights_____ and ___feelings___ of others

people suffering from borderline personality disorder may exhibit the following

- intense fear of abandonment

-may have difficulty tolerating being alone

-inappropriate anger, impulsiveness and frequent mood swings

antisocial people often what?

Violate the law

when interacting with a person with borderline personality disorder its best to follow these practices

-Minimize involvement with others. The smaller the audience for the drama and the faster the individual will deescalate.

-Avoid focus on suicidal ideation. Discussing or dwelling on these issues can escalate the situation.

-may exhibit dissociative symptoms or other personalities.

-showing to much concern or empathy can make the situation worse

Dementia is not a disease but a group of symptoms that affect _____, _______ and ____ severely enough to interfere with daily life.

Dementia is not a disease but a group of symptoms that affect __memory___, ___thinking____ and __social abilities__ severely enough to interfere with daily life.

excited delirium defined as

characterized by agitation, aggression, acute distress and sudden death, often in pre-hospital care setting. It is typically associated with the use of drugs that alter dopamine processing, hypothermia, and most notably, sometimes with death of the affected person in the custody of law enforcement.

Excited delirium is a ________________!

Medical attention should be sought __________.

Excited delirium is a ___Medical emergency____!

Medical attention should be sought ____Immediately______.

factors which increase the risk of an excited delirium episode

-Drug use

-fight and/or flight before or during the detention

-larger body mass

-preexisting medical conditions, notably heart problems

-use of OC or ECD

symptoms of excited delirium

-they may be pacing

-elevated body temperature

-display bizarre behavior

-exhibit violent and aggressive behavior

-resistant to pain

-high levels of both endurance and strength

To help reduce respiratory stress and the possibility of death due to excited delirium when restraining a subject an officer should avoid using methods such as ______ ______. These can limit a subject's ability to breath and place pressure of the diaphragm. Subjects should be allowed to ____ or ______ if possible to reduce this risk.

To help reduce respiratory stress and the possibility of death due to excited delirium when restraining a subject an officer should avoid using methods such as __Hog__ __tied__. These can limit a subject's ability to breath and place pressure of the diaphragm. Subjects should be allowed to _sit_ or __Stand___ if possible to reduce this risk.

when interacting with a visual impairment law enforcement should do what to identify themselves during a critical incident?

-offer the person the badge so they can feel it

-let the person hear the raido and call dispatch

prior to touching a person with visual impairment you should?

Tell the person you are going to touch them

you should care for a service aniaml as you would a _________ ____________.

you should care for a service aniaml as you would a _____Small__ _____Child_______.

What two questions may law enforcement officers ask to determine weather a dog is a service aniamal?

1. do u need an animal because of a disability

2.what task related to your disability has the animal been trained to do

when interacting with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing you should _______ the person and maintain ______ ______. If they do not respond to verbal commands gently _____ their shoulder or ______ your hand. Use ________ ______ and body language to communicate emotion.

when interacting with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing you should _Face_ the person and maintain ___eye ___ ___contact___. If they do not respond to verbal commands gently ___tap__ their shoulder or ___wave___ your hand. Use ____facial____ ____expression__ and body language to communicate emotion.

when communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing officers may a ______ to write upon for ordinary contacts but should utilize ______________ ________________ for more complex cases.

when communicating with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing officers may a _Notepad_____ to write upon for ordinary contacts but should utilize ____Translation____ ______services_____ for more complex cases.

when interacting with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing it is is best to utilize the following practices:


Officers should ____ assume individuals that do not move normally are intoxicated.

Officers should __NOT__ assume individuals that do not move normally are intoxicated.

wheelchair etiquette

talk face to face

sit down or squat

do not assume person needs help

The brain

______________:responsible for Analytical functions

___________: Responsible for emotional responses.

______________ responsible for survival functions.

1. neocortex

2. limbic

3. reptilian

Crisis is defined

a perception or experiencing of an event or situation, as an intolerable difficulty that exceeds the persons current resources and coping mechanisms

The ________ is often referred to as the "Reptilian Brain"


two common strategies to defeat the reptilian Brian Hijack in crisis situation are



1 breath

2 re-engage the Neocortex with analytical thought

When arriving on a scene officers should perform an assessment of the involved person answering three questions

1 can they see you?

2 can they hear you?

3 can they follow simple directions/ do they comply?

When responding to a call involving a person in crisis officers should remember to use T.A.C.T.

what does T.A.C.T. stand for?

T--one: your actions and demeanor

A--tmospher: consider surroundings
C--ommunication: can you effectively communicate
T--ime: slow things down do not rush

A person in crisis wants an officer to be a model of _______________ and ______________.

1 control

2 composure

___________ family members miss crucial signs of suicidal plans.

Many Times

Some factors that increase a person's risk for suicide are:

-substance abuse

-immediate access to firearm. explosives, ledge

-history of suicide attempts

-family history of suicide

-recent serious loss, death, job loss, loss of pets

-recently charged criminally or in a civil suit

some behavioral warning signs that a person is at risk for suicide are

-talks about it

-fascination with risk taking, weapons, and methods of self destruction

-giving things away

-uncharacteristic mood changes and isolation

-feels hopeless, helpless, and trapped

-changes in behavior or personality

-talk about giving up or throwing in the twoel

Suicide bye cop is defined as

when a suicidal person consciously engages in life threatening behavior to a degree that it compels a police officer to respond with deadly force

examples of hidden suicide

-vehicle accidents

-workplace accidents

-plane crashes

-parachute accidents

-drownings/boating accidents

-rock climbing/hiking falls

When responding to a call involving a person in crisis the essential points are the ABC's

what are the ABC

A-chieve contact

B-oil down essentials

C-onstructive action

the keys to safely resolving a call involving a person in crisis officer a D.B.E.A.T.

What does that stand for


B-back up

E-mpathy* (is your most effective tool)



officers detaining a person under protective custody provisions of title 47 must complete a ________ form and provide to a health care professional when the subject is delivered to the care facility.

officers detaining a person under protective custody provisions of title 47 must complete a ___MC-105_____ form and provide to a health care professional when the subject is delivered to the care facility.

officers have 4 appropriate responses to conclude an interaction with a person experiencing a crisis.

1 arrest

2 detain

3 release

4 refer

PTSD indicators are


To maintain good mental health officer should do the dollowing



___ % of suicides diagnosed with one or more mental disorder